Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Meta-House Music Party and More


* 30/08/07 "DAMN RIGHT I AM A KID"
Phnom Penh's finest youth live and direct
feat. DJ Curly, OVC Hip Hop Team, NFC dancers & musicians –
presented by DJ SDEY. Special Guest: Mr. Chhhak (Oudong)

* 31/08/07 "STOP THE SEX TRADE!"
"THE VICTIM": First Cambodian feature film on human trafficking
Short Doc by Khieu Sansana, Moul Sophorn and Chhor Veasna
* 01/09/07 "MY KHMER HEART"
Award-winning documentary about the life and work of Australian Geraldine Cox, mother to orphan children, in the ever-shifting political landscape
of Cambodia in the mid-late 1990s.

* 02/09/07 "THE QUIET AMERICAN" w/Michael Caine
Anthony Minghella's highly acclaimed feature film opens
our new cinema series SET IN ASIA. Discussion will follow the film –
presented by Florianne Wild, Ph.D in French and film.


with artworks by over 250 Cambodian kids
facilitated by A. Mithers (USA) and S. Masoumbeiki (Iran)

Best, Nico Mesterharm (director)
Street 264, #6
Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh, PP
Mobil 012- 607 465

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Dear Friends and Art Lovers!

Tonite, Thursday, 6PM, we will open the PEACE ART EXHIBITION with artworks
of over 200 Cambodian children - facilitated by Amanda Mithers (USA) and
Setareh Masoumbeiki (Iran).

On the weekend (FRI/SAT, 7PM) we cordially invite you to our CHILD AID FILM
FESTIVAL on the rooftop with a selection of short documentaries such as:

by Benjamin Pederick (Australia)

In 2007 the Cambodian National Child and Youth Forum brought together young
people from accross the country to fight human trafficking. Made up of youth
leaders and those victimised by, or most vulnerable to being trafficked, the
forum is a remarkable example of the unarguable capacity of children and
young people to become agents of reform.

This short documentary records the 2 days of learning, organising and
developing recommendations for government and civil society. Assumptions
about the value of a child's opinion, and the contrast between stereotypes
of children and the reality of trafficking combine in the young wisdom and
passion of a group of children learning how to change their world for the

Produced for World Vision, Save the Children Australia, CNCC, ILO IPEC,

by Christoph Waskow (Germany)

Cambodia has one of the highest child and infant mortality rates in the
world. This film commissioned by the World Health Organization and the
European Commission shows how the Ministry of Health implements this project
in Kompong Chhnang and Stung Treng province for the children of Cambodia.

by Lach Chantha (Cambodia)

In 1997, Andrew Morris, the head of the Cambodian Health Services of the
United Nations Children's Fund, said that for Cambodia, "Hope is for the
unborn." Six years later, many of Cambodia's unborn have arrived and so has
hope. In a country that not long ago was almost completely devoid of human
capital, education is one of the top priorities. Even in the countryside,
families go to great lengths to make it possible for girls like these to
attend school.

With the goal of fueling this hope, the Build Cambodia
Organization is founded on the principle of building human capital in
Cambodia by supporting healthcare, education, and the rule of law.

KIND REGARDS, Nico Mesterharm

Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465
Homepage: www.meta-house.com,
email: mesterharm@gmx.net

Upcoming events:

[courtesy Sala Arts]

Upcoming events:


Lecture on Libraries in Cambodia

By Ang Choubo

5:30 – 6:30pm, Thursday, August 23

At REYUM Institute

47 Street 178




Artwork by a street-living artist and video documentation by Ali Sanderson

Curated by Panca Evenblij

From 6pm Thursday, August 23

At Sala Artspace

339 E2 Sisowath Quay



"Children's Vision of Peace"

An exhibition by 250 children from community centers, orphanages and slum areas in Phnom Penh

From 6pm, Thursday, August 23 rd

At Meta House

#6 Street 264




"Com Haic Thaim" / "Don't Rip Any Further"

Artwork by Leang Seckon and Sahmakum Teang Tnaut (Housing Rights Task Force)

From 6pm Saturday, August 25

At the ARTHOUSE, Old Market, Siem Reap


Friday, August 17, 2007

@ the Arthouse - 'Stop Evictions' exhibition

STOP EVICTIONS goes to siem reap:


a collaboration between Khmer artist Leang Seckon and the Housing Rights Task Force


Opening: Saturday 25th August 2007   from 7.00pm (showing until October 31st)

Location:  The Arthouse, Old market, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Following on from the Housing Right Task Force's Photo Exhibition at the FCC Phnom Penh the HRTF has been able to develop their work in collaboration with Leang Seckon, one of Cambodian most renowned young Artists. Disillusioned by the upcoming loss of his studio on Boeung Kak ( a lake in the centre of Phnom Penh) to the latest wave of developers' plans, Seckon decided to collaborate in creating a striking installation which is called "Gom haiht taim' (don't tear again) .


HRTF's aim is to show that while development can lead to improvements in the lives of cambodians, the current style of development is actually leading to increased misery for many of the country's poorest families. Evicted and relocated from homes many have lived on since the end of the Pol Pot era in 1979, there are being sent to live in sites many miles outside the city, far from work opportunities and lacking almost all forms of basic services. With a fraction of the profits these developers are making the situation could be so very different. the HRTF shows are part of a wider appeal to the Cambodian Government to revisit how it wants to 'develop' the country.



Installation by Leang Seckon is a well known Cambodian artists whose pioneering work is now shown across the region and worldwide. 012 294731


Photographs by Nile Sprague, Thy Buntheoun (Mai)/CLEC, Cat Barton/Phnom Penh Post and Meas Kim Seng/STT


Local NGO Sahmakum Teang Tnaut  is organising the event on behalf of the Housing Rights Task Force


DED, the German Aid organisation is sponsoring the event in conjunction with the Arthouse, Siem Reap who have kindly donated the space and other assistance



Leang Seckon 012 294731

Sasha Constable/Arthouse 012 699249

Phann Sithan/Housing Rights Task Force 012 707960

Sahmakum Teang Tnaut 012 360472


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Galloping galoshes gaining gratitude

The latest from Mitch's 'What's On' Email list:

The time has come and the list will have a new owner. Tim Rann, who works with PEPY (http://pepyride.org) will be taking over the list as of next week. Please help him out, email events to events@outdoorgenius.com. And say hi and give him a big kiss when you see him around town. For the random rambles, emails will be coming from rambles@outdoorgenius.com, although I think I might have a couple of weeks off. Still looking around half-heartedly for jobs, if you know of anything next to a big, fat, mountain, let me know. That is basically my single criteria in job hunting at the moment.

Anyway, for a little while yet, see you out there!

This week:

** Wednesday 8th **
- German Film festival: "SCHILLER"
7pm, Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465

-Sovanna nu Jazz project.
7:30pm, Sovanna Phum Theatre #111 St 360 (cnr 105). 023987564.

- Mekong Messengers live. Latin, blues, and folk.
9pm, Talkin' to a Stranger. #21 St 294. 012798530.

** Thursday 9th **
- German film festival: "THE RAPOPORTS – OUR THREE LOVES"
7pm, Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465

-Sovanna nu Jazz project.
7:30pm, Sovanna Phum Theatre #111 St 360 (cnr 105). 023987564.

** Friday 10th **
- FILM: The Pianist (In french, english subtitles)
6.30pm, French Cultural Centre

- German film festival: "RETURN OF THE TUEDELBAND"
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- Ritual Dances: the tradition of Classical Cambodian dance.
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

** Saturday 11th **
- Pontoon reopens with new owners and an Austin Powers Theme Party!
Yeah baby yeah....

- German film festival: "SCHULZE GETS THE BLUES"
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- Vienna Divertimento: "Table Music"of Haydn & Mozart. Brandy Mo & David Kemps (RICE Univerity Texas, USA)
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

** Sunday 12th **
-The Lotus and the Rose
7:30pm, Sovanna Phum Theatre #111 St 360 (cnr 105). 023987564.

** Monday 13th **
6.30pm, French Cultural Centre (free, but book tickets by the 10th) 023213124.

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh *** (I've moved advance notice to the bottom!)

To unsubscribe send an email to pp-unsubscribe@outdoorgenius.com
To subscribe send an email to pp-subscribe@outdoorgenius.com

Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Email events@outdoorgenius.com
Or text Tim at **
(number to come next week! For now you can still text Mitchell at 092-830-179)

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

*** Advance notice ***

August 16 (?)
Tribute to Elvis Presley on the 30th Anniversary of his death
FCC Phnom Penh

August 19
Cricket at BKK School

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Concert et Spectacle au CCF


  Sovanna Nu - Jazz Project  
  > Jeudi 9 Août - 19h
> Gratuit - billets à retirer au CCF
> Cinéma du CCF

La démarche du SNJP est basée sur la rencontre entre la musique traditionnelle cambodgienne et la scène nu-jazz française. Une performance originale à ne pas manquer.

Le mercredi 8 août à Sovanna Phum - 19h30 (participation libre)
Sovanna Phum - 111, rue 360 - Phnom Penh
sp.project@online.com.kh - www.sovannaphum.org

  Le lotus et la rose  

> Lundi 13 août - 18h30
> Gratuit - billets à retirer au CCF avant le 10 août
> Cinéma du CCF


Cette création est née de la rencontre (en 2005) des artistes de la Compagnie « l'Oiseau Tonnerre » (Pau/ France) avec des artistes de Sovanna Phum (Phnom Penh/Cambodia).
Rencontre de deux histoires : « la Belle et la Bête » (conte traditionnel français) avec le mythe khmer du Reamker. Rencontre artistique, entre tradition et modernité ; le pari était risqué : mélanger la danse classique des Apsaras et la musique traditionnelle khmère à la danse contemporaine et au jazz et musiques improvisées.

Cette création n'est peut-être que le plus bel aboutissement d'une rencontre avant tout « passionnément » humaine, et rien que pour cela, il fallait que le Lotus rencontre la Rose !

Le dimanche 12 août à Sovanna Phum - 19h30 (tarif habituel)
Sovanna Phum - 111, rue 360 - Phnom Penh
sp.project@online.com.kh - www.sovannaphum.org


Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à : jerome.hivert@ccf-cambodge.org
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to jerome.hivert@ccf-cambodge.org


Khmer Architecture Tours

Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh

Sundays:  12 August 07 / 9 September 07

Mix of colonial and 1960s buildings. Morning tours. $10/$1.


Sunday 26 August 07:

Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh 

Vann Molyvann's remarkable sports hall, stadium and swimming pool. Morning. $5/$1.


Saturday 29 September 07:

University Buildings in Phnom Penh 

Three great campuses (ITC, Vann Molyvann's IFL, RUPP). Morning. $8/$1.


Please check for further details on our website, then email us at  contact@ka-tours.org if you would like to book places.

Please include names and mobile telephone  numbers and which tour you would like. 

We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!



To download the self-guided walking map of central Phnom Penh, visit www.ka-tours.org

Friday, August 03, 2007

Documentaries @ Meta-House

Dear Film Friends!

After the successful opening of our German Film Festival yesterday we want to invite you for a weekend full of award-winning documentaries (with English subtitles or English narration). Four female filmmakers and one male colleague focus on globalisation and migration - issues, that are also from high importance for the new Cambodia.

Please be our guest.... (FREE ADMISSION)

Friday, 03/08/07, 7PM "FROM HERE TO HOME"
A rubbish truck road movie full of longing and small adventures.
Director: Andrea Zimmermann and Thomas Adebahr

Saturday, 04/08/07, 7PM "PEPPER"
The trade with the black gold – a spicy tale of globalization…
Director: Janina Moebius

Sunday, 05/08/07, 7PM "WHATZ UP?"
A longitudinal study of four youths whose parents left Morocco, Tunisia, Albania and Turkey to live in Cologne/Germany.
Director: Bettina Braun

Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465
Homepage: www.meta-house.com,

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Rambunctuous rambling

From Mitch:

Well, my mother led the voting in asking for a weekly ramble. I'm surprised at: 1. How many people actually read this; 2. How many people could be bothered to reply; 3. How many people actually want to hear from me once I leave the country. Perhaps you all just want to be sure that I am in a different country?

Anyway will do both hand over to a couple of people who have expressed interest, as well as give you all a weekly dose of my mind! You will have the option of one or the other or both - I'll let you know how when the time comes!

Cricket is on this Sunday, after it was washed out last time. Come along, it may be the last time you get to laugh at me in "action". Details below.

See you out there!

This week:

** Wednesday 1st **
- Dirty Light, by Michael Richter. Until end Aug.
6pm, Two Fish Café. #9 St 278. 016-368 700.

- Chamber Music/workshop concert, Markus Gundermann, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra & Students of the Royal University of Fine Arts
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

- Wend Kûuni (God's gift), director Gaston KABORÉ, 1982
6pm, Bophana AV Centre. #64 St 200. 016872994

** Thursday 2nd **
- German Film Festival: STATUS YO (english subtitles).
7pm, Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465

** Friday 3rd **
- Pinot Noir Tasting, $12 inc snacks.
From 7pm, Monsoon Wine Bar, Bookings required: 012214973.

- Zan Boko, director Gaston KABORÉ, 1988
6pm, Bophana AV Centre. #64 St 200. 016872994

6.30pm, French Cultural Centre

- Documentary: FROM HERE TO HOME.
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- Thai&Chinese Music: the unique sound of SE-Asian string instruments
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

** Saturday 4th **
6.30pm, French Cultural Centre

- Documentary: PEPPER.
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- Il Flauto Dolce: experience the warm sound of wooden flutes, solo flute performance by Thomas Mengler, Germany
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

** Sunday 5th **
- Cricket, Pakistan vs best of the rest. All welcome.
10am BKK High School, St 360 west of st 63 and on south side of street in school grounds.
Please confirm with phone number to johndonn@runbox.com

- Moisture, paintings by Australian artist Stephen Eastaugh.
6pm, FCC. Until September 8.

- Documentary: WHATZ UP?
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

** Monday 6th **
- Documentary: AUGUST SANDER
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

** Tuesday 7th **
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh *** (I've moved advance notice to the bottom!)

To unsubscribe send an email to pp-unsubscribe@outdoorgenius.com
To subscribe send an email to pp-subscribe@outdoorgenius.com

Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Email me at
Or text at

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

*** Advance notice ***

Movies screening of Gaston KABORE

The Bophana Center is pleased to welcome you to the movies screening of Gaston KABORE (Birkinabe filmmaker).

1. Wend Kûuni
(God's gift), director Gaston KABORÉ, 1982
67 minutes, English subtitles  
Awarded the Cesar of French-speaking cinema

Wednesday August 08 at 6pm

In Burkina Faso, "at a time when the white man had not yet trodden on Mossi soil", an orphan found almost dead in the bush by a pedlar holds a mystery. As the child is dumb, his mystery is even more secret. Wend Kûuni is taken in by a family from another tribe who gives him a home and affection. His quiet life as a shepherd is only nicely disturbed by the daughter of the house, Pognéré. Upon discovering a hanged man, Wend Kûuni starts speaking again and tells the story of his past. "In Africa, story-telling and reality are the two faces of the same whole life." The perspective of a narrative form of story-telling perfectly applies to the social context of the Mossi ethnic community in a period of abundance, as well as to a simple form of dramatic art perpetuating the spirit of story-telling.

 2. Zan Boko, director Gaston KABORÉ, 1988
91 minutes, English subtitles

Friday August 10 at 6pm

Tinga becomes a city-dweller when his native land is incorporated into the urban area. The story shows him exposed to new restrictions, oppressions, and the violence of this new environment where nothing makes him want to live. Tinga, his wife, his two children and a young taciturn journalist are the witnesses of this peculiar tragedy. One of the Mossi rites consists in burying the newborn's placenta. Such an act is a celebration of the first link between the newborn and the nourishing earth. The burial place where the placenta is set is called Zan Boko.

About Gaston KABORÉ:

Born in 1951 in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), PHD in history (Paris Sorbonne), he also studied the cinema at ESEC (Paris). His first film "Wend Kuuni" (God's gift, 1982) was awarded the Cesar of French-speaking cinema which also earned him international recognition. Then come Zan Boko (1988) and Rabbi (1992). He was head of Cinema National Center in Burkina Faso from 1985 to 1997. Budd-Yam got Fespaco grand award in 1997 and attached 60 000 spectators in 6 months in Burkina Faso.

The screening will take place on the ground floor of Bophana Center (Free admission).


For more information:



--    Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center 855(0)23 992 174 #64 Street 200 Daun Penh Phnom Penh Cambodia WWW.bophana.org  

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.