Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Lunch @ Sovanna Phum

Epic Arts invites you to a lunchtime showing of selected disability advocacy
      Can actions be stronger than words?
    Come and decide for yourself and enjoy half an hour of performance
and a free lunch!
The performance challenges our views of what is disability.
Excellent viewing for NGO staff, if trying to foster an inclusive approach
within your organisation.

WHERE:Sovanna Phum.  #111, street 360. ( corner of streets 360 and 105.)
WHEN:Friday 10th June
TIME:Performance starts at 11.30am

A free buffet lunch will be provided after the show at 12

Youth advocacy team - Land Mine Disability Support, Kompong Chnnang
Nhim Sophara - Deaf performance artist
Katie MacCabe (Epic Arts) and Kim Sathia - Former dancer at the Royal
University of Fine Arts

For further information about the event please contact Katie MacCabe 012 350
824, Steph Cox 012 788 193 or email epicarts@forum.org.kh

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