Saturday, July 21, 2007

Cultural Show by YPD

Cultural show held by Young People for Development (

21st July 2007
At Gasolina, #56/58, Street 57, North of Boeung Keng Kang market,

YPD is an NGO which focuses on the education and encouragement of young
people to contribute to local, regional and world development through
innovation and shared ideas.

Young people from around the world (France, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines,
Laos, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Sweden to name a
few) will be collaborating to produce a show involving dancing, music and

The purpose of the event is to raise money for the local YPD team whilst
simultaneously building solidarity through intercultural
awareness, and of course have lots of fun at the same time!

It will be a fabulous evening, so make sure you join us!

Tickets will be on sale at Gasolina, or can be purchased on the door for $3.

[Thanks to Linda for news]

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