Thursday, May 31, 2007

Java Arts Presents: June Art/Cultural Events



Photography by Stephane Janin

> Opening Friday, June 1 from 6:30pm> Popil PhotoGallery

Talk with artist June 2 at 6:30pm; showing until June 30, 2007

DRAWINGS BY Chanintorn Plasai

> Opening Friday, June 1 from 6:30pm > Two Fish Gallery

CAMBODIAN JOURNAL by Valentina DuBasky

> Opening 6 – 9pm June 6 > Showing 6 June – 1 July > Java Café & Gallery

A portfolio of drawings of Cambodia since 1994, exhibited in the U.S. and Cuba. The Cambodian Journal is an album of drawings that traces a woman artist's journey living in Cambodia among survivors of the Khmer Rouge genocide that claimed over a million lives. The Cambodian Journal takes place between 1994, after the cease fire ended the long civil war and established a fragile democracy, and the first Cambodian national elections of 1998. Through her artwork, the artist bears witness to the trauma of war as well as the journey of recovery as seen through the visual observations of daily life. As Cambodians rebuilt their shattered communities, the artist discovered the resiliency of the human heart and learned that the grace of the Cambodian spirit thrives even under extraordinary circumstances.


> Opening 7th of June > Showing 8th to 30th of June > French Cultural Centre "Rotess Ploeung" means "train" in Cambodian... Stephane Janin was born in France in 1968. He has a masters in Cinema and Audiovisual studies and started photographing Cambodia in 1990.

"For Cambodia, I don't have much of Angkor temples pictures, or nice smily kids or nice dirty street kids sniffing glue, or orange monks with umbrellas, buffalos in rice fields, nice sunsets on the Mekong, I don't know much how to do these kind of pictures. I mostly work on other topics. I am not really concerned by making nice pictures but most of all keeping documenting this country with new views and eyes as I have been taking pictures here since the early 90ies and I try not to get bored doing this again and again. If you appreciate my sharing these works with you, then it's perfect..." --Stephane Janin


> Opening Friday, June 22 > Showing 20 – 27 June > Sala Artspace

Paintings, drawings and installation by Denise Scott. Denise's work lies somewhere between figuration and abstraction. By taking ready-made objects, found or purchased, and assembling them in unexpected ways, she displaces them changing their original meaning. The total image then relies on ideas of association or an evocation of other forms in our memory.

DENIS MIN-KIM, Paintings and drawings

> Opening Thursday, June 28 > Hotel De La Paix, Siem Reap


> Opening Saturday, June 30 > Khmer Arts Academy and Sala Artspace

4 – 7pm Saturday, June 30th, the public is invited to explore a series of sculptures, videos and installations prepared on the bucolic grounds of the Khmer Arts Academy's pavilion-style theater in Takhmao (11 kilometers south of Phnom Penh city center—maps will be available at Sala Artspace, Java Cafe and online at At 5pm two performances will be made by the Khmer Arts Ensemble featuring both an ancient and modern piece. The "after-party" from 7pm on at Sala Artspace will be the opening of an exhibition featuring some selected pieces from the artists as well as photos and videos of the project.



> From Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th of June > French Cultural Centre Cinema

Organised by « Conservation Internationale », the purpose of the festival is to communicate to a wide audience, especially young Khmers, the work being done to promote the sustainability of Cambodia's natural envi-ronment. An award – the Golden Arowana - will be presented to the most popular film as decided by an audience vote.


> From 14th to 20th of June > Cinema of the French Cultural Centre

Organised by The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Cambodia and the French Cultural Centre in Cambodia.

This third edition of this festival will features movies, documentaries made or about refugees. The purpose of this event is to get the public acquainted with refugee issues.


> June 16, 17 > Meta House and Sala Artspace

Series of films from international filmmakers to be screened at the two locations on the weekend of the 16th and 17th of June. Details and schedule to be announced. More info at, contact: Jason Rosette,


> Wednesdays at 8pm > Scandinavia Hotel

  1. • JUNE 6th : "THE BAD SLEEP WELL" Directed by Akira Kirosawa
  2. • JUNE 13th: "GUMMO" Directed by Harmony Korine
  3. • JUNE 20th "EVEN DWARVES STARTED SMALL" Directed by Werner Herzog
  4. • JUNE 27th "HEARTS AND MINDS" The academy award winning Viet Nam documentary Directed by Peter Davis



> From Wednesday 13th to monday 25th of June

13rd of June - Chaktomuk theatre (to confirm): Pokemon Crew, one of the most titled crew in the world in the battle circuit (hip hop tour-nament).

21st of June - Street Keo Chea (184) (to confirm): Many Cambodian and French artists will perform concerts. High Tone, for example, is a French electro band. Their music is the alchemy of three key elements: 70's dub, electronic music and ethnic music; a dub sub-merged in the jungle, somewhere between India and Tibet.

22nd of June : You play music, you belong to a band, you would like to make a concert? The French Cultural Centre offers you this opportunity, on Friday 22 June evening, where you could show your talent in playing in few bars of Phnom Penh. To organize this big musical event, please let us know your interest before the 15th of May!!!

Contact: Benjamin Genissel French Cultural Centre - 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh Phone: 023 721 212 (khmer) 012 875 074

22nd to 25th June - Raffles Hotel Le Royal: "Vis à vis" is a classical festival organised in collaboration with the German embassy in Cambodia and the Foundation for the Advancement of Western Classical Performing (FAWPC).

Some concerts will take place in many places all over the city. More information will come soon.


Wat Painting in Cambodia

Exhibition and Book Launch

Reyum Gallery

People Behind the Products: Garment Workers of Cambodia

Photography by Livingston Armytage

Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center

Until June 15

Free & Easy

Paintings on gay culture by Ouer Sokuntevy

Salt Lounge

Nowhere Fast

Photographs of Siberia by Andrew Pope

SCAN Gallery at the Scandinavia Hotel


ALTER COLLECTIVE: a group that meets monthly to get handed assigned art projects which are then shown the following month in a group exhibit in a special ALTER COLLECTIVE section of the SCAN Lower Gallery floor. Those interested in joining the ALTER COLLECTIVE should contact or via phone at 092791449

In PDF format: June07eventsJavaarts.pdf

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Career Forum Cambodia

Career Forum Cambodia

June 1, 2007 from 9am to 9pm
June 2, 2007, from 8am to 6pm

National Cultural Center (Behind BBU; Opposite New National Assembly)

For more information:
Hotline: 012 345 819 or 016 655 450

(thanks to KH for info).

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Word Up:PNH

Word Up:PNH

poetry + music + performance

invited writers + open mic

Word Up Penh
Great news, poetry and performance lovers!

Word Up:PNH is shaking some action again this Wednesday, 30th of May at Talkin to a Stranger.

Focusing on poetry, music and spoken word performance, Word Up:PNH is open to all interested writers, musicians and performance artistes.

Featuring an eclectic mix of invited literary luminaries combined with an open mic section, Word Up:PNH promises more intellectual stimulation than you can poke a synapse at.

If you are interested in becoming a Word Up:PNH feature artist in any of the lyrical disciplines, call plastic b on 012 695 188, or roll up to Talkin to a Stranger early on Wednesday night to sign up for our open mic session.

May the muse be with you,
Plastic B

wed 30 may * 8pm * free entry

Talkin to a Stranger

No.21 St.294 for more info call plastic b: 012 695 188

Friday, May 25, 2007

Word Up Phnom Penh Wed 30th

Word Up at Talkin to a Stranger will take place on Wednesday 30th of May, 8pm.

Fw: Opera singing

Friday night opera singing by Spiderman - 7 pm Barista Cafe, Street 215 # 146EO

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bophana Center: Cultural Events Program May-June 2007


Photography Exhibition
« People behind the products, Garment workers of Cambodia »
In partnership with Better Factories Cambodia, International Labour Office (ILO)
From Saturday May 26 to Friday June 15 2007
Open: Monday to Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Exhibition hall, Bophana Center

Soap Opera Screening « At the factory gates »
In partnership with Better Factories Cambodia, International Labour Office (ILO)
6 episodes in Khmer subtitled in English.
*Upon reservation only:
- Tuesday May 29 at 6 pm: Episode 1(24mn) & 2(23mn)
- Thursday May 31 at 6 pm : Episode 3(36mn) & 4(26mn)
- Tuesday June 5 at 6 pm: Episode 5(30mn) & 6(40mn)
- Thursday June 7 at 6 pm: Episode 1(24mn) & 2(23mn)
- Tuesday June 12 at 6 pm : Episode 3(36mn) & 4(26mn)
- Thursday June 14 at 6 pm: Episode 5(30mn) & 6(40mn)
Screening room Paris Eden Cinema, ground floor, Bophana Center.
All of the 6 episodes on LCD screen, every afternoon at 2pm from tuesday to saturday (during the
exhibition) in Bophana Center's hall.
Movie Screening « Modern Times » of Charlie Chaplin
*Upon reservation only:
- Saturday June 2 at 4pm
- Saturday June 9 at 4pm
- Saturday June 16 at 4pm
Screening room Paris Eden Cinema, ground floor, Bophana Center.
And still going on...
Documentary Screening « The paper cannot wrap up embers » of Rithy Panh
On request for groups, schools, NGOs…
And upon reservation only:
- Wednesday June 6 at 6pm (in Khmer subtitled in English)
- Wednesday June 13 at 6pm (in Khmer subtitled in French)
Archives consultation about Cambodia (from 1899 until now) in Hanuman database.
From Tuesday to Saturday: 2pm – 6pm for the public
From Tuesday to Friday: 8am – 12am for groups (upon reservation)
Archive consultation area, 1st floor Bophana Center.

Reservation at the reception of Bophana Center (#64 street 200 Okhnia Men, Phnom Penh) or with
Than Thanaren (research analyst) from Monday to Friday (8am-12am and 2pm-6pm), tel 092 605 127
or thanaren.than [via] bophana [dot] org
* Reservation is not guaranteed after 15 minutes late.

As PDF file:

Tag: ,,

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

LBC, Seattle

For overseas readers -


Cambodian Stories Revisited

Eiko & Koma with Charian and Peace
Cambodian Stories Revisited
Presented in association with the Asia Society
May 24-27, 2007. [Thu-Sun] at 8.30 pm
In the graveyard of St Mark's Church
131 East 10th Street at 2nd Avenue (Manhattan, New York City)
Free Admission. No reservations.
In the St. Mark's graveyard, Eiko & Koma revisit Cambodian Stories, their memorable collaboration with nine young Cambodian painters-turned-performers. This outdoor version is a quartet with Eiko & Koma and the two youngest of the original cast, Charian (age 17) and Peace (age 18). Paintings by their fellow Cambodian artists will be exhibited.
For more information and weather cancellations, call 212-674-8194 or visit
Delicious Movement Workshop by Eiko & Koma.
May 17th & 18th, 2-5 pm at Danspace Project St. Mark's Church.
No Dance Experience Necessary.

TheaterSports Workshop!!


Always wanted to find and try out how TheaterSports works?
Here is your chance:
Saturday, 26 May 2007.. from 3.00 to 5.00pm..
Workshop by the world renowned Sebastian Blockley

@ International School of Phnom Penh
#158 Norodom Blvd. - Secondary Auditorium

...if you can can't make it please forward it to possible theatersports lovers..

TheatreSports Workshop

FREE! For those who want to brush up of TheatreSports
before ISPP's Battle of the TheatreSports.

For all you TheatreSports lovers out there.. ISPP's PR Group is hosting a Battle of the TheatreSports that will be open to ANYONE (parents, teachers, students)... just buy your tickets at the door.

Interested in competing?
You're in luck, this is also open to anyone.
All you have to do sign up for this FREE workshop which will be on the 26th of May from 3pm until 5 pm.
(You can sign up by emailing or ISPP students can sign up in Ms. Rita's Office in the Library).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Recycled Fashion Show

rubbish optimized final

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bophana Newsletter

Bophana Audiovisual Resource Centre
At the beginning of the year, through the Franco-Khmer senatorial friendship group presided by Mrs. Catherine Tasca, the Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center received a grant from the French Senate to support the management of new series of cultural activities.
We would like to thank them.
In March, we had the pleasure of welcoming the Franco-Khmer senatorial friendship group delegation to the Center. Our team gave them a personal visit of the Center with a focus on the consultation space, and showed them the different programs and future projects we are working on. The delegation was impressed with the work we have done and considers that, "the Center is an honorary example for Cambodia and of Franco-Khmer cooperation."
We also welcomed the French Senator Michel Charasse who was visiting Cambodia to oversee a financial and accounting assessment of the French Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire (Priority Assistance Fund) "Support to the cultural sector strengthening", of which the Bophana Center is one the main achievements.
W H E R E  A R E  W E ?
- A new video editing training has been organized. This program follows the Centre Bophana's policy to transfer competences from French specialists to Cambodian interns. The classes, that began in early April, cover both the technical aspects of and theory behind editing, through an approach that includes art history and film analysis.
-  As part of our project to create a production department that welcomes foreign filmmakers, a consultant appointed by the French Development Agency (AFD) has come to assess the feasibility of the project. This department will work towards attracting film directors and producers to Cambodia, which will in turn help to develop the audiovisual field and create opportunities for on-site training for young technicians.
- The Bophana Center is a feature on the European television station, Arte. In March, a crew from the channel spent a week at the Center to make two reports, shown in the series "Autrement vu" ("Otherwise Seen") on the program ARTE Reportage (ARTE Reports). Following the daily work of the center, these reports highlight the archival and audiovisual departments of the Center.
-The Bophana Center organizes its first public screenings. Throughout the month of May, we will be screening Prachea Komar, directed by His Majesty Norodom Sihanouk, and Le Papier ne peut pas envelopper la braise (Paper Cannot Wrap Embers), directed by Rithy Panh, in the Paris Eden Cinema room.
- From May 25 to June 15, the Bophana Center will host a new photography exhibit to accompany the program Better Factories Cambodia of the International Labour Office (ILO), which highlights the workers' world in the garment factories of Cambodia. In conjunction, the six episodes of a soap opera produced by Better Factories Cambodia with the same theme will be screened.
- The Café Bophana opens its doors. Beginning May 25, in the exhibition hall, the Café will offer drinks and pastries from Tuesday though Saturday from 11:30 am to 6:00 pm. Tasting events will soon follow.
- Using sound to transmit memory
After the successful installation of a sound studio at the Bophana Center, we can begin training Cambodian technicians to use the equipment.
A first approach to the production of an audio documentary. Thanks to a workshop organized by a team from France Culture (three instructors specialized in sound recording, directing, and production), five young Cambodian interns from the Bophana Center were given a weeklong preliminary introduction in March.
They learned to use a portable recorder Nagra (an analog model, that can play archived reels, has been generously offered by France Culture), and to record and edit interviews. They emphasized in particular the directing of reports through practical application.
- Recording the memories of the painter Van Nath.
This preliminary training gave us the opportunity to begin recording the memories of Van Nath, who documented through his paintings the conditions during his detention in the Tuol Sleng prison under the Khmer Rouge regime. The Center's goal is to record an entire audio testimony of his autobiography before 2007. With the France Culture team, the interns were able to establish the frame and to record the first fifteen minutes.
- Continued training.
The recording of Van Nath's memories and the training (for two of the five interns) will continue over the next four months thanks to the assistance of a new French volunteer, a sound engineer who just arrived to the Bophana Center. This project's main activity will be to oversee the dubbing of the audiovisual documents in the database into Khmer to make them accessible to the largest number of people. The two Cambodian interns will be trained not only for this project, but also to process audio archives.
Tel : +855 (0) 92 685 301
Email : arpaa [via]
Tel : +33 (0) 6 09 56 62 52
Email : aadac [via]

Friday, May 11, 2007

World Fair Trade Day – Cambodia

World Fair Trade Day – Cambodia

Date: Saturday 12th May
Time: 7.30am – 12midday
Venue: National Cultural Centre – across from the Buddhist Institute, behind
Build Bright University Building.
Cost: Free! (Food and water available for purchase)

About WFT day:
Each year more than 300 organisations from 70 countries around the world
participate in celebrations, fashion shows, Trade Fairs, exhibitions etc.
The aim of World Fair Trade Day is to raise awareness of the aims of Fair
Trade (explained below). It happens every year on the second Saturday in
May - this year it is on Saturday May 12th.

What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local
sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in
developing countries like Cambodia.

Fair Trade means that people in developing countries, like Cambodia, get a
fair price for their goods from the people in the Western world.

Fair Trade helps to tackle poverty, it gives a fair wage to people, and the
opportunity to feed their families effectively.

more of the money that people in developed countries like USA or UK pay for
fair trade goods goes directly to the producer so it can be used as well for
community improvement projects as well as for salaries so there's things
like schools and other community projects associated with fair trade.

Seeks greater equality in international trade. It contributes to
sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and
securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers.

Event Details:
The celebration and information day in Phnom Penh will consist of:
Fair Trade themed performances by Sovanna Phum – a Khmer drama and music
Live music performance by – Master Kong Nai
Information booths with video screenings, producer stories and FT
information translated into Khmer
FT games for all ages
Sewing of a giant Kromar
Speeches by dignitaries, international representatives, and local
producers – all surrounding the themes of Fair Trade.

This year is particularly special as it is the first time Cambodia will join
in the celebrations to recognize the achievements of Fair Trade.

Producer groups – Giant Kromar:
1 metre by 1 metre square material sign with your organisations name on it.
You can use any type of material (reed, bamboo, cotton, silk), any extra
decorations (sequins, buttons, sparkles), The key is to be VERY creative and
try to make your organisation stand out!
(more information attached)

European Film Festival



12.00am: Mother of mine, Finland, by Klaus Härö

02.00pm: Right Now, France, by Benoît Jacquot

04.00pm: Respiro, Italy, by Emanuele Crialese

06.30pm: Bye Bye Blackbird, by Robinson Savary


For further information, don"t hesitate to see www.



Festival presented by the Embassies of the European Union Member States and the Delegation of European Commission to the Kingdom of Cambodia in collaboration with the French Cultural Centre.


From 9 to 19 May at the French Cultural Centre

N° 218, street Kéo Chea (184) PHNOM PENH

Monument Books now online. Congratulations!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

World Fair Trade Day

World Fair Trade Day. 7.30am-12noon.
National Cultural Centre. FREE.
Includes live performances, questions to

vernissage exposition / exhibition opening

Centre Culturel Français du cambodge
si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information ci-dessous, cliquez ici
if you can't see the newsletter click here

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007
Site web du CCF :


  "Phnom Penh, Angkor, Bangkok, Téhéran, etc..." par Pascal Monteil  

> vernissage le 10 mai - 18h30
> Exposition : du 11 mai au 3 juin 2007
> Hall d'exposition du ccf


"L'exposition qui vous est présentée est composée de 24 images réalisées au Cambodge, au Japon, en Chine, Thaïlande, Vietnam, Inde, Bangladesh et Iran. Il s'agit parfois de simples prises de vues et parfois de montages photographiques où les personnages photographiés à Phnom Penh se promènent dans un décor composite d'images provenant de Chine et d'Inde… et inversement dans un décor du nord du Cambodge où se promènent des bengalis… Je vois l'Asie du XXI ème siècle comme un immense réseau fluide et organique où tout circule. Mes images mentales, de même, circulent d'un lieu à l'autre."

Pascal Monteil .

  "Phnom Penh, Angkor, Bangkok, Téhéran, etc..." by Pascal Monteil  


> opening: Thursday, March 10 - 6.30pm
> Exhibition : From May,11 to June,3
> French Cultural Center


This exhibition is composed of 24 pictures from Cambodia, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh and Iran. This French photographer is not just content photographing people and places. He mixes, matches, fudges and juxtaposes images to create a montage, opens the core and reveals their multiple layers. For exemple, people from Phnom Penh will walk in front of a landscape from China or India.


No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCf, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Weekend of Cambodian Circus

Weekend of Cambodian Circus

A full evening of Cambodian traditional circus!

Featuring artists of the National School of Fine Arts

Saturday and Sunday, May 12 and 13 2007 at 6pm
Chenla Theater

Tickets riel 3,000, available at Chenla Theater.

ASEAN Business

Latest Issue at:



Welcome All,
First I want to thank you all for
adding your energy to the "Nowhere Fast" opening and
making the evening a huge success. Some of you bought
pieces which I'm certain you'll never regret as they
are luscious works of art and I'm already regreting
the day they come down. I'm very thankful that Andrew
agreed to show here and feel proud that he is part of
an evolution that seems to be heading in positive

Just a reminder that tonight is Movie night here at
the SCAN GALLERY and if luck is with us there'll be no
rain at 8PM. If it does rain maybe we we will all
squeeze into one of our larger rooms and make a real
party of it. Tonight ( WED. MAY 9th ) Film is -
An unreleased documentary by a major motion picture
studio. The true story of a 60 plus year old female
truck driver who purchases a 50 million dollar Jackson
Pollack painting at a yard sale for $5.00.
Come watch this hilarious journey as a group of art
experts from around the world attempt to prove and
disprove the provenance of her find.

Lets hope we don't get rained out , if we do I'd
imagine there will be some rounds of drinks to make up
for it.

I've already sent some of you an ALTER COLLECTIVE
notification but might be sending it again to some who
did not receive it so I appologize in advance if this
ALTER communication comes to you a second time. That's
all for now.
Huge Kindness sent your way
Eric Weisman

Wat Painting In Cambodia

In 2001, Reyum Institute started a research project on paintings in Wats (Buddhist temples). The aim of the project was to photograph the mural paintings found in most Wats in Cambodia as well as collecting data about the temples through interviews. San Phalla, who just graduated from the Department of Archaeology in Phnom Penh, was the first researcher to conduct the field research. Because most of temples tend to replace old paintings by recovering them with new ones, or simply knocking down the buildings themselves, we were faced with the urgency to document as many temples as possible instead of studying each of them in details. Thus we could not study each of them in details.
For more than six years, from 2001 to 2006, San Phalla and other fellow young researchers Tho Pisey, Thon Sopheak visited more than 600 Wats in all over Cambodia and took over 20,000 photographs of temple paintings along with brief notes on each temple. Our choice to document prove to be a good one as today several temples we surveyed have been knocked down and replaced with new structures without any documentations.
Most paintings found in Wats depict Buddhist themes such as Buddha's last life before entering the Nirvana, or his previous lives, known as Jataka (ten last previous births). But more specifically, there are also scenes from the Reamker (Khmer version of the Ramayana) as well as popular themes such as local folktales.
In 2004, when we started to review the collected data, we came to realize that not only we should organize it so that it can be accessed and used by scholars and the general public, but also the idea of compiling a book and mounting an exhibition based on the photographs came along. The book and exhibition would raise awareness about the topic among the general public. And it is our hope that the data we collected so far would contribute as a resource for further research and advance our understanding of Cambodian culture.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude to all those who have given us supports and encouragement. We wish to thank also the Toyota foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation, the Prince Claus Fund for their financial support to this project.

Curatorial conception: Ly Daravuth, Preap Chanmara
Researcher: San Phalla
English Translation: Siyonn Sophearith
Research and Documentation: "Wat Painting in Cambodia"
Conception: Ly Daravuth and Ingrid Muan
Researchers: San Phalla (2001-2006), Tho Pisey (2001), Thon Sopheak (2002-2005)
With the support of:
The Toyota Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
The Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation
REYUM Institute of Arts and Culture
#47, Street 178 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel/Fax: (855) 23 217 149

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Let's Get Trashed

Trash Party @ Java Café
Thursday night, May 10
In support of the Mode Samram fashion show by The Rubbish Project (happening
at Elsewhere on May 18th), Java is displaying unique artwork, lights and
fashions made from trash

Special presentation at 6pm by CSARO (Community Sanitation and Recycling

More info:,

The aim for The Rubbish Project is to raise awareness of environmental
issues in Cambodia, and the purpose of the fashion design competition, which
we have called "Bonghain Mode Khao Ao Stung Sangker".

We have named it after the Stung Sangker River and are thinking this year a
lot about water pollution in Cambodia. Each entry of fashion design will be
made from rubbish or found objects of any kind. So far we are happy we have
a very varied group of participants, among them is the staff of Rajana
Association of Cambodia ( and clients of the Cambodian
Women's Crisis Centre ( Some local artists and expatriates
also are entering, including some young people.

Our inspiration came from a similar New Zealand competition called Trash to
Fashion which has been running for about 10 years there.
-- Fleur Bourgeois,

Also on Thursday in Siem Reap at The Art House

Brick Party

Brick party

Opening May 10

Art Opening May 10

Dear Friends,

The Art House would like to invite you to the opening of a new exhibition
on Thursday May 10th 7-8.30pm

Three contemporary Khmer artists
Svay Ken
Tor Vutha
We hope you can join us

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Turning of Tides Exhibition

The Art2Healing Project (in cooperation with AFESIP Cambodia and Phoenix Institute of Victoria) opened an exhibition today (May 05) of art and stories of trafficked women in Cambodia, at Boddhi Tree Restaurant.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Muse Cafe

wireless internet, food and music to taste.
#16 Street 506, near the Russian market.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

CCF program May and June

Veuillez trouver en piece jointe le programme du Centre Culturel Français de Phnom Penh, pour  les  mois de mai et juin (au format pdf)
Rendez-vous du mois de mai :  
Here is the program of the French Cultural Center in Phnom Penh for the months of May and June ( see the attached file "ccf-english.pdf"  for english langage and "ccf-français-khmer.pdf" for french and khmer language")
Event in May :
"Les rendez-vous de l'emploi"
"Métiers de la santé : être médecin au Cambodge  ?"
> Mercredi 02 mai 2007 / Wednesday, May 2
> Cinéma du CCF / French Cultural Center
> 18h30 / 6.30pm
Plus d'informations dans le fichier en piece jointe / For more information, open the attached file
"Phnom Penh, Angkor, Bangkok, Téhéran, etc..."  par Pascal Monteil
> vernissage le 10 mai - 18h30 / opening : Thursday, May 10 - 6.30pm
> Exposition : du 11 mai au 3 juin 2007 / exhibition from May,11 to June, 3
> Hall d'exposition du CCF  / French Cultural Center
Plus d'informations dans le fichier en piece jointe / For more information, open the attached file
Festivals de Cinéma
4e Festival de Cinéma de l'Union Européenne
> Du 8 au 19 mai / 8 - 19 may
> Cinéma du CCF / Cinema of the French Cultural Center 
> Entrée gratuite dans la limite des places disponibles sauf pour la soirée du  8 mai ou l'accès sera limité aux détenteur d'une carte d'invitation / entrance is free of charge, except the offical opening on 8 May, when entrance is by invitation only
Plus d'informations dans le fichier en piece jointe / For more information, open the attached file
Tep Sodachand
> Jeudi 31 mai - 18h30 / Thursday, May 31 - 6.30pm
> Cinéma du ccf / Cinema of the French Cultural Center 
> Gratuit / billets à retirer avant le 28 mai à l'accueil du CCF
/ free admission / tickets availables (for free) at the front desk of the French Cultural Center until  May, 28
Plus d'informations dans le fichier en piece jointe / For more information, open the attached file
Une sélection de films / a selection of movies, some  in  english or with english subtitles:
Cycle « enfance du Sud » :
Ali Zaoua, prince de la rue, En attendant le bonheur, La petite vendeuse de soleil, L'histoire du chameau qui pleure   
Cycle « la guerre des tranchées  » :
Joyeux Noël, Un long dimanche de fiançailles
Cycle « nouveautés du cinéma français »
Vers le sud, Sauf le respect que je vous dois, Narco, Les bronzés 3, amis pour la vie 
Ciné Jeunesse :
Tarzan, L'Ours, Les aventures de Blake et Mortimer, L'avion, Le monde de Nemo, Poil de carotte, Kiki la petite sorcière, Jeux interdits
horaires et résumés dans le fichier en piece jointe / For more information, open the attached file

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail : 

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Fw: Flow--exhibition opening at Sala Artspace

Flow, Pich Sopheap, Sculpture/installation
DJ and free punch!

Contact: Dana Langlois, or Pich Sopheap,

How to find us:
339E2 Sisowath Quay
On the riverfront, north of FCC, find the internet shop called MEKONG WEB
(in between Cantina and Frizz).
Please enter through the internet shop and proceed up the stairs to the top
floor-the view is worth it!
If you have trouble please call: 012 506 873


For the last two years I have been making sculptures in a studio on the bank
of the Beoung Kak Lake. My works are inspired by handmade traditional
fishing tools which I have found further inspiration for by living on the
lake and discovering the life in it and around it.

When I heard that Beoung Kak Lake was leased to a developer to be filled
with dirt, I was compelled to create a new work to symbolize my relationship
to it. I set out to make a large sculpture that is inspired by both the
morning glory 'islands' and the undulating ripples of the water it lives on.

At this time of year, the morning glory has practically filled the surface
of the water. Like a living organism it moves and adapts to the water, the
environment and the farmers-at times they appear as islands and others like
an animal skimming the surface.

The value of morning glory is very low and exists without much consideration
although it is one of the main vegetables consumed in Cambodia. The farmers
who make a living from this aquatic weed take on the qualities of their
produce: adaptive, quiet and ignored. It is this connectivity and the flow
of the life-cycle that I bring to my work, reflected in the humble
techniques of Cambodian fish farmers of rattan-weaving.

--Pich Sopheap, May 2007

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.