Wednesday, December 02, 2009

:: Great new Asian movie projects * thanks for your year-end contributions! ::

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Thanks for your year-end Tax-Deductible support for Cambodia's only
film Festival - it couldn't have happened without you! can help us produce the first movie about an untold story
of the Vietnam War


CAMERADO SE Asia: 12/01/09

FREEDOM DEAL, Camerado's VN-Cambodia war flick screens in Cambodia,
begins script workshopping feature version in January :: CAMBOFEST:
Film & Video Festival Launches for year 3 in Kampot, Cambodia on
Cambodia's fabulous South Coast (Cambodia's ONLY international
movie festival) :: Finally, thanks to all supporters for year-end (501
(c) 3 tax deductible) contributions!!!

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Long-established MEDIA ALLIANCE, in Oakland, CA USA
( <>
) sponsors Camerado projects, with year-end 501 (c) 3 tax deductible
contributions that'll make you a part of historical media projects
throughout SE Asia!

Media Alliance was a fiscal sponsor of Camerado's first award winning
feature, "BookWars" ( and is now assisting with
the following projects currently underway:


1) CAMBOFEST: Film and Video Festival of Cambodia - Cambodia's only
functioning independent movie festival, now in its 3rd year!
( <>
) Thanks to all vital individual supporters so far in making this the
best year ever, screening at the vintage, pre-Khmer Rouge 'Royal'
Cinema in Kampot, Cambodia on the lovely South Coast

CAMBOFEST 2009 – Cambodia's only international film festival ::
December 4-6 in Kampot, Cambodia; see schedules in Khmer and English @

We are still in need of your vital support – Cambodia has no arts
funding, and the entire motion picture industry was destroyed during
the Khmer Rouge era. Help us bring cinema back to Cambodia by making a
year-end tax-deductible [501 (c) 3] contribution here-->

...or via this secure gateway:

If you are in Asia and are planning to come to Cambodia's film
festival, please drop us a line at
and we'll assist with your travel as best we can.


2) FREEDOM DEAL - Camerado's 3rd feature, hard hitting VN-era drama
"Freedom Deal" tells the story of internally displaced Cambodians
(refugees) during the US incursion into Cambodia in 1970 as an
extension of the VN War.

We're raising $ now to commence script workshopping sessions in
Cambodia in January 2010. Now's your chance to participate in the
project by making a year-end tax-deductible contribution here-->

Scenes from 'Freedom Deal' will be screened CAMBOFEST 2009! –
hope you can make it – if not, pls contact Camerado at <>
with a private link to the online scenes & treatment for your

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CAMERADO once again thanks again the following contributors for all

James Velaise, FRANCE * Martin Zweiback, USA * James Higgins, USA *
Helge Cramer, GERMANY * Norm Fassbender & Kate Holowach, CANADA *
Maurice Adams, USA * Marianne Waller, AUSTRALIA * The Kumberg Family,
SWEDEN * Jennifer MacDonald, USA Chris Swider, USA * Rolando Dubioso,
GERMANY * Jon Lewis, USA * Eveline van Dijck, NETHERLANDS * David
Munoz Lopez, SPAIN * David Rogers, USA * Milek Knebel, ISRAEL* Anna
Wilding, USA * Nancy Nagrant, USA * Anonymous I & II *I James Mizerski
USA * Jennifer Janofsky and Anonymous I, II, and III

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Thanks for your support and participation – these projects would
*not happen* without your individual assistance – contact us at any
time with inquiries at
and/or Tracy Rosenberg @ Media Alliance

All the Best,

J Rosette, Narith Hoo, Vichai, Wicky O'Rama, Mr. Tol, and the
CAMERADO SE Asia Team <>

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