Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cambodia and World History Conference

This is an open  invitation to attend a forthcoming conference in Phnom Penh.  There is no registration fee. RSVP to save a place at the symposium.  This is also the final call for papers if you wish to present at the conference, Send abstract by December 5 to


Conference Announcement: Cambodia and World History/World History and Cambodia, January 3-4, 2010, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


  The second "Cambodia and World History/World History and Cambodia" conference will be hosted by Pannasastra University of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, January 3-4, 2010.  The first symposium, held in January 2009, attracted scholars from Britain, Thailand, and the United States who engaged in lively discussions with their counterparts at Pannasastra University and the Royal University of Cambodia.


This year's program will similarly be devoted to generating dialog among scholars within and outside of Cambodia about Cambodia's place in World History. It also seeks to stimulate discussion of world history methodology and those world history processes that have application to the Cambodian past. Further, it will examine the possible role world history can play in framing pre- and post-conflict Cambodian history and thus aid in the development of Cambodia's educational establishment at all levels of instruction.  


Among the topics that may be addressed at the symposium are: the nature of world history; the processes of indigenization; localization,  and syncretism in Cambodian history; the decline and fall of classical societies; Diaspora and gender studies; the colonial experience; nationalism; post-conflict studies; trade, religion and culture in Cambodia, regional questions in global perspective; borderlands;  regionalism and regional diplomatic relations; investment, tourism and  resource management issues; the environment; comparative genocide; and models for World History and global studies in Cambodia both in terms of scholarship and instruction. These topics are examples only and should not be taken to exclude proposals on other topics.


A working dinner meeting will be held on Sunday, January 3,, with an all-day conference on Monday, January 4, which will follow an all-plenary roundtable format, with all participants attending consecutive one hour-long sessions held throughout the day (with a break for lunch), followed by a working farewell dinner. The sessions will be organized around topically grouped presentations limited to 10-15 minutes each to encourage discussion.  It is not expected that formal papers will be read. These presentations can, however, form the basis for publication in a contemplated volume or as part of a forum or individual articles in the journal World History Connected.


The symposium is sponsored by Teachers Across Borders, Inc. (TAB), a non-profit international educational organization. The conference serves as the first of a series of TAB annual activities in Cambodia designed to further Cambodia's national educational goals. 


TAB programs are open to all. There is no registration fee and it is not necessary to make a presentation to participate in this dialog.  There is, however, no honorarium for travel or housing.


Individual presentations as well as an entire panel may be submitted for inclusion in the program. Please send a brief vita with full contact information and a brief abstract to the program chair.  Those who plan to attend the symposium, but not make a presentation, should inform the program chair of their plans for logistical purposes (room seating, etc.).


The program chair is Professor Marc Jason Gilbert, National Endowment for the Humanities Endowed Chair in World History, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hawaii Pacific University, 1188 Fort Street Mall, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Phone: 808-544-1169; E-mail:


Tentative Schedule:


 Participants will gather for transportation to a working dinner on Sunday evening (exact time to be arranged), January 3 in the lobby of the Goldiana Hotel, near the conference venue, which offers substantial discounts for Teachers Across Borders activities) For reservations, go to Merely mention you are with Teachers Across Borders. Other inexpensive hotels are close by.


At 8:30 a.m. Monday morning, January 4, participants will gather in the lobby of the Goldiana for transportation to symposium's venue at the nearby South Campus of Pannasastra University of Cambodia Campus (in the "NGO" zone, about 2k from the city center--see, not the central campus near the National Museum. Pannasastra is a large, English-medium, multi-campus institution and among the region's premier universities.  Participants making their own way to the campus should check in at the Central Office on the Second Floor of the South Campus main building to the right at the top of the main staircase.



Marc Jason Gilbert
NEH Endowed Chair in World History
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Hawaii Pacific University
1188 Fort Street Mall
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813

Friday, December 11, 2009


META HOUSE Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Dear Meta House Friends!

Phnom Penh in winter is bathed in a special light, a cool, dry light that
illuminates the short days...

Tonite, 6PM @ Meta House (2nd Floor) we invite you for our SPECIAL CHRISTMAS
EXHIBITION OPENING with artworks by US artist MARC POLLACK. A veteran of the
New York art scene, he is a graduate of Parsons School of Design and is a
Life Member of The Art Students League of New York. In addition, he has the
rank of "Maribu" and is entitled to create gri-gri and other talisman and to
imbue them with meaning and special powers.

Gri-Gri are portable art objects (PAO) designed to help their owners
navigate the vagaries of life or to protect their owners from evil or
unfavorable thoughts and actions that may influence them. They connect the
spiritual and religious world with the world of art.

All artworks are for sale and make a very special christmas gift for the one
you love!

* Tonite's opening is followed by the rooftop screening of IN A DREAM @ 7PM.
Jeremiah Zagar's beautiful HBO documentary (USA, 2008, 80mins) tells the
chaotic and painful story of his mother Julia and father Isaiah Zagar, a
renowned mosaic artist, who for the past 30 years has covered more than
50,000 square feet of Philadelphia from top to bottom with tiles, mirror,
paint and concrete.

Pls. visit Meta House tonite,
all the best, your MH team

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Khmer Study Opportunities

(From SEARC via CamNews:)

1. Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute
2. Advanced Study of Khmer

Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Program Dates: June 14 to August 6, 2010
Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to SEASSI for

Application Deadlines:
February 19, 2010:

1) Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships (full tuition plus
2) SEASSI Heritage Language Fellowships (full tuition plus stipend)

April 16, 2010:

1) SEASSI Tuition Scholarships (partial tuition)
2) General SEASSI Application Deadline


SEASSI is an eight-week intensive language training program for
graduate students and professionals. Instruction is offered for academic
in nine languages at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year levels.

Languages offered:



Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK)
Royal University of Phnom-Penh, Cambodia
14 June - 6 August 2010
This project is Fulbright-funded and coordinated through the
University of Hawai?i-Manoa. Generous financial aid including airfare
is available.
Deadline: 1 March 2010


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Invitation vernissage expo Bibl nationale 11 déc 17h

A/S : Vernissage de l'exposition "Images d'Asie du Sud-Est : Cambodge, Laos,
Vietnam. Illustrations extraites de livres anciens des années 30".
nationale du Cambodge (BNC), vendredi 11 décembre à 17h

Adresse : rue 92 (Christopher Howes), arrondissement de Daoun Penh
(face au Lycée français Descartes et à droite de l'Hôtel "Le Royal").

Madame, Monsieur,

J'ai l'honneur de vous inviter, de la part de la directrice de la BNC, Mme
Vibolla, à participer au vernissage de l'exposition en objet, organisée
par la BNC
et l'ambassade de France au Cambodge (projet VALEASE).
Cette manifestation sera aussi l'occasion de vous présenter l'album
photographique éponyme, son DVD-R d'accompagnement riche de 30.000 images,
la base
de 500 livres numérisés de la BN ayant trait au Cambodge "Bibliotheca
Khmerica" et
les dernières acquisitions de la BNC.

Nous espérons avoir le plaisir de recevoir votre visite et de prendre un
ensemble au cocktail qui clôturera la manifestation.

Avec mes salutations distinguées,

Jean-Jacques DONARD
Fonds de solidarité prioritaire de Valorisation de l'écrit en Asie du
Sud-Est (FSP
Bibliothèque nationale du Cambodge / Service de coopération et d'action
près l'Ambassade de France au Cambodge. Courriel :

Opening of the exhibition " Images of Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Laos,
Illustrations extracted from old books of the 30s ".
National library of Cambodia (NLC), on Friday, December 11th at 5 pm
Address: street 92 (Christopher Howes), district of Daun Penh (in front of
High school Descartes and to the right of the Hotel " Le Royal ").

Madam, Sir,

I have the honor to invite you, on behalf of the director of the NLC, Mrs
Vibolla, to participate in the opening of the exhibition in object,
organized by the
NLC and the embassy of France in Cambodia (VALEASE project).
This cultural demonstration will also be the opportunity to present you
the eponymic
photographic album, its DVD-R of accompaniment rich in 30.000 images, base
of 500
books digitized by the concerning NL in Cambodia " Bibliotheca Khmerica "
and the
last acquisitions of the NLC.
We hope to have the pleasure to receive your visit and to take a glass
together in
the cocktail which will enclose this little ceremony.

Best regards

Jean-Jacques DONARD
VALEASE project

Sunday, December 06, 2009

From Stéphane – Update on Khmer Abroad – “Survivors’ Voices” in Lowell and Philadelphia


Dear Cambodian friends and friends of Cambodia in California,

I would like to share with you some recent work on the web site and blog of "Khmer Abroad".

While the trial of Khmer Rouge leaders in Phnom Penh is still on process, some survivors of the Khmer Rouge regime in the United States continue to share their stories and file complaints to be addressed to the ECCC in Cambodia. Supported by the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at New York University, and local Cambodian organizations, non profit ASRIC (Applied Social Research Institute of Cambodia) has organized in November two workshops in Philadelphia and Lowell, Massachusetts. More than 30 new complaints have been added to the more than 100 already received in previous workshops throughout America earlier in 2009. You can see two slideshows of these last two workshops at this link: as usual.

Direct link for Phillie is

Direct link for Lowell is


If you are on a slow internet connexion, you can have a look at the two related photo-posts at

Have a good visit,

With my best regards,

Stéphan Janin


(202) 957-5317

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Wednesday, December 02, 2009

:: Great new Asian movie projects * thanks for your year-end contributions! ::

////////////////////////// +++ ////////////////////////// >>>

Thanks for your year-end Tax-Deductible support for Cambodia's only
film Festival - it couldn't have happened without you! can help us produce the first movie about an untold story
of the Vietnam War


CAMERADO SE Asia: 12/01/09

FREEDOM DEAL, Camerado's VN-Cambodia war flick screens in Cambodia,
begins script workshopping feature version in January :: CAMBOFEST:
Film & Video Festival Launches for year 3 in Kampot, Cambodia on
Cambodia's fabulous South Coast (Cambodia's ONLY international
movie festival) :: Finally, thanks to all supporters for year-end (501
(c) 3 tax deductible) contributions!!!

////////////////////////// +++ ////////////////////////// >>>

Long-established MEDIA ALLIANCE, in Oakland, CA USA
( <>
) sponsors Camerado projects, with year-end 501 (c) 3 tax deductible
contributions that'll make you a part of historical media projects
throughout SE Asia!

Media Alliance was a fiscal sponsor of Camerado's first award winning
feature, "BookWars" ( and is now assisting with
the following projects currently underway:


1) CAMBOFEST: Film and Video Festival of Cambodia - Cambodia's only
functioning independent movie festival, now in its 3rd year!
( <>
) Thanks to all vital individual supporters so far in making this the
best year ever, screening at the vintage, pre-Khmer Rouge 'Royal'
Cinema in Kampot, Cambodia on the lovely South Coast

CAMBOFEST 2009 – Cambodia's only international film festival ::
December 4-6 in Kampot, Cambodia; see schedules in Khmer and English @

We are still in need of your vital support – Cambodia has no arts
funding, and the entire motion picture industry was destroyed during
the Khmer Rouge era. Help us bring cinema back to Cambodia by making a
year-end tax-deductible [501 (c) 3] contribution here-->

...or via this secure gateway:

If you are in Asia and are planning to come to Cambodia's film
festival, please drop us a line at
and we'll assist with your travel as best we can.


2) FREEDOM DEAL - Camerado's 3rd feature, hard hitting VN-era drama
"Freedom Deal" tells the story of internally displaced Cambodians
(refugees) during the US incursion into Cambodia in 1970 as an
extension of the VN War.

We're raising $ now to commence script workshopping sessions in
Cambodia in January 2010. Now's your chance to participate in the
project by making a year-end tax-deductible contribution here-->

Scenes from 'Freedom Deal' will be screened CAMBOFEST 2009! –
hope you can make it – if not, pls contact Camerado at <>
with a private link to the online scenes & treatment for your

////////////////////////// +++ ////////////////////////// >>>

CAMERADO once again thanks again the following contributors for all

James Velaise, FRANCE * Martin Zweiback, USA * James Higgins, USA *
Helge Cramer, GERMANY * Norm Fassbender & Kate Holowach, CANADA *
Maurice Adams, USA * Marianne Waller, AUSTRALIA * The Kumberg Family,
SWEDEN * Jennifer MacDonald, USA Chris Swider, USA * Rolando Dubioso,
GERMANY * Jon Lewis, USA * Eveline van Dijck, NETHERLANDS * David
Munoz Lopez, SPAIN * David Rogers, USA * Milek Knebel, ISRAEL* Anna
Wilding, USA * Nancy Nagrant, USA * Anonymous I & II *I James Mizerski
USA * Jennifer Janofsky and Anonymous I, II, and III

////////////////////////// +++ ////////////////////////// >>>

Thanks for your support and participation – these projects would
*not happen* without your individual assistance – contact us at any
time with inquiries at
and/or Tracy Rosenberg @ Media Alliance

All the Best,

J Rosette, Narith Hoo, Vichai, Wicky O'Rama, Mr. Tol, and the
CAMERADO SE Asia Team <>

////////////////////////// +++ ////////////////////////// >>>

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.