Monday, April 30, 2012

Democrats Abroad Cambodia to hold Presidential Primary May 3 2012 at the FCC in Phnom Phenh

  Democrats Abroad
U.S. Democrats Abroad Announce Voting Centers for May 1-6 Global Primary with Cambodia to be held on May 3, 2012 in Phnom Penh.

Global Primary to be conducted at 91 Voting Centers in 33 Countries to Determine Delegates to Democratic National Convention

Washington, DC –
From May 1-6, thousands of U.S. citizens from Canada to New Zealand will have the chance to vote in their 2012 Global Primary to choose their Democratic nominee for their President.

Democrats Abroad Cambodia will be holding their primary on May 3, 2012 from 4-8 P.M. at the Foreign Correspondents' Club in Phnom Penh, please remember to bring your US passport (or other proof of US citizenship) as well as proof of residency.

Members can also vote by requesting an absentee ballot at by April 30 if they cannot get to a Voting Center.  The choice on the ballot is between President Barack Obama or Uncommitted and their delegate representatives.

The worldwide election results will determine the election of 17 delegates who will attend the Democratic National Convention along with 8 DNC members next September 3-7 in Charlotte, North Carolina.  These delegates will be elected at a combination of the May 1-6 Voting Center elections and the May 18-20 Global Convention to be held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  These meetings also provide an opportunity for Americans abroad to shape the party's election platform.
American citizens living overseas who want to vote in the Democratic Global Primary must be members of Democrats Abroad, or join by April 30th at in order to secure an absentee ballot. Ballots can then be requested from Democrats Abroad at If voting in person at a voting center, one can register at that time.

To vote in the U.S. Presidential Election in November, overseas voters must request a ballot from local voting authorities in the place where they last resided in the U.S.  Voters can register now at
The Democrats Abroad Global Primary will take place from May 1-6, 2012.
The Democratic National Convention will take place in Charlotte, North Carolina, U. S. September 3-7, 2012.

The U.S. Presidential Election will take place on November 6, 2012. Deadlines for requesting overseas absentee ballots vary per state.

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