Thursday, July 06, 2006

Neang Kakei

From Amrita Performing Arts:

We are pleased to announce three performances of Lakhaon Bassac, Cambodian Opera Theater: "Neang Kakei" - a revised version of a production staged earlier this year, performed by the artists of the National School of Fine Arts.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 7 - 9,
6:00pm at the Chenla Theater, opposite Hotel Intercontinental.  Tickets riel 2,000 available at Amrita Performing Arts No. 241, St. 63 between Boeung Keng Kang Market and Mao Tse Tong Boulevard or at the door. 

Presented with English sur-titles.

In April 2006, all of our Lakhaon Bassac teachers took part in a three week intensive workshop in
Manila conducted by Chinese Opera masters, focusing on the development of physical and vocal technique.  Their newly refined skills have been incorporated into this revival.  The workshop was made possible by the Asian Cultural Council in New York.

The original production was sponsored by the Liz Lutz Family Foundation.  This revival has been made possible in part by support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

For more information contact 023-220424 or 016-517714.

Please come out in support of our Bassac artists!

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Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No. 241, Street 63
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel        (855 23) 220424
Fax       (855 23) 220425
Cell       (855 12) 974271

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