Friday, December 28, 2007

Glimpse of Cham

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Meta-House End-of-year Doings

Dear All!

With all the best wishes for a successful, happy and healthy 2008
we'd like to invite you for the exhibition opening

with Swiss photographer Beat Presser
This Sunday, December 30, from 6PM

Beat Presser became famous due to his close cooperation with German actor Klaus Kinski and movie director Werner Herzog ("Fitzcarraldo"). His exhibition "Oasis of Silence" is currently on display in the National Museum Phnom Penh. At Meta House Presser is exhibiting the results of his workshop "My place of Silence" with Cambodian and foreign photographers.

To Presser "Phnom Penh seems to be one of the noisiest and busiest cities in South East Asia". He asked the workshop participants to search for silent places in Phnom Penh. Where do they find their retreat? See the works of Vandy Rattana, Heng Ravuth, Chean Long, Keo Chanmao, Virginie Noel, Andrew Jamieson, Marija de Wijn amm.


This Friday/Saturday don't miss the highly recommended documentaries:

EDGE CITY (The Story of the Merry Pranksters)Well-researched documentary by German filmmakers Gregor Wille and Michael Reuter about Ken Kesey, known as author of 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest". He hired him out as a guinea pig for military drug experiments and set of with a group of friends, known as the "Merry Pranksters", in a school bus on a cross country tour across the USA. (97 min, 2007)

NICE HAT!Brilliant Doc by David Brisbin/CAN: What does it mean when the royal crown has gone missing, when a single scarf serves both torture and joy, when peasant palm hats speak of ethnic division, when a cloth cap from another country defines a revolution, or when a dancer's headdress survives 800 years? These are among the hats that frame the Cambodian face, and offer an intimate window on how the Khmer have withstood the worst and embodied the best of humanity for a thousand years. (more infos: (86 min, 2004)
Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465Homepage:,email:

VALEASE Newsletter


Nous avons le plaisir de vous envoyer ci–joint un numéro hors série de la lettre d'information du projet du Fonds de Solidarité Prioritaire de Valorisation de l'Ecrit en Asie du Sud-Est (FSP VALEASE, Ministère français des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, Ambassades de France au Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam). ll s'agit d'une présentation générale des réalisations du projet VALEASE sur la péninsule indochinoise entre 2004 et 2007.

Nous espérons que ces informations vous intéresseront. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos critiques, suggestions et propositions visant à en améliorer le contenu.

Avec nos remerciements et nos cordiales salutations,

L'équipe du projet VALEASE,

Jean-Jacques Donard (chef de projet),

Amandine Oudart (France) et Emma Fernández Merino (Espagne) : boursières du programme de coopération culturelle franco-espagnole TANDEM .

Valease Newsletter

Valease Newsletter

Valease Newsletter

Valease Newsletter

Valease Newsletter

Valease Newsletter


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

exposition / festival

 exposition / festival

Si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information, cliquez ici
  Exposition Pierre Dieulefils   

Les images exposées proviennent de la collection de cartes postales coloniales de M. Joel Montague.
 >Vernissage : Jeudi 20 décembre - 18h30
> Exposition : du 21 décembre 2007 au 13 janvier 2008
> Hall d'exposition du CCF

  En 1906, Pierre Dieulefils fut le premier à s'intéresser à une grande quantité de sujets qui jusqu'alors n'avaient guère retenu l'attention des photographes de cartes postales de l'époque. Ses photos restèrent inégalées à l'époque pour leur clarté, leur composition et leur diversité.
Plus d'informations ...

  A venir  Les Nuits d'Angkor 2008 

© Anna Solé

 > Du 31 janvier au 2 février 2008
> Temple d'Angkor Vat - Siem Reap
  La 8e édition des Nuits d'Angkor est issue d'une collaboration entre la France et le Cambodge. Pendant trois nuits consécutives, le temple d'Angkor Vat resplendira sous un jeu de lumières éclatant. Dans ce cadre somptueux, des spectacles de danse classique et contemporaine de France, Cambodge et Malaisie se dérouleront chaque soir, donnant ainsi lieu à un échange culturel et artistique inédit.
Le concept de miroir entre les cultures française et khmère constitue le fil rouge de la programmation. Quatre compagnies seront à l'affiche de cette édition 2008 :
- le somptueux Ballet Royal du Cambodge proposera trois spectacles : "Tep Sodachan", "L'histoire de Preah Chenvong" et "Les saisons de la migration"
- Le Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais* (direction artistique Carolyn Carlson) avec le spectacle "Down by the river"*
- La compagnie malaisienne Inner Space Performing Arts interpretera "Kathak Extreme".
Plus d'informations...

*Le Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord - Pas de Calais, est subventionné par le Ministère de la Culture (Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles), le Conseil Régional du Nord- Pas de Calais, la ville de Roubaix, le Conseil Général du Nord.
 Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to 


About Addictions

hI, good evening
shortlier IN english because of vocabulary... D-day les 4... we are
nearly there... not always simple to organise something new in the
cambodia ... but all is going on cooly... we even finish the program
tonigth... there will be suprises anyway, but all should be rolling
on... the exhibition is on the good way and we are going to artgitate
a lot before to cut the ribbon...
Tomorow night actors are arriving and begin to practice, musiciens
passed this afternoon to chek the place....
it's just the good time to send you the program ...
and two pictures i derobed (paparazzo one day...) in the
exhibition... just for the taste...
for the rest you will have to come ...
so, see you soon...

bob passion Artgitator chief
Bhor all in Art centre/Kompong Som /SKville/ cambodia



addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

addiction a kompong som

Monday, December 17, 2007

Evening with Swiss Photographer Beat Presser

Dear All!

Merry Christmas from Meta House!
We wish you peace & harmony and
thank you for your support in 2007.

Wednesday, Dec 19, from 7PM, we invite you for
who is currently exhibiting his works
at the National Museum in Phnom Penh.
Born in 1952 in Basel, Switzerland.  Studies in Photography and Film (Cameraman) in Basel, Paris and New York. Editor of the Photo magazines "Palm Beach News" and "The Village Cry". From 1980, close cooperation with German actor Klaus Kinski the movie director Werner Herzog ("Fitzcarraldo"). Presser also teaches at universities and photo/film institutions in Europe, Africa, South America and Asia. Since Saturday he is conducting a workshop at Meta House with Cambodian and international photographers. Results will be exhibited at Meta House from December 30.

Please come and have a look.
C u soon @ Meta.
All the best, Nico Mesterharm

Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Saturday, December 15, 2007

@ the FCC

Paul Urbana Jones


Thursday, December 13, 2007

“Christmas Concert”

Bella Voice
“Christmas Concert”

Saturday, 15 December 2007


Lounge Bar

Hotel Intercontinental Phnom Penh


Tim's 'What's On' update

An update from Tim:
Overload of live music this weekend... should be pretty wild!
Is it possible to prepare taxes while cycling across Cambodia?  I'll find out soon enough, but one thing is for sure... both are gonna leave me hunched over with a sore behind. 
Enjoy the weekend and please avoid falling off the roof at Jordyan's. 
See ya out there!
ps.  January 10th is International Lumberjack Day... there will be a party so start growin out a beard, find some flannel, and get ready to be a lumberjack and be okay. 
Rooftop BBQ
The Party is On! (See attached invite)
Not only do I have a roof, but apparently I also have a pool and BBQ downstairs to use. So come over on Sunday about 3:30, bring some nibbles or booze, your swimsuit, and a towel. I'll have the meat, cups, and ice!
Full directions:
Phnom Penh Center, SE corner of SihanouK & sothearos
Building B1, Pool Area at entrance or flat on 5/F
Enter official looking white gate to the right of 'Lucky 7'
Turn Right immediately, go past 'Build Bright University' sign
Enter green covered walkway marked 'B1'

Call Jordyan 092 700 395 when you get lost!
Open invite, pass it on...and see you there!
Kickball @ Olympic Stadium
The Phnom Penh Kickball League cordially invites you to a kickasss game of kickball.  Whether  you're a kickball pro or a novice, a die hard athlete or a lazy expat, PPKL wants you!!!!
What is Kickball, you may ask? Think baseball, but without a bat and with a bigger ball. Kickball = America's National pastime, but A LOT more
fun. And you don't have to be American. Everyone is doing it!
What: PPKL's  first ever kickball game!!
When: Sunday, December 16th at 1 pm
Where: Olympic Stadium, look for the bad-ass kickball players in blue
For More info: Contact Your beloved kickball coordinators: Bertrand "The Kick of Death" Murguet at 092804520,
OR Lis "The Queen of the Kickball Court" Meyers at 092601231, .
It's not about competition, it's about the thrill of the game, good
times, and an excuse to drink on Sunday afternoon. A rooftop BBQ will

Not sold on kickball yet ? We'll even have t-shirts!!

This week:
** Thursday 13th **
Chess Night at Miles
7 pm?, Miles Jazz Bar, #29a, Street 310
Creations Night at Java Cafe
All night, Java

** Friday 14th **
LIVE MUSIC:  DJ Phillty starts at 10 pm, Free tapas and $1 red wine from 8 to 10pm (pool table for all you fans out there)
8 pm to late, Teukei Bar, #23b, St 111
LIVE MUSIC:  Sans Frontieres Jazz Music
9 pm to late, Miles Jazz Bar
SHADOW PUPPETS: Preah Kho Botr Story
7:30 pm, Sovanna Phum Theatre
LIVE MUSIC:  Paul Urbana Jones @ FCC
9 pm, FCC
LIVE MUSIC:  Mekong Messengers at Talkin'
9 pm, Talkin to a Stranger
LIVE MUSIC:  Babyvox (Korean pop band)
7:30 pm, CTN's K6 Studio
LIVE MUSIC:  The Green Mist - should be a hella show and they're making a DVD doc of it so come be a star
11 pm, Pontoon

** Saturday 15th **
MOVIE:  Gone with the Wind
7:30 pm, Raffles Hotel 
LIVE MUSIC:  Paul Urbana Jones
9 pm, FCC
LIVE MUSIC:  Happy Lucky Santa Loves You Long Time Funk Band (Santa will be there too!)
9 pm, Talkin' to a Stranger
** Sunday 16th **
Kickball at Olympic Stadium! 
1 pm outside Olympic Stadium - look for group with blue shirts
Roof Beach Party and BBQ at Jordyan's
3:30 pm, near Build Bright University (see above or attachment for directions and RSVP)
** Monday 17th **
Meep meep
** Tuesday 18th **
Christmas Carols at Hotel Cambodiana
6 pm, Hotel Cambodiana

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh *** (I've moved advance notice to the bottom!)

To unsubscribe send an email to
To subscribe send an email to

Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Or text Tim at 012-189-0832

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

*** Advance notice ***
Timothy Rann

Xmas Songs at Intercontinental Hotel Sat 15 Dec

Bella Voce

"Christmas Concert"
Saturday, 15 December 2007
Lounge Bar
Hotel Intercontinental Phnom Penh

Monday, December 10, 2007

'Flower of Battambang' Graphic Novel Launch

Tuesday, December 11th at 7pm:

'Book Launch' for Em Satya's graphic novel 'Flower of Battambang', at Meta-House.

17 years in the making, this may well be Cambodia's first locally-produced comic to be published in graphic novel format! (Khmer, English, French).

View original art, meet guests from the Cambodian/International comic art scene, see the English, French and Khmer versions of the graphic novel, and witness our "Comic Art Battle"!

Online invitation in English, French, Khmer at:

More information

John Weeks 023 223 242

Lydia Parusol 012 208 347

Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Thursday, December 06, 2007

mean rup mean tuk

'With the Body Comes Suffering'

'With the Body Comes Suffering'


From Spiders to Water Lillies

Dear Friends,

Be the first to get it!!

Friends International is launching its latest delicious endeavor, a cookbook on Cambodian cuisine!
Launch party and tasting at Romdeng this Friday from 7pm!

Friends New Cookbook Launch


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Art Cafe Events

Art Café

Art Café


Monday, December 03, 2007

Faces of the Cardamoms

Faces of the Cardamoms


The Backsliders


Faces of the Cardamoms

Faces of the Cardamoms


Paul Urbana Jones

Paul Urbana Jones

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Brahms recital repeated! Sunday 5:00 pm at the Art Cafe

Piano recital  music of the

great German Romantic composer



Arne Sahlén, piano

   "…a wonderful Brahms player,

        his fluid pianism and warm tone illuminating

        the music superbly" – Victoria BC Canada

Sunday Dec. 2, 5:00 pm

Enjoy a soul-stirring selection  

of waltzes and late piano pieces –

plus a monumental Sonata movement

from Brahms' early-period writing, hailed by

composer Robert Schuman as "veiled Symphonies"


For table reservation call:     


#84 Eo Street 148

(leading toward the river from the Railway station)

Phone 012-834 517

Books, DVD's, gadgets, music and more. Shop online with Sympatico / MSN Shopping today!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Low Cost Computing Lab for Education - Inauguration postponed

----- Original Message -----
From: Be Chantra
To: ;
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 4:34 PM
Subject: Low Cost Computing Lab for Education - Inauguration postponed

Dear All,

Unfortunatelly, due to an agenda mismatch, the Ministry has decided to postpone the inauguration of Laboratory.  A new date will be announced.

Best regards,

Be Chantra

Mr. Be Chantra

My weblog:

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.