Saturday, February 05, 2011

Call for Papers: Southeast Asia and World History

Call for Papers

Southeast Asia and World History

January 2-4, 2012, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The World History Association, in conjunction with Pannasastra University of
Cambodia, announces a symposium on the world-historical significance of
Southeast Asia. The symposium seeks to generate dialog among scholars within
and outside of the region regarding its place in world history. It seeks to
identify those world history processes that have application to the region's
past, present and future and stimulate discussion of world history
methodology and pedagogy in the Southeast Asian context.

Among the topics that may be addressed at the symposium are: the nature of
world history; the processes of indigenization, localization, and
syncretism; the decline and fall of classical societies; Diaspora and gender
studies; the colonial experience; nationalism; conflict and post-conflict
studies; trade; economy; religion and culture; art; regional questions in
global perspective such as borderlands; regional diplomatic relations;
investment, tourism and resource management issues; the environment;
comparative genocide; and models for World History and global studies in
terms of scholarship and instruction. These topics are examples only and
should not be taken to exclude proposals on other topics. Scholars from all
disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals. Select refereed papers from
the conference will be published in the e-journal "World History Connected"
(University of Illinois Press) and a book project is planned.

The conference will be held minutes from the Archeological Conservation Area
that includes Angkor Wat. Pre/post and concurrent symposium activities will
be structured so as to permit tours of these and other local sites which
connect them to the wider region and the world.

Panels will meet in air conditioned rooms on the newly-built Pannasastra
University of Cambodia's Siem Reap campus. The time limit for presenting
papers will be 20 minutes, and the deadline for submitting papers to the
session moderator is three weeks in advance of the conference. Individual
paper proposals must include a 100-200 word summary with the title of the
paper, name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, phone and fax
numbers, and brief curriculum vitae, all integrated into a single file,
preferably in MS-Word. Proposals for entire sessions or panels must contain
the same information for each participant, as well as contact information
and a brief C.V. for the moderator if you suggest one. (The program
committee can help find moderators, if necessary.) There is a limited
number of AV-equipped rooms available so it is essential that you indicate
your need for audiovisual equipment (and what kind) in your proposal. All
meeting rooms are air conditioned.

Please send your completed proposal with the following in the subject line
of the email: WHS, followed by Your LAST NAME (family), and then Your First
name, then short paper/panel name to the WHA Symposia coordinator, Maryanne
Rhett, at
Individuals wishing to moderate a session should send a statement of
interest, contact information, and a brief C.V. to the program coordinator.

The deadline for the submission of paper and panel proposals is September
1st, 2011.

All panelists must register to be on the program.
The language of the conference is English.
A rolling acceptance process will be in place to assist panelists to solicit
travel support from their home institutions and organizations.

Unfortunately, the conference does not have funds to subsidize scholars'
travel and lodging at the meeting.

Registration rates, benefits of registration for WHA members, and waivers
for Cambodian teachers, in-service Teachers Across Borders members and
others will be posted on the WHA registration site shortly.
Please check the World History Association website (
for registration information, low-cost housing options and both conference
and optional touring logistics information (to be posted shortly). Excellent
inexpensive lodging, food, shopping and entertainment are all available
close to the conference site. Local transportation is available in the
range of $2.00 per ride and can be arranged for $20.00 for an entire day.
The weather in Siem Reap in early January is ideal: dry with cool mornings,
high in the mid 80s at mid-day. Siem Reap is famous for its Pub Street
district, a five minute walk from the conference site. It features sidewalk
restaurants, cafes and shops; most visitors make evening strolls there a
habit. Siem Reap still has the flavor of a small town, albeit flooded with
both backpackers and traditional tourists whose presence has led to
widespread spoken English and Western-style supermarkets. Heath and crime
issues are minimal (See State Department advisories and your travel medicine
specialist before undertaking any travel). Tourist visas are inexpensive.
Siem Reap's international airport is serviced by a variety of airlines from
most Asian hubs. Most international travel passes through Bangkok's
international airport. Because of the International Dateline, attendees
departing January 4 will be able to make connections permitting
participation at the American Historical Association in Chicago later that

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