Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bophana Center: Cultural Events Program May-June 2007


Photography Exhibition
« People behind the products, Garment workers of Cambodia »
In partnership with Better Factories Cambodia, International Labour Office (ILO)
From Saturday May 26 to Friday June 15 2007
Open: Monday to Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Exhibition hall, Bophana Center

Soap Opera Screening « At the factory gates »
In partnership with Better Factories Cambodia, International Labour Office (ILO)
6 episodes in Khmer subtitled in English.
*Upon reservation only:
- Tuesday May 29 at 6 pm: Episode 1(24mn) & 2(23mn)
- Thursday May 31 at 6 pm : Episode 3(36mn) & 4(26mn)
- Tuesday June 5 at 6 pm: Episode 5(30mn) & 6(40mn)
- Thursday June 7 at 6 pm: Episode 1(24mn) & 2(23mn)
- Tuesday June 12 at 6 pm : Episode 3(36mn) & 4(26mn)
- Thursday June 14 at 6 pm: Episode 5(30mn) & 6(40mn)
Screening room Paris Eden Cinema, ground floor, Bophana Center.
All of the 6 episodes on LCD screen, every afternoon at 2pm from tuesday to saturday (during the
exhibition) in Bophana Center's hall.
Movie Screening « Modern Times » of Charlie Chaplin
*Upon reservation only:
- Saturday June 2 at 4pm
- Saturday June 9 at 4pm
- Saturday June 16 at 4pm
Screening room Paris Eden Cinema, ground floor, Bophana Center.
And still going on...
Documentary Screening « The paper cannot wrap up embers » of Rithy Panh
On request for groups, schools, NGOs…
And upon reservation only:
- Wednesday June 6 at 6pm (in Khmer subtitled in English)
- Wednesday June 13 at 6pm (in Khmer subtitled in French)
Archives consultation about Cambodia (from 1899 until now) in Hanuman database.
From Tuesday to Saturday: 2pm – 6pm for the public
From Tuesday to Friday: 8am – 12am for groups (upon reservation)
Archive consultation area, 1st floor Bophana Center.

Reservation at the reception of Bophana Center (#64 street 200 Okhnia Men, Phnom Penh) or with
Than Thanaren (research analyst) from Monday to Friday (8am-12am and 2pm-6pm), tel 092 605 127
or thanaren.than [via] bophana [dot] org
* Reservation is not guaranteed after 15 minutes late.

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