Thursday, August 31, 2006

Angkor Photography Festival Contest

 The 2006 Angkor Photography Festival Flickr Contest
Siem Reap, Cambodia. Nov. 25th – Dec. 1st, 2006

As part of the 2006 Angkor Photography Festival we are holding a Flickr contest. Winners' work will be shown alongside the work of professionals during one of the evening projections in the Cambodian town of Siem Reap, near the famed Angkor Temples, and prizes will be awarded by a panel of judges.

The title for this year's Flickr contest is "Asia in the World". The Angkor Photography Festival is a center for Asian photographers as well as photographers with an interest in Asia, so for this year's contest we want you to submit photographs that are about Asia—the people, culture, arts, politics etc. The photographs do not have to be taken in Asia but must be connected in some way with the region.
The contest is only open to non-professional photographers. If you are a professional photographer and wish to submit work to show at one of the festival’s exhibits and projections, please contact:


1). Work can be submitted in one of two categories: 'singles' or 'sets'. A set of images (or photo essay) can contain up to 20 images and should be organized into a single Flickr set.

Images entered into the singles category must be tagged 'angkorsingle' and images in a set should be tagged 'angkorset'.

2). There is a limit of 10 images per poster total (if your images are part of a photo essay be sure to put them together in a set and we will review all the images). We suggest you edit tightly and post only your very best images.

3) All images must be available on your Flickr page  at a minimum 1024 x 768 points (horizontal or vertical) at 72 dpi, suitable for projection. Any images that are too small will be rejected.

4). If possible, please be sure photographs have caption information: who, what, where, when & why. There are no restrictions on when the photographs were taken.

5). Photographs will be judged by a panel of judges including professional photographers, editors and journalists. Contestants will be notified before the festival if their work has been accepted. Prize winners will be announced the night of the projection in Siem Reap and  the winners from both the singles and sets categories will receive copies of signed photography books by well known photographers (to be announced).

6). All photographs will remain the copyright of the photographer. However, if your work is selected for projection, you give permission to the Angkor Photography Festival to use your images for non-commercial promotional use, including both print media and internet/digital use by the Angkor Photography Festival.

This year's festival will be held in Siem Reap, from November 25th to December 1st, 2006. If you are interested in joining the festival this year please email us at

Thank you and good luck!

Stuart Isett
Angkor Photography Festival

Fw: conference / exposition

Monday the 4th of Septembre at CCF
Vann Molyvann,
Conférence en khmer.
lundi 4 septembre- 18h30/ Monday the 4th of Septembre - 6.30pm
> Cinéma du CCF
. / French Cultural Center
> En Cambodgien Speaking khmer
Suite au succès de la conférence du vendredi 7 juillet, et compte tenu du grand nombre de demandes, S.E Vann Molyvann présentera à nouveau son œuvre et l’esquisse du Grand Phnom Penh à l’horizon 2010 lors d'une nouvelle conférence, en Khmer, cette fois-ci.
S.E Vann Molyvann répondra aux questions sur ses réalisations mais aussi sur l'évolution de Phnom Penh ces dernières années.
Thursday the 7th of Septembre at CCF
Jeunes talents ,
Battambang versus Phnom Penh.
Jeudi 7 septembre- 18h30 / Thursday the 7th of Septembre - 6.30pm
Hall du CCF
 / French Cultural Center
> En Cambodgien Speaking khmer
Le Centre Culturel Français s’attache à promouvoir la jeune création Cambodgienne dans de nombreux domaines.
Après les sculptures en rotin de Sopheap Pich,  le design avec Em Riem, les photographies de Kosal Pisey, les peintures de Srey Bandaul, et bien d’autres encore, le CCF accueille deux jeunes artistes issus de l’Université Royale des Beaux-Arts de Phnom Penh, Chin Vanchear, Say Vesna, et deux autres de l’école de Phare Ponleu Selpak de Battambang, Mao Sovit et Lem Lorn.
Des oeuvres abordant des sujets comme le repentir, la mémoire, le sens de la vie, le bouddhisme...
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
  218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :

Friday, August 25, 2006

Fw: k a tour invitation...

Khmer Architecture Tours
Next guided tours:

After a few weeks break over the exam period, we are starting the new season with a popular itinerary:

Sunday 3 September 06, morning and afternoon:
1960s houses and villas in Phnom Penh (Toul Kork)

The tours will visit three locations:
• The well-known '100 Houses' development, designed by Vann Molyvann and commissioned in the 1965 by the National Bank of Cambodia for its staff; these 100 or so identical houses are a thoughtful reinterpretation of the traditional Khmer house - some are still (just) in their original state.
• Doctor's House: A remarkable villa of the same period which has an exuberant, three-storey high entrance hall which dominates the design; now a Health Centre.
• Split House: This family villa - a rich blend of materials, form, light and air which creates a delightful residence - seems to have been built to divide into two, for reasons we have not yet determined.

There will be morning and afternoon tours, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm
The tours are available in English and Khmer; please indicate which you prefer.
Cost: Cambodians: $1, Others: $8, including transport by coach.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please contact us by replying to this email ( with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise sorry but we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers.

Hoping to see you.
With thanks and best wishes.
geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lakhaon Kaol


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

F.W.C.P.A. Website

Subject: F.W.C.P.A. Website

We are delighted to present our website which we trust will enhance
what is hopefully already an informative and easy to use site.
Our aim has been to provide significantly more information
about the education & social cultural programs of the foundation.

Kind Regards
Anton Isselhardt
(Country Director)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Reyum Lecture - Remote Sensing and GIS

Fw: REYUM announcement: Lecture on Friday, August 18, 2006 THIS WEEK!

Lectures/Talks/discussions series at Reyum
GIS & Remote Sensing applied the Angkor Area
by Kim Samnang (in Khmer)
Friday August 18 2006
5:30pm to 6:30 followed by Q&A

This event is part of a series of Reyum's public education programs
The Albert Kunstadter Foundation / The Rockefeller Foundation

Reyum Institute
47 Street 178
P.O. Box 2438
Phnom Penh
Tel / Fax: 023 217 149


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Les Hommes Désertés

Les Hommes Desertes

Les Hommes Désertés by Randal Douc August 23 and 24, 19:00 pm.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Angkor Photography Festival: Submissions open

The Angkor Photography Festival is now accepting applicants for the 2006 free workshop for young Asian photographers

The second Angkor Photography Festival will be held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, from November 25 th to December 1st, 2006. This international event is not just about print exhibitions and outdoor projections by renowned artists and photo-journalists. By offering free workshops for young Asian photographers and developing outreach projects for disenfranchised Cambodian youth, participants contribute their art and their time, demonstrating that photography can change lives.

Based on the professional model of the VII workshops, the Angkor Festival will sponsor free workshops for young (under 30), Asian photographers. Through this program, the Festival aims to develop the skills of emerging photographers so they can better document their own societies and create a photographic network across Asia.

During the week, participants will work on themes of their own choice. Their pictures will be edited and critiqued on a daily basis by their tutors and the resulting photo-essays will be projected publicly alongside those made by the participants of the VII workshop. This will become one of the Festival highlights.

The workshop begins the week before the Festival, on the 20th of November and will last 8 days. Lodging will be provided for the participants. The possibility of contributing towards travel fare will be considered on a case by case basis.

For those interested in applying to the Angkor Photo Festival's free workshops, please create a free flickr account with a selection of your work, then send us the link, a CV and a short letter of motivation to:

Best regards,

Stuart Isett


Friday, August 11, 2006

Popil Photogallery

Fw: Popil PhotoGallery's back

Stefan returns from overseas, give le Popil a look!


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Roads Lecture



Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Art House - Mixed Media Exhibition by RUFA Graduates

The art house


Mixed Media Exhibition by Graduates of

The Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh

Aug 11 – Nov 9   2006

Kindly sponsored by Bangkok Airways


The Art House gallery opened in May 2006 with an objective to nurture and promote young Khmer contemporary artists and exhibit work by local international artists. This dynamic new show spotlights paintings and sculptures by fifteen talented young Cambodian artists, all graduates from the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA). This will be the first strictly professional showing of these artists’ work and has been made possible by the generous support of Bangkok Airways.


There are a significant number of talented Khmer artists in Cambodia but their ability to become full time professional artists is hindered by a lack of exhibition venues and a lack of understanding of how to approach existing galleries with their work. The Art House actively seeks new talent and aims to be a platform for the artists to exhibit and sell their work to a wider local and international audience.


Artists exhibiting at The Art House are:

Choup Sopheak, Chhouk Rithy, Khem Sambo, Kim Samdy, Mao Makara, Ou Vanndy, Ouk Im Vichet, Pok Seila, Proueng Moulin, Ray Reasay, Sophon Samkhan, Tan Vanno, Thorn Tourneakea, Vong Daravy and Yen Entareak


While studying at RUFA these artists were selected to work with the Peace Art Project Cambodia (PAPC) which was co-founded and coordinated by British artist Sasha Constable. PAPC was a training project turning de-commissioned weapons (small arms, mainly AK-47’s) into sculptures as expressions of peace. The project was a tremendous success and appealed to the present global mentality sending a strong message of peace from a country finding its way through its post conflict reality.


There are many more examples of work by PAPC artists throughout Cambodia. While in the capital Phnom Penh visit the Bird of Peace situated in Sanderson Park near Wat Phnom. This sculpture was commissioned by the Australian Embassy and created by two artists - Sophon Samkhan and Chhay Bunna - out of approximately 140 AK-47’s.


The Art House is devoted to supporting Khmer artists in their development across many mediums. In a country with a booming tourist trade, The Art House believes that expansion of fine arts will be a viable way for Khmers to provide for their needs as well as those of their families. The gallery is committed to helping these artists sell their work in a fair, profitable way. To give the artists further opportunities working with different materials and learning new artistic techniques, The Art House is seeking to actively promote contemporary art workshops for Khmer artists and will be working in conjunction with the Cambodian Arts Network (CAN). CAN is a Cambodian Arts NGO based in Phnom Penh which will coordinate workshops, exhibitions and artists in residence placements in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Battambang.


The Art House gallery is currently gathering funding for a series of modern stone carving workshops focused on expanding stone carving in Cambodia beyond the current Khmer lexicon. A teacher is ready to instruct and space is available, but we are still in need of donations for materials and living expenses for students


This exhibition is curated by Sasha Constable.

For sale inquiries or contributions please contact Sasha or staff at Warehouse.

+855 (0) 12 699 249

Lakhaon Yike by Amrita Performing Arts

Amrita Performing Arts is pleased to present a new creation of "Lakhaon Yike" traditional Cambodian music theater.  This ancient theater form has been updated in this production of "A Miserable Village" to 1925 colonial Cambodia based on a 1964 novel of the same title.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday August 11 - 13, 6pm at the Chenla Theater, opposite the Intercontinental Hotel.

Tickets riel 2,000 available at the door or contact 016-944005 for advance or group sales.

Directed and performed by artists from the National School of Fine Arts.

Presented with English titles.

This new production has been made possible through support from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Greg and Liz Lutz Family Foundation.  The original concept was developed by students of RUFA and the NSFA through support from the Cambodian Artists Project through LINC - Leveraging Incentives in Creativity, USA.

PLEASE NOTE that Amrita Performing Arts has moved to a new location.  Our new address is indicated below; we are located four blocks behind the Ministry of Tourism.

If you wish to be deleted from this mailing list please reply with "delete" in the subject and our apologies for multiple mailings.

Thank you for your support!

Fred Frumberg

Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No. 51, Street 113
Bang Prolit
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel        (855 23) 220424
Fax       (855 23) 220425
Cell       (855 12) 974271

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I to Eye

I to Eye
Debut exhibition of paintings and furniture/interior design
by Meas Sokhorn
Opening Thursday, August 10, 2006
At Java Café & Gallery
56 E1 Sihanouk Blvd
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Please visit our site, although it is still in progress there are new things to see, and more to come!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

“Miserable Village”/“Phum Dey Rachan” - Lakhaon Yike Theatre

August 11, 12, 13
6 pm “Miserable Village”/“Phum Dey Rachan”
Lakhaon Yike Theatre
A modern rendition of an ancient Cambodian musical theatre on the French colonial period in Cambodia; with English sur-titles
Entrance fee: 2,000R; at the door or call for advance or group tickets:
Chenla Theater
Opposite the Inter-Continental Hotel
Contact: Amrita Performance Arts, 023-220-424 or 016-944-005

Sovanna Phum August Schedule

August 4, 5
7:30 pm Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
August 11, 12
7:30 pm “Pognakay,” Shadow puppets, Dance and Mask Theatre
August 18, 19
7:30 pm “Preak Chan Khorop” Story
Small Shadow Theatre (“Sbeak Touch”)
August 25, 26
7:30 pm “Roussey Dek” Story
Shadow puppets, Dance and Circus
Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3 
all at:
Sovanna Phum Theatre
Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3 
#111 St. 360

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.