Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mekong Performing Arts Laboratory 2007-(Scholarship available for the event)


The 3rd Mekong
Performing Arts
(Cambodia Laboratory 2007)

Applications are still open for the Mekong Performing Arts Laboratory 2007 of
the Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA). Deadline for
application is on September 30, 2007.
This year,the PETA Mekong Partnership Project will be holding the third Mekong Performing Arts Laboratory, from 25 November to 16 December in Cambodia. The Laboratory will be hosted and co-organized by Phare Ponleu Selpak, a cultural and artistic center on the outskirt of Battambang City in Cambodia.
The Performing Arts Laboratory is an annual activity designed primarily to provide avenues for training and exchanges among Asian artists. The Laboratory is part of PETA's cultural extension program to reach out and work with fellow artists to pursue arts and cultural work as a dynamic and evolutionary tool for social change.
Through PETA's Mekong Partnership Project, the Laboratory will bring together performing artists from the Greater Mekong Sub-Region, including Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Thailand, Viet Nam and the Yunnan province of China. The Laboratory answers to the need for building capacities of individual artists and performing arts groups from the sub-region so they can efficiently be mobilized and create impacts in raising awareness and public debate around issues of gender, sexuality and health within their countries.
Thought out to be an "Artists' Caravan", the Laboratory will open in Phnom Penh, travel to Siem Reap for cultural exposure, continue the workshops and conclude with its performance-recital in Battambang.
Theater practitioners, PETA artist-teachers and resource persons from other countries will lead the various courses/subjects offered:
  • Theater for Advocacy on Gender, Sexuality & HIV/AIDS
  • Directing for Stage; Directing for Various Performing Arts Disciplines
  • Building Narratives, Storytelling and Dramaturgy
  • Experimental Laboratory Class

Applications are open to nationals from the Greater Mekong Sub-Region who are:

  • Practitioners of any contemporary and traditional performing arts disciplines, specifically theater, dance, visual arts performance, puppetry, etc. (either as actors, directors, writers, choreographers, musicians, puppeteers, cultural managers, etc.);
  • Sharing the same objectives with the Mekong Performing Arts Laboratory in promoting gender, sexuality and health issues. They must have the vision of pursuing and sustaining the initiatives beyond the Laboratory;
  • Willing to learn and share their own expertise in the field of arts;
  • Able to speak English and can participate in exchanges and discussions.
Full and partial scholarships shall be given to qualified applicants.  We encourage individuals to source funds from other donors as scholarships can only accommodate a limited number of participants. A fee of US$2,500 will be charged to cover tuition fee, board and lodging, community exposures, performances, course materials and other logistical and administrative costs.
Submit the completed application form together with your Curriculum Vitae, recent photo and sample works not later than September 30, 2007. Please indicate whether you need a full or partial scholarship .  To request for an application form, or if you have other inquiries, write to: (...Read more)

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