Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Patchwork of Diversity

A Patchwork of Diversity
Dance and deaf theatre
45 minute show with 5 performances
Wednesday 18th May 2005        At 7:30pm
Free Entrance!
Performance at Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105)
Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Folk & Classical Khmer Dance
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st May 2005
At 7:30pm
Entrance fee: Adults $5 , Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St 360 ( Corner 105 ) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564 Fax:023 221 932
e-mail: sp.admin@camintel.com
We have shows every Friday & Saturday. Our puppets shop are open everyday, except on Sunday.
Cambodian Modified Mohori    & Lakhaon Ape Veang Classical Musical Theatre
Friday 20th  May 2005        at 5:30pm
Performanced by the Students of the Faculty of Music & Faculty of Choreographic Arts, RUFAat the North Campus Theatre, Royal University of Fine Arts,
Street 70, Next to the Old stadium
Sponsored by
Leveraging Investments in Creativity(LINC)

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