Tuesday, July 26, 2005

"Roussey Dek" story

Friday 29th & Saturday 30th July 05 At 7:30pm 
Entrance fee:    Adults $5, Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh, Tel: 023 987 564 - Tel/Fax: 023 221 932                
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday, our puppets shop is open everyday, except on Sunday.

Monday, July 25, 2005

PPS New show : Premiere!

(in Khmer font)


GgÁkarhVarBnøWsil,³ sUmeKarBGeBa¢IjGs;elak-elakRsI Gñknag kBaØa cUlrYmTsSna nUvTsSnIy_PaBesokEdl

CasñaédfµI rbs;GgÁkareyIg´ EdlmaneQµaHfa :PUmisÞIl : nigTsSnIy_PaBGb;rMfµIEdlmaneQµaHfa

“The Etranges Visitores”enAéf¶TI 29 Exkkáda qñaM2005 evlaem:ag 6³00 naTIl¶ac. RkumsMEdgenHnwgecjeTAsMEdgenARbeTs)araMgkñúg eBlqab;²xagmuxenH.

GaRs½ydUc)anCMrabxagelIsUmelak-elakRsI RBmTaMgRkumRKYsaremtþa cUlrYmTsSnaeGay)aneRcInkuHkredIm,ICa

karelIkTwkcitþdl;RkumsMEdgpg nigelIksÞÜyvis½ysil,³vb,Fm’Exµr.





Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS) invites you for the Première of the new theater circus performance


 “POUM STYLE”. This show will tour in France this winter.


Second part of the evening, you will see a theater awareness performance “The Etranges Visitores”.


Those two shows will carry you in different universes than PPS usual productions.


Come to enjoy with us on Friday 29th, July 2005 at 6 p.m.



Friday, July 22, 2005


July 22 (Today!) to August 21

Douglas P. Baulos, Matthew Posey, Linda Saphan, " & ", FCC Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


7:00 - 8:30 TONIGHT at Sonteipheap( Peace Pub)
(New Location! House #126, Street 136.)

Phnom Penh 12302, Cambodia
Mobile Phone 012 790 898 / 011 798 209

featuring a film maker Christina Oer from Singapore. also open for discussion on all topics related to film. anyone wish to open any discussion pls step forward.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cambodian Comics Meeting

Comics 'special interest group' meeting
5:00 pm - onward July 15 at the Cambodian Book Sector Federation.

We'll be talking about portfolios, our upcoming 'Rencontre' in October, "One Day in Phnom Penh" anthology, Angouleme Festival, Indonesia/Cambodia exchange and more.

Some of our guests: http://www.flickr.com/photos/book_federation/sets/425691

more info? jinja [via] ekit [dot] com

Cambodian Film Festival

Today's Cambodia Daily notes that Ministry of Culture representative Khim Sarith announced yesterday that Cambodia will hold its first government sponsored film festival in 15 years. It will feature recent Cambodian - made films and take place from November 28 to December 2, 2005. Films made in 2004 and 2005 will be elegible.
[UNESCO's Directory of Culture notes that a number of Cultural events scheduled to occur yearly, but usually do not for lack of funds.]

For more film info, 'Santapheap' has some notes.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Khmer Folk & Classical Dance

Khmer Folk & Classial Dance
Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd July 05
At 7:30pm
Entrance fee:    Adults $5, Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Tel/Fax: 023 221 932
We have show every Friday & Saturday,our puppets shop is open everyday, except on Sunday.

Fund-raising Art Auction

Where: Java Café

When: Sunday, July 24, 3-6 pm

Why: To raise funds for the first biennial Visual Arts Open 2005

The VAO is a local initiative to promote Cambodian artists and in December 2005 will launch the first of many Phnom Penh visual art events. Twenty Cambodian artists, established and emerging, will be featured in different exhibition spaces. The VAO aims at empowering artists, cultivating art appreciation and building a sense of community.

The auction will feature artwork by local and foreign artists and all sales will directly benefit the VAO.

The auction will run from 3 to 6pm, registration begins from 2pm. All sales will be completed at the time--we accept cash, Mastercard and Visa (with a 3% surcharge). Additional proceedings and schedule will be posted at Java Café by noon on Sunday. Preview on request between now and Sunday noon.

Preview the artwork Friday, July 22 - Sunday, July 24. For more information contact Dana at 012-894-180.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

FCC Photo competition

To announce winners on July 15.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Shadow Puppets, Music & Mask Dance

Shadow Puppets, Music & Mask Dances
"Ponhakay" Story
Friday 15th & Sat16th July 05
At 7:30pm
Entrance fee:    Adults $5, Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
n�111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Tel/Fax: 023 221 932
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
our puppets shop is open everyday,
except on Sunday.

Shadow Puppets, Music & Mask Dances
"Ponhakay" Story
Friday 15th & Sat16th July 05
At 7:30pm

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Tel/Fax: 023 221 932
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
our puppets shop is open everyday,
except on Sunday.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Student Dance

Dear friends-


Since RUFA lost it space, the students from its conservatory of folkloric dance come to Amrita to keep practice their skill and they come up with informal performance on Sunday 10th July at 7:30 pm.


All friends are invited and enjoy the show,


See you, Rith



SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
Phnom Penh 12000


Tel. 023-220424

Fax. 023-220425

Cell. 012-410044




Monday, July 04, 2005

"Preah Koh Bot"

Shadow Puppets, Music & Mask Dances
"Preah Koh Bot" Story
Friday 9th & Saturday 10th July  05
At 7:30pm
Entrance fee:    Adults $5,  Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Tel/Fax: 023 221 932
E-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have show every Friday & Saturday, our puppets shop is open everyday,
except on Sunday.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Vernissage exposition ange leccia

for weblog

Le Centre Culturel Français a le plaisir de vous inviter au vernissage de l’exposition d’Ange Leccia ce vendredi 1er  juillet à 18h30, dans le hall du Centre Culturel Français.


The French Cultural Center is honoured to invite you to the opening of the exhibition of the French Artist Ange Leccia, Friday 1st of July 2005 at 6.30pm at the FCC.


Durant les années quatre-vingt, Ange Leccia s'est fait connaître par toute une série d'arrangements utilisant des objets liés au monde du cinéma, comme les appareils de projections qu'il mit en scène lors de sa première exposition personnelle au Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris en 1985. En parallèle, il développe une œuvre autour de la vidéo avec des pièces comme Maria Callas (1982), Le Mépris (1986) ou encore Pierrot le Fou (1986). Ces deux dernières créations reprennent sous une forme épurée des extraits des films éponymes de Jean-Luc Godard et leur donnent une seconde vie. Après avoir participé à de nombreuses expositions internationales (Musée Guggenheim à New York, Skulptur Projecte à Munster, Documenta 8 à Cassel) l'artiste séjourne longuement au Japon au début des années quatre-vingt dix et découvre le cinéma de la nouvelle vague asiatique. Il y répond par une collaboration avec Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster et réalise avec elle Ile de Beauté (1986), sorte de road-movie subjectif entre la Corse et l'île du soleil levant. En découle aussi une pratique "zen" de l'image qui apparaît à travers des pièces comme La Mer (1991), Fumées (1995), Orage (2000) où les éléments de la nature connaissent un processus d'abstraction.


En janvier 2005, Ange Leccia a fait une résidence d’un mois au CCF de Phnom Penh avec le Pavillon, Unité pédagogique du Palais de Tokyo - Paris, dont il est le Directeur.


Ange Leccia présentera des travaux vidéo (La Mer, l'Orage, etc...) ainsi qu'une série d'œuvres photographiques réalisées lors de son premier séjour Cambodgien. Son dernier film “Ruins of Love” sera projeté au Cinéma du CCF à 13h les mardi et jeudi.



Centre Culturel Français           

218 rue Keo Chéa                    

BP 827 – Phnom Penh


tel : 855 23 213 124

855 23 213 125 



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.