Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lakhaon Yike by Amrita Performing Arts

Amrita Performing Arts is pleased to present a new creation of "Lakhaon Yike" traditional Cambodian music theater.  This ancient theater form has been updated in this production of "A Miserable Village" to 1925 colonial Cambodia based on a 1964 novel of the same title.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 11 - 13, 6pm at the Chenla Theater, opposite the Intercontinental Hotel.

Tickets riel 2,000 available at the door or contact 016-944005 for advance or group sales.

Directed and performed by artists from the National School of Fine Arts.

Presented with English titles.

This new production has been made possible through support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Greg and Liz Lutz Family Foundation.  The original concept was developed by students of RUFA and the NSFA through support from the Cambodian Artists Project through LINC - Leveraging Incentives in Creativity, USA.

PLEASE NOTE that Amrita Performing Arts has moved to a new location.  Our new address is indicated below; we are located four blocks behind the Ministry of Tourism.

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Thank you for your support!

Fred Frumberg

Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No. 51, Street 113
Bang Prolit
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel        (855 23) 220424
Fax       (855 23) 220425
Cell       (855 12) 974271

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