Tuesday, June 20, 2006


JUNE 29th, 2006
A documentary about Cambodians who hunt bombs for a living

I am writing to inform you of a special event that Global Youth
Connect is organizing in Seattle on Thursday June 29th.  We will be
showing a yet unreleased film entitled "Bombhunters" that documents
the effects of unexploded ordnance on Cambodian people, both within
their homeland and the U.S.  Limited tickets are available to this
event both in advance and at the door and all proceeds will benefit
Cambodian youth.

If you are in the Seattle area, I hope you will be able to join us
for this event.  We also ask for your help to "get the word out"
about this special screening by sharing this email and the flyer
with friends, family, and colleagues based in the Seattle area who
may be interested in attending.  Tickets can be purchased for $10
via our website and for $12 at the door.

This special screening is being organized to help raise money for
Cambodian organizations and all proceeds from the screening will
benefit Cambodian youth projects through GYC's small grants fund.
The screening will be followed with a Q&A with filmmaker Skye

To purchase tickets and for additional information, please visit our
website at www.globalyouthconnect.org/cambodia_film .

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you there!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Kloes
Executive Director
Global Youth Connect

PS - If you can't attend the film but would like to make a
contribution to support youth projects in Cambodia, I encourage you
to make a donation: www.globalyouthconnect.org/donate
"Bombhunters" documents the effects of UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) on
Cambodian people, both within their homeland and in the U.S. In
particular, "Bombhunters" documents villagers' efforts throughout
rural Cambodia as they seek out UXO and attempt to render it safe
for sale to the scrap metal industry in order to survive.  For more
information: www.bombhunters.com

What:                   "Bombhunters"
                       Special benefit film screening of a
                       documentary about Cambodians who hunt bombs
                       for a living and Q&A with filmmaker Skye

When:                   Thursday June 29th  @ 7 P.M

Where:             Admiral Theater 2347 California Avenue SW, Seattle

Cost:                   $10 in advance through our website at
                       $12 at the door
                          All proceeds go to benefit projects
                          serving Cambodian youth

For more information about this event call (845) 338-2220 or e-mail
to contact@globalyouthconnect.org

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.