Saturday, October 08, 2011

"Khmerographies" artwork by Thang Sothea

 "KHMEROGRAPHIES" by Thang Sothea
Opening on Thursday 13 of October à 6. 30 pm 
Top art gallery, 155 Quai Sisowath , Phnom Penh, Cambodge.

After the series entitled "Look at me !" and "Don't be shy !" where he began his experiments in khmer calligraphy, Thang Sothea wished to create, a whole series to deepen his close relationship between the painted object and its typographical representation and also to expand its range of play with the signifier and the signified.
In this tribute to the Khmer writing that he used to distort and animate from childhood through to school, he pushes the limits of this calligraphy on the path to the ideogram, the pictogram and even the hieroglyph.
His approach, therefore, is not only one form for all the paintings, but also a unique background, Cambodia.
The theme is explored through several variations:  family, arts (dance, theater, music), religion, social life and tradition, urban bustle, nature ... within each treatment there is humor and irony that always breaks through ill-concealed tenderness for his country and its culture ..

John Weeks

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