Thursday, August 31, 2006

Angkor Photography Festival Contest

 The 2006 Angkor Photography Festival Flickr Contest
Siem Reap, Cambodia. Nov. 25th – Dec. 1st, 2006

As part of the 2006 Angkor Photography Festival we are holding a Flickr contest. Winners' work will be shown alongside the work of professionals during one of the evening projections in the Cambodian town of Siem Reap, near the famed Angkor Temples, and prizes will be awarded by a panel of judges.

The title for this year's Flickr contest is "Asia in the World". The Angkor Photography Festival is a center for Asian photographers as well as photographers with an interest in Asia, so for this year's contest we want you to submit photographs that are about Asia—the people, culture, arts, politics etc. The photographs do not have to be taken in Asia but must be connected in some way with the region.
The contest is only open to non-professional photographers. If you are a professional photographer and wish to submit work to show at one of the festival’s exhibits and projections, please contact:


1). Work can be submitted in one of two categories: 'singles' or 'sets'. A set of images (or photo essay) can contain up to 20 images and should be organized into a single Flickr set.

Images entered into the singles category must be tagged 'angkorsingle' and images in a set should be tagged 'angkorset'.

2). There is a limit of 10 images per poster total (if your images are part of a photo essay be sure to put them together in a set and we will review all the images). We suggest you edit tightly and post only your very best images.

3) All images must be available on your Flickr page  at a minimum 1024 x 768 points (horizontal or vertical) at 72 dpi, suitable for projection. Any images that are too small will be rejected.

4). If possible, please be sure photographs have caption information: who, what, where, when & why. There are no restrictions on when the photographs were taken.

5). Photographs will be judged by a panel of judges including professional photographers, editors and journalists. Contestants will be notified before the festival if their work has been accepted. Prize winners will be announced the night of the projection in Siem Reap and  the winners from both the singles and sets categories will receive copies of signed photography books by well known photographers (to be announced).

6). All photographs will remain the copyright of the photographer. However, if your work is selected for projection, you give permission to the Angkor Photography Festival to use your images for non-commercial promotional use, including both print media and internet/digital use by the Angkor Photography Festival.

This year's festival will be held in Siem Reap, from November 25th to December 1st, 2006. If you are interested in joining the festival this year please email us at

Thank you and good luck!

Stuart Isett
Angkor Photography Festival

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.