Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Buddhist Institute - 75th Anniversary Colloquium

Researching Buddhism and Culture in Cambodia, 1930-2005

Conference Hall, The Buddhist Institute, Phnom Penh

Friday 17 June 2005, 8.00-17.00

Final Programme

8.00-8.30 Registration

8.30-8.40 Welcome: Dr. Penny Edwards, Convenor

8.40-9.00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ven. Yuos Hut

PANEL 1: Women in Buddhism

CHAIR: Dr. Penny Edwards, Australian National University/Buddhist Institute

9.00-9.20: Dr. Trudy Jacobsen, Griffith University: “Maha-upasika:Women’s Morality and Merit in Middle Cambodia”

9.20-9.40: Dr. Khing Hoc Dy, CNRS, “Suzanne Karpelès et l’Institut Bouddhique” (Read by Mr. Pich Bunnin, BI)

9.40-10.00: Rev. Beth Kanji Goldring, Miss Aing Sokreoun “Gender and Buddhism in Contemporary Cambodia

10.00-10.20: DISCUSSION

~ 10.20-10.40 Morning Tea ~

PANEL 2: Political Histories of the Sangha

CHAIR: Professor Duncan McCargo, Leeds University

10.40-11.00 Dr. Grégory Mikaelian: “Bouddhisme, Négoce et Politique: jalons pour une hypothèse historique sur la sociologie du monachisme d’une province du delta du Mékong (Preah Trapeaing)” [Buddhism, Commerce and Politics: some clues towards a historical sociology of monasticism in a Mekong delta province]

11.00-20: Dr. Anne Hansen, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee: “Modernist Reform in Khmer Buddhist History” (Read by P. Edwards)

11.20-11.40: Mr. Henri Locard: “Haem Chieu (1898-1943), the ‘Umbrella Demonstration’ of 20th July 1942 and the Buddhist Institute under the Vichy regime”

11.40-12.00: DISCUSSION

1930 2005

~ 12.00-1.00 Lunch ~

PANEL 3: Publications, Education and Folklore, 1930-2005

CHAIR: Dr. Hean Sokhom, Centre for Advanced Studies

1.00-1:20 HE. Hing Kimthan, Ministry of Religion: “The Publications of the Buddhist Institute, 1930-2000”

1.20-1.40: Mr. Miech Ponn, Mores and Customs Commission, Buddhist Institute: “The Mores and Customs Commission, 1934-2004

1.40-2.00: Mr. Than Bunly, Buddhist Institute: “Recollecting Rieungpreengkmae (Khmer folklore): New takes on old tales”

2.00-2.30: DISCUSSION

~ 2.30-3.00 Coffee ~

PANEL 4: Buddhism, Beliefs and Behaviour, 1979-2005

CHAIR: Dr. Ky Ravikun, Pannasastra University

3.00-3.20 Dr Heike Löschmann, Heinrich Böll Foundation: “Re-establishing Buddhism, 1979-1989”

3.20-3.40 Dr. Hean Sokhom, Centre of Advanced Studies: “Buddhist Ordination across Contemporary Cambodia

3.40-4.00: Professor Klot Thida, The Royal Academy, “The Ethics (Morality) of Theravada Buddhism in the multi-religious society of Cambodia in the twenty-first century”

4.00-4.20 Professor Maurice Eisenbruch, University of New South Wales, Miss Chea Bunnary, Miss Mech Samphors:

“Are monks and kruu Khmer psychiatrists? Cultural competence in supporting Cambodians recovering from conflict”

4.20-4.50: DISCUSSION



Convenor: Penny Edwards Tel: 012-404-108

Advisory Committee: HE Nouth Narang, HE Hing Kimthan, Dr. Hean Sokhom, Dr. Khing Hoc Dy, Mr. Miech Ponn

Organizing and Fundraising Committee: Mr. Sor Sokny, Mrs Sandra Jones, Mr. Heng Kimvan, Miss Phat Chanmony Ratha


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English Announcement

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