Friday, May 27, 2005

News from saklapel

Bonjour a tous
Nous venons de faire un atelier artistique au sein de l alliance francaise
de Yangon, Myanmar avec trois artistes birmans.
Vous pouvez voir nos oeuvres sur le site :

Dear all,
We had a workshop with three burmese artists at the Alliance Francaise in
Yangon, Myanmar. You can have a look of our works on our website:

Linda Saphan

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Straight RefugeeZ: The Project - Housewarming Party.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Opening @ Java

Opening Tonight!
6 - 9pm at Java Café & Gallery
Kuntrup U U
New works by Leang Seckon, a well known Cambodian artist.
"Up to now I don't know what else should I do? Being an artist who has many years of experience, I won't let the time pass. I must research and dig out the surrounding spirit world."

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dance Night Show

Saturday 28th May 2005
Show at 7:30pm
Entrance fee: Adults $5 , Children $3 
after 9pm Free Dance Floor Until.....
SovannaPhum Theatre                                                                                                        
nº111 St 360 ( Corner 105 ) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564, 012 661 097, 012 672 662 or 012 846 020
We have shows every Friday & Saturday. Our puppets shop are open everyday, except on Sunday.

Shadow Theatre "PONHAKAY"


A creation with
large shadow Puppets, Music & Mask Dance
Friday 27th May 2005            At 7:30pm
Entrance fee: Adults $5 , Children $3 
SovannaPhum Theatre                                                                                                        
nº111 St 360 ( Corner 105 ) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564, 012 661 097, 012 672 662 or 012 846 020
We have shows every Friday & Saturday. Our puppets shop are open everyday, except on Sunday.

Monday, May 23, 2005

French Cultural Centre

If you'd like the latest news on French Cultural Centre events, the French Embassy in Cambodia's web page has the monthly brochure (with films, performances, french classes and other items) at
in French and Khmer.

Caution: these files are several megabytes to download.

Vietnam Blues

A new poetry book available at the French Cultural Centre's Carnets d'Asie and other local bookshops by Maria de los Angeles. Click for more information.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

National Seminar on Urban Development and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Cambodia


31 May – 01 June 2005- National Seminar on Urban Development and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Cambodia

Organised by the Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts

The first national seminar on ‘Urban Development and the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in Cambodia’ is to be held in Phnom Penh on 31 May – 01 June 2005.

The seminar is organized by The Cambodian National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts and with the participation of various Ministries and the Municipality of Phnom Penh.

The purpose of the seminar is to foster a dialogue between professionals involved in urban planning, protection of cultural heritage, private sector development and the creative industries.

UNESCO recognises that it is essential to harmonise the preservation of cultural heritage with the changes necessitated by social and economic development; it also recognises that the survival of historic areas is of key importance to every people seeking to preserve their true cultural dimension and their individuality.

The main aims of the seminar are
• to provide a national setting for the discussion of the value of cultural heritage and the safeguarding of cultural property and historic areas, and to review the work being carried out in this area by government departments.
• to increase awareness and understanding of the relationship between, and potential mutual benefits of, the protection of cultural heritage and urban development.
• to identify possible measures to further harmonise statutory provisions regarding urban and economic development with the safeguarding of historic areas and cultural property.

The focus will be on Phnom Penh, as well as there being case studies from selected provincial towns. Appropriate international examples will be discussed. The seminar will consider the value of historic areas as well as individual buildings, and plans to have presentations on current conservation initiatives by the Ministry of LMUPC and the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, as well as the Municipality of Phnom Penh. The Municipality will also be discussing the latest stage in its preparation of a master plan for Phnom Penh.

The importance of the private sector in aiding and supporting appropriate conservation will be indicated through case studies, which will illustrate the economic issues in relation to urban development.

Limited places at the seminar are available to the public, who are welcome to attend and who are asked to visit the ‘events’ section of for registration details. NOTE: Pre-registration is essential.

Venue: Raffles hotel le Royal, 92 Rukhak Vithei, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh
Dates: Tuesday 31 May and Wednesday 01 June 2005
Press conference: on 01 June 2005 at 15:15

For further information please contact UNESCO Phnom Penh Tel: 023-426.726/217.244, Mrs. Laurence Monnin, Seminar Administrator, HP 012 785 512, or email to, OR
Mr. Geoff Pyle, Seminar Moderator, HP 012 904 313 or email to with cc to

Thursday, May 19, 2005


The Royal University of Fine Arts is very please to invites you to a ONE hour performance at the RUFA North Campus theatre at street 70, next to the Old Stadium

Friday 20 May 2005 at 5:30pm

Free admission. Please bring your friends!

There will be a Traditional Concert – MAHORI MUSIC and the newly revised theatre form LAKHAON APÉ VEANG

This is great opportunity for the artists to create new ideas and building up their knowledge and exchange experience.

This project is support by the Fund for Cambodian Culture of Leveraging Investment in Creativity (LiNC) and the Rockefeller Foundation through Amrita Performing Arts.

Thank for supporting traditional arts and hope to see you at the theatre

Click for flyer

SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel. 023-220424

Fax. 023-220425

Cell. 012-410044

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Rita Leistner at Java Café


Photographs from Iraq

By award-winning photojournalist Rita Leistner


Wednesday, May 18th, 7pm

Free slide-show and talk

Java Café & Gallery



Award-winning photojournalist Rita Leistner will show some of her work from Iraq in 2003 and 2004, and discuss her experiences covering the war.


Rita Leistner is a Canadian photojournalist based in New York and Toronto. She specializes in in-depth portrait stories, often writing the text to accompany her photographs. For the past two years, she has been covering the conflict in Iraq. She has also worked in South America and in Cambodia, where she lived in 1998 and 1999.


Rita's approach to photojournalism has been influenced by nearly a decade of working as a lighting specialist in the film industry in Toronto. A graduate of The International Center of Photography, she also has an MA in comparative literature from The University of Toronto.


Her work has been published in Time, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, The Walrus, Maclean’s, Colors, and Jalouse among others.


Her Iraq work has received awards from The National Press Photographers' Association "2004  Best of Photojournalism" as well as the NPPA's "2004 Women in Journalism Contest." Rita's work  is currently leading the national finalists (with 6 nomintations in both writing and visual categories)  in the 2004 Canadian National Magazine Awards, to be announced in June. In addition, she has won bursaries from The Rory Peck Trust and The Canada Council for the Arts, and won the 2003 International Center for Photography Johnson & Johnson Fellowship. Her photographs have been exhibited in Canada, The United States, France, and Cambodia.


Her upcoming book, Unembedded – Four Independent Photojournalists on the War in Iraq, Chelsea Green publishers, a collaboration with Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, Kael Alford, and Throne Anderson, is being released in September, 2005 (

A Patchwork of Diversity

A Patchwork of Diversity
Dance and deaf theatre
45 minute show with 5 performances
Wednesday 18th May 2005        At 7:30pm
Free Entrance!
Performance at Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105)
Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
Folk & Classical Khmer Dance
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st May 2005
At 7:30pm
Entrance fee: Adults $5 , Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St 360 ( Corner 105 ) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564 Fax:023 221 932
We have shows every Friday & Saturday. Our puppets shop are open everyday, except on Sunday.
Cambodian Modified Mohori    & Lakhaon Ape Veang Classical Musical Theatre
Friday 20th  May 2005        at 5:30pm
Performanced by the Students of the Faculty of Music & Faculty of Choreographic Arts, RUFAat the North Campus Theatre, Royal University of Fine Arts,
Street 70, Next to the Old stadium
Sponsored by
Leveraging Investments in Creativity(LINC)

Monday, May 16, 2005

'The City He Built'

New York Times Article on Vann Molyvann: 'The City He Built'
(Registration may be Required)
Text of article, CamNews Cambodia Newsgroup (no pictures)]]

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.