Friday, June 30, 2006

Métiers de l’informatique et de l'électronique

Wednesday, 5 July at CCF
"Métiers de l’informatique et de l'électronique"
Cycle " Les rendez-vous de l'emploi "
> mercredi 5 juillet - 18h30 / Wednesday, 5 July - 6.30pm
> Cinema du CCF / French Cultural Center
Après le succès de la première et de la deuxième conférences respectivement sur " Les métiers du tourisme au Cambodge " et " Quels métiers pour les juristes au Cambodge ? ", le troisième " Rendez-Vous de l'emploi " aura pour thème : " Métiers de l'informatique et de l'électronique au Cambodge ? "
Cette conférence,organisé par le Département de l'Emploi Francophone, réunira de nombreux professionnels cambodgiens et internationaux venus d'horizons divers (ITC, NiDA, Khmer Dev, Centre Kram Ngoy, etc.). Les présentations seront suivies d'un débat libre, puis d'un cocktail au Café du Centre où les conversations pourront continuer de façon plus informelle entre professionnels et candidats à l'emploi.
Pour tout renseignement, contactez :
M. PRACH Minea, responsable du DEF,
par téléphone : 023 224 552, 012 985 895
ou par courriel :


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Srey Bandol Exhibition

Srey Bandol opened his exhibition in Siem Reap on the 27th of June at the French Cultural Centre, in Siem Reap.
It is a reprise of his showing in Phnom Penh.
It will run for 3 weeks. Don't miss it!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pheakdei Snae

A film from the 1960s, is playing at Reyum Institute at 6pm Tuesday June 27.

concert de musique ksediev


Tusday, 27 June at CCF
Mardi 27 juin - 18h30  Tuesday, 27 June - 6.30pm
Cinema du CCF / French Cultural Center
La vièle à une corde ou le monocorde (en khmer : ksè diev ) est une sorte d’instrument de musique classique  parmi les autres instruments que compte la musique classique cambodgienne et qui datent d’avant  ou de l’époque de Preah Thong –   Neang Neak même . 
Le groupe  de musique  Ksé Diev est composé de musiciens professionnels de musique Khmère traditionnelle. Issu de la faculté de musique de l'Université Royale des Beaux Arts, ils ont collaboré l'an dernier aux Nuits d'Angkor. Evènement organisé par le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge, Ksé Diev a composé la musique du spectacle mis en scène par le chorégraphe français Jean-Claude Gallota en 2005. 
Several musicians from the Music faculty of the Royal University of Fine Arts, specialized in traditional Khmer music, form the Kse Diev group. They were part of the 2005 Angkor Nights organised by the French Cultural Centre as they composed and played the music of the contemporary dance show created by the choreographer Jean-Claude Gallotta.  
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :

Fw: Khmer Music Ensemble - TONIGHT

Just a quick info.


You are all invite to enjoy a musical concert at the French Cultural Center (#218, Rue 184)


July 27th at 6.30 – 7.30pm at Salle de Cinéma


The oldest Khmer instrument SKÉ DIEV (One string) play by a renowned master Yun Theara and his ensemble is perform tonight to welcome you all and please spread the words!


Free admission



SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
Phnom Penh 12000


Tel. 023-220424

Fax. 023-220425

Cell. 012-410044


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

La Casa: Concert gratuit / live music

Le Centre Culturel Français et le Memphis Pub vous invite au concert gratuit de La Casa (rock Français)
au Memphis Pub, 3 rue 118 - à partir de 21h
pour plus d'information sur La Caésa, visitez leur site :
The French Cultural Centre and the Memphis Pub invite to to the free Concert of the french rock band La Casa
at the Memphis Pub, 3 street 118 - 9 pm
for more information about La Casa visit the website :
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :



Opening 6 - 9 pm Wednesday, June 21, at Java Café
Artwork by David Chapuis

Unique screening and art tour on opening night only:
David will conduct an art tour (French/English) at 7:30; the film and
projection will run continuously.

See David's work online at:


Popil PhotoGallery Online


I just wanted to announce that the Popil PhotoGallery in Phnom Penh Cambodia is now online!
Please visit us at and let us know what you think about our new site.

The Popil PhotoGallery website features photographers from our permanent collection, such as Mak Remissa, Vandy Rattana, John Vink and Stephane Janin. It also features artists from our temporary exhibitions, such as Marti Mueller from the current exhibition "The Survivors"

As the Popil Photogallery website has just been launched, please note that some of the pages are still under construction and some additional features will come later.

Have a good visit and please let others know about the website!

Best Regards, and I hope to see you in the gallery soon,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mutrak Gallery

Fw: invitation

An art exhibition by Leang Seckon at Mutrak Gallery
Opening 7pm June 26
Street 246 behind National Assembly
Phone 012 294 731


Asian Festival of 1st Films

Asian 1st Festival

An Annual Film & Documentary Festival

to celebrate excellence for first-time Producers, Directors,
Cinematographers, Writers, Actors and Documentary makers
from the Asian Diaspora.
The Asian Festival of 1st Films is Asia’s most prestigious film event. In its first year the festival reached out to one billion film makers worldwide attracting publicity across the world worth over USD 10 million.

An eminent jury including Andy Glynn (DFG -UK), Ang Soo Hyun (Producer - Korea), Mahesh Bhatt (Director - India) and Nonzee Nimibutr (Director - Thailand) selected the final awardees from countries including Bangladesh, Canada, China, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Israel, Taiwan, UK, USA, Vietnam.

Many of the award winning films have since gone onto win international acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival and the Rotterdam International Film Festival. Awards were presented at a glittering ceremony on 2nd December 2005 at the Victoria Theatre, Singapore.

© Teamwork Films 2005


JUNE 29th, 2006
A documentary about Cambodians who hunt bombs for a living

I am writing to inform you of a special event that Global Youth
Connect is organizing in Seattle on Thursday June 29th.  We will be
showing a yet unreleased film entitled "Bombhunters" that documents
the effects of unexploded ordnance on Cambodian people, both within
their homeland and the U.S.  Limited tickets are available to this
event both in advance and at the door and all proceeds will benefit
Cambodian youth.

If you are in the Seattle area, I hope you will be able to join us
for this event.  We also ask for your help to "get the word out"
about this special screening by sharing this email and the flyer
with friends, family, and colleagues based in the Seattle area who
may be interested in attending.  Tickets can be purchased for $10
via our website and for $12 at the door.

This special screening is being organized to help raise money for
Cambodian organizations and all proceeds from the screening will
benefit Cambodian youth projects through GYC's small grants fund.
The screening will be followed with a Q&A with filmmaker Skye

To purchase tickets and for additional information, please visit our
website at .

Thank you for your support and we hope to see you there!

Best wishes,

Jennifer Kloes
Executive Director
Global Youth Connect

PS - If you can't attend the film but would like to make a
contribution to support youth projects in Cambodia, I encourage you
to make a donation:
"Bombhunters" documents the effects of UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) on
Cambodian people, both within their homeland and in the U.S. In
particular, "Bombhunters" documents villagers' efforts throughout
rural Cambodia as they seek out UXO and attempt to render it safe
for sale to the scrap metal industry in order to survive.  For more

What:                   "Bombhunters"
                       Special benefit film screening of a
                       documentary about Cambodians who hunt bombs
                       for a living and Q&A with filmmaker Skye

When:                   Thursday June 29th  @ 7 P.M

Where:             Admiral Theater 2347 California Avenue SW, Seattle

Cost:                   $10 in advance through our website at
                       $12 at the door
                          All proceeds go to benefit projects
                          serving Cambodian youth

For more information about this event call (845) 338-2220 or e-mail

Sunday, June 18, 2006

"The Survivors"

There is a new exhibition starting soon at Popil PhotoGallery, opening party
will be Tuesday 20th June at 6pm.

Pictures of  "The Survivors"  have been taken by photographer Marty Mueller
in Cambodian refugees camps in 1979 and 1980.
These strong pictures participate to build the memory of Cambodia.
Shortly after the fall of Khmer Rouge regime, thousands and thousands of
people were put one more time on roads of history, heading to Thai-Cambodian
border. Don't miss that show!

Opening party Tuesday 20th June 6pm.
Talk with photographer Marty Mueller Wednesday 21st June 6pm, at gallery

This exhibition is done in collaboration with Refugee Film Week, Centre
Culturel Français and UNHCR.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 6pm.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Mozart & his contemporaries


Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts

Monthly Concert Series
June 2006

Mozart & his contemporaries

Johann Baptiste Wendling - Ignaz Joseph Pleyel - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Saturday, 17 June, 7pm
Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Empress Room

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)

Tickets available at:

Java Café
Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310

mobile: 012 291 654


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Calling Cambodia Exhibition

Amy Sanford / Bill Moore
In Boston, Massachusetts, USA:

Monday, June 12, 2006

You're invited to the Installation Party

 You're invited to the Installation Party

On 17th June 2006, KhmerOS will make a small event called Installation Party at its office from 8:00AM to 17:00PM. Everyone are welcome to this party together with their computer to get Khmer software installed. Not only about installing software, we would also like to invite you to visit our place. It has been a very long time that we contact each other only via the internet. We have no chance to see each other.

You'll enjoy some light food and drink (not beer, of cause) together with some souvenir.

KhmerOS office (Open Forum of Cambodia); House 245, Street 51 (Pasteur) , Phnom Penh

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Une histoire du Cambodge

Une histoire du Cambodge

Monday, 12 June at CCF
David Chandler…
Une histoire du Cambodge (An history of Cambodia)
> Lundi 12 juin - 18h30 / Monday, 12 June - 6.30pm
> Cinema du CCF
/ French Cultural Center
> En français / Speaking french
Diplômé du collège de Harvard, Professeur à l'Université de Georgetown et longtemps Professeur émérite à l'Université Monash à Melbourne, ce chercheur, de nationalité américaine et australienne, khmérophone, hispanophone et… francophone, s'est imposé, à la suite de Paul Mus sous la direction duquel il travailla durant ses études à l'Université de Yale, comme l'un des spécialistes de l'Histoire contemporaine de l'Asie du Sud-Est. Depuis 1970, il consacre ses recherches à l'histoire sociale de la Thaïlande et de l'Indonésie, mais c'est incontestablement sur le Cambodge que son travail - remarquable - fait autorité. On lui doit de nombreuses publications sur l'histoire récente de ce pays parmi lesquelles The Land and People of Cambodia (Harper Collins) ; A History of Cambodia, (Boulder, CO, Westview Press); The Tragedy of Cambodia History : Politics War and Revolution since 1945, (Yale University Press) ; Voices from S-21 : Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison (University of California Press)…Une œuvre dense qui reste malheureusement insuffisamment traduite en français, à l'exception de Pol Pot : frère numéro 1 publié par Plon en 1993 et déjà épuisé, et de S-21 ou Le crime impuni des Khmers rouges publié en 2002 aux éditions Autrement.
Ses contributions à diverses encyclopédies, ses articles publiés au sein de revues spécialisées dont il fait souvent partie du conseil scientifique, ses préfaces aux ouvrages d'autres auteurs, sont par ailleurs innombrables. De manière particulière, la publication en août dernier à Phnom Penh par le Centre des Etudes Khmères (C.K.S) de la version khmère de son History of Cambodia a constitué l'un des principaux événements éditoriaux de ces dernières années au Cambodge ...
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :


Friday, June 09, 2006

Monthly Concert

Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts

Monthly Concert Series
June 2006

Mozart & his contemporaries

Johann Baptiste Wendling - Ignaz Joseph Pleyel - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Saturday, 17 June, 7pm
Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Empress Room

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)

Tickets available at:

Java Café
Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310

mobile: 012 291 654

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cham Federation requests artifacts

Fw: Cham People-UNESCO


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

exposition/conference tadashi ono

Thursday, 8 June and Friday, 9 June at CCF
Paris, périphérie,
par Tadashi ONO
Jeudi 8 juin - 18h30 / Thursday, 8 June - 6.30pm
Hall du CCF
. / French Cultural Center
Après l'exposition " Phnom Penh, périphérie " d'Anne-Marie Filaire à l'automne dernier, le CCF accueille aujourd'hui un travail photographique réalisé dans la banlieue parisienne. Cet immense territoire périphérique compte plus de 5 millions d'habitants, soit le double de la ville de Paris elle-même. Tadashi Ono, photographe japonais, est l'un d'entre eux.
Il aime ce territoire ; il a donc choisi d'y vivre et de le décrire. Pour lui, ce paysage, exclu de l'imagerie " carte postale " du centre-ville, en apparence banal et austère, a quelque chose de franc. A l'instar de certains photographes du 19ème siècle qui ont fixé sur pellicule le Paris des quartiers populaires, il essaie simplement, un peu comme le ferait un relevé topographique, de traduire l'espace de la banlieue par sa description précise, en nous proposant quatre axes de réflexion : le nom des rues, la référence au centre-ville symbolisée ici par la Tour Eiffel, la place de l'arbre et celles des espèces botaniques en friche.
A la suite de Phnom Penh, cette exposition sera accueillie en octobre 2006 au Musée national d'art moderne de Tokyo.
Paris et la photographie, une histoire partagée,
par Tadashi ONO
Vendredi 9 juin - 18h30 / Friday, 9 June - 6.30pm
Cinéma du CCF
 / French Cultural Center
Paris est une ville qui occupe une place particulière dans  l'histoire de la photographie.
Depuis l'annonce de l'invention de la photographie à l'Académie des sciences à Paris en 1839, cette ville est restée un terrain exceptionnel pour la création photographique tout au long des 19ème et 20ème siècles. Les images de Paris s'accumulent, se stratifient et deviennent la mémoire de la ville même. Elles reflètent ainsi à la fois l'histoire de la photographie et celle de la ville.
En revoyant des images célèbres et méconnues, historiques et contemporaines, cette conférence tente de redessiner un portrait de Paris à travers les œuvres de nombreux photographes (Nadar, E-D. Baldus, C. Marville, E. Atget, J-H. Lartigue, A. Kertész, Brassaï, H. Cartier-Bresson, R. Doisneau, R. Frank, L. Friedlander, A. Gursky, J-L. Moulène etc.)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.