Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Special evening: screening and discussion




> Thursday, July 19 – 7pm

> French Cultural Center

> Free admission

> movies have english subtitles




Screening of short films realised by Delphine Million and Damien Artero during their project "Planète D."


« Planète D. is a volunteering world tour on the tandem bike with the camera at hand.

 what does it mean?

1. we cycle (clean, quiet, healthy, and utterly non discreet – just picture the 3 meters long tandem bike)

2. we volunteer with NGOs in different countries (at least for a month, trying to be really useful)

3. we film, and edit short videos to share our experiences and promote our partners' work (NGOs and associations) ».


It will be possible discuss with Delphine and Damien between each short film.


For more information: http://planete.d.free.fr/


Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge

218 rue Keo Chea (184)

Phnom Penh – Cambodge

Tel : 855 (0)23  213 124 / 125

Fax : 855 (0) 721 382


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