Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Another memorable moment on PUC Radio Talk Show

From: Soma Norodom 

Well, I can check off my list of things to do before I quit PUC Radio Talk Show at the end of February. Interview a naked guest speaker on the show.
Ms. Anida Yoeu Ali, a performance artist, writer, activist, filmmaker, Fulbright scholar, Muslim-Khmer-American from Chicago, Global Agitator, and now living in Cambodia, was making a statement about the issue of censorship. "The naked truth with Anida Yoeu Ali"
Special thanks to Chy Sila, and the Pizzaworld team for supplying the pizzas for the show, which was also used as a prop.
Here is the link to all the pictures from the interview.
Upcoming shows:
February 13th-Lecture Topic: Dating in Cambodia
Soma and Co-Host, Zac Faith, DJ from Love FM, will interview several guests from different nationalities about their experiences dating in Cambodia.
February 8th-Dr. Fil, Human Sexuality Counselor, Owner of only Condom Bar in Cambodia
Soma and Co-Host, Karona, will talk about the taboo topic: Sex
February 21st-VIP Guest-Ms. Theary Seng, Author, Activist, Founder of the Cambodian Center for Justice & Reconciliation, and the Founding President of CIVICUS: Center for Cambodian Civic Education
February 28th-Soma's Farewell Interview
Professor Arlene, Professor Sophia, and Professor Chantelle will interview Soma as she reveals her new career, love life, and future plans for Cambodia
Best Regards,

Soma Norodom

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Phnom Penh: planned and un-planned" Wednesday, 1st of February.



welcome you to our up coming event
organized by Manolis House

City planning and land use in Phnom Penh: looking back from "now" 

Phnom Penh: planned and un-planned

to "then".

Thomas Kolnberger


Baitong Restaurant
  7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I,
Wednesday, 1st of February 2012 at 6 pm


Thomas Kolnberger, born in Salzburg, Austria, is PhD-candidate in Historical Geography at the University of Luxembourg (Laboratoire d'histoire) and Passau (Southeast Asian Studies, Germany). His lecture will highlight the on-going production of spatial relations between "planning from above" and "from below" as grass-rooted urban planning by looking back from Phnom Penh's "now" (after the fall of the Khmer Rouge-regime) to "then" (colonial times).

Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh

email: hs.encounters@gmail.com
web: http://hshhpp.pbworks.com/

Coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Léo Mariani, Gabriel Fauveaud

stefanie irmer

space for architecture
education / research / documentation / events / tours

khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

@ manolis house
cambodian urban heritage and architecture network


Saturday, January 28, 2012


Dear Democrats Abroad Cambodia Members,
Did you know that you have to register to vote every year?



               DATE: SATURDAY MARCH 3, 2012
               TIME: 6.30 - 8.30 PM (including happy hour from 5-7pm)
               PLACE: FCC - PHNOM PENH, #363 Sisowath Quay

1) 2012 US Elections:  Did you know that you now have to register to vote every year? Come learn about voter registration requirements for US citizens living overseas (MOVE ACT), register now for your absentee ballot (www.VoteFromAbroad.org), and receive updates on the US primary elections dates and processes, and more!
Important Updates: Speakers will provide important information on immigration visa rules and new tax filing changes affecting Americans living abroad, and more! Guest speakers will also be invited.

2) Democrats Abroad Cambodia Officer Elections:  We are seeking nominations for all four positions: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. All Democrats Abroad (DA) Cambodia members are eligible to stand for election and to vote for officers.  We encourage everyone to become involved and make a difference.  No experience necessary, just willingness, interest and commitment. The DA Cambodia By-Laws will be posted on the Democrats Abroad website (www.democratsabroad.org). 

Nominations: Please send your nominations (self or others) to the DA Cambodia nomination committee (rayleos1@yahoo.com) or contact Ray, (tel: 012 620 571), Bruce (bruce@southeastasianpictures.com or 016 987 911) or Nathalie (nabejer@yahoo.com or 012 899 306) for more information. While nominations are allowed from the floor, it would be helpful if nominations and candidate statements are sent to the nomination committee by Friday February 24, 2012 so they can be posted for DA Cambodia members to see in advance of the DA Cambodia Annual Meeting.  Thank you and we hope to see you all there.

For general information or questions, please contact DemsAbroadKH@gmail.com or call: 012 260 131 or 012 949 421.

Tell Friends and Family!  Bring a Friend! Consider Volunteering! Forward this message to all Americans you know and encourage them join Democrats Abroad Cambodia! This email is being sent by Democrats Abroad Cambodia.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Halo of The Omnipresent Eye

Subject: Opening Friday 27 January 6-8pm | The Halo of The Omnipresent Eye by Than Sok

SA SA BASSAC is pleased to announce the opening of The Halo of the Omnipresent Eye by Than Sok, a solo exhibition presenting interactive sculpture and installation through which the artist seeks to provoke questions around the practice of monetary almsgiving in Cambodia while playfully drawing connections between the roles of monastics and artists. 

In Cambodia, where Buddhism co-exists alongside pre-Buddhist animism and Brahman practices, both monks and artists have long occupied a unique position in the transmission of Khmer culture and values; monastic discipline has provided a living model of the most meritorious Buddhist behavior, while artistic practice has been regarded as visionary and with spiritual associations.

Although some monks commit to permanent vows, monkhood in Cambodia is traditionally considered a right of passage in which young males are expected to serve temporary terms intended as merit-building activities for parents. Due in part to a shift in almsgiving practices in which laity replace food with cash offerings - a practice antagonistic to precepts meant to prevent monks from indulgences including the handling of money - many young men can now consider monkhood as an opportunity to escape poverty, relocate to urban centers, participate in secular education, and are seen as participating in laic life before disrobing. Still, alms remain a central practice and symbol of the sangha, or Buddhist community, and provide the opportunity for givers to earn merit for a better rebirth.

Than Sok deliberated the monkhood-for-opportunity model, and served three months as a novice assistant, during which time he was offered what he considered a more favorable opportunity: to become an artist through the offering of the Reyum Art School in Phnom Penh. Since graduating in 2005, his artistic practice has investigated the materials and rituals of spiritual practices in his country.

The Halo of the Omnipresent Eye stages the artist's own alms scenarios in the gallery. To Give Is To Receive I and II (2012) reconfigure materials and forms used in exchanges between monks and laity. The pair of alms stations are presided over by representational halos associated with divine knowing – a reminder that intention, the source of good or bad action, which is invisible, is "visible" via its karmic effect.

To Give Is To Receive I concentrates on alms made to the temple. A colorful LED moiré light glows in the eastward direction onto a field of humble sand mounds – forms representing Mount Meru, the mythical axis of the Hindu world - which are built outside temples during major Khmer ceremonies. Money and other paraphernalia are slid into the sand mountain for which the person is released from sins and can request prayers answered. To Give Is To Receive II focuses on alms made to the individual monk. Suspended from the ceiling, a sole light bulb hangs in the center of bamboo hoop; its "rays" are made from the bright red cotton string, which monks tie to the wrists of laity as a general blessing, and connect to a ring of eight bat lok, or alms bowls. Playfully, the artist asks viewers to perform almsgiving, for which they will, by level of intention and belief, receive merit from supporting the artist. 

About the Artist

Than Sok (born 1984, Takeo) investigates religious and spiritual beliefs, materials, and rituals through sculpture, installation, video and performance. Than graduated from Reyum Art School (2005), Reyum Workshop (2007) and is currently studying architecture. Select exhibitions include Tragedy, Bophana, Phnom Penh (2009), Forever Until Now, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong (2009) and Video: An Art, A History, Singapore Art Museum (2011).  Than was a resident at Tokyo Wonder Site (2005) and S-AIR, Sapporo (2011). His work is collected by the Singapore Art Museum.


SA SA BASSAC is a gallery and resource center dedicated to creating, facilitating, producing, and sharing contemporary visual culture in and from Cambodia

Exhibition Details

Exhibition: The Halo of the Omnipresent Eye by Than Sok
Opening: Friday 27 January, 6:00-8:00PM
Dates: 27 January - 26 February, 2012

Opening Hours: Thurs/Fri 2-6pm, Sat/Sun 10am-6pm + by appointment
Location: SA SA BASSAC #18 2nd Floor, Sothearos Boulevard

Contact: Erin Gleeson, Director, +855(0)12507917

John Weeks

Monday, January 23, 2012

Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup Mon 23 January

REMINDER: Phnom Penh Mapping Meetup

This is a chance to discuss topics such as cartography, GIS, distributed spatial computing, scripting and programming for GIS, spatial databases, location based services, remote sensing, GPS, surveying, navigation, crowdsourced data collection etc. Feel free to come along if you want to find out more about what maps can do for your organisation or cause.


Location: The Empire
Address: #34, St 130
Time: 5:30pm onward
Date: Wednesday 25th January
Theme: beer GIS
Map: http://g.co/maps/vuppu

Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested.

Hope to see you there!



Google Groups

Friday, January 20, 2012

HSHHPP => Human Sciences Encounters in Cambodia

 Dear all

It is with pleasure that we have a nice announcement to share with you: during more than one year we have established new contacts, multiplied the meetings and discussions with a broad variety of institutions and key research actors in Cambodia. The result finally paid a huge does of involvement and motivation: our Human Sciences Happy Hours is about to reborn anew!

As you know the Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh came to life in Octobre 2008. Since then the network never stopped to grow. It now blends together an interesting mix of fields, backgrounds and levels (anthropology, history, sociology, archaeology, psychology, geography, linguistics, urbanism, criminology, political sciences… from Masters to ongoing PhDs, from confirmed academics to experimental voices…). In a continuous attempt to share research outside its walls and to bring it to the society, the door is always open to non-researchers, coming to seek for knowledge. Today almost 500 researchers and other actors (mainly from the development world) are part of our network. Each monthly event gathers 30 to 50 individuals coming to open a new window on the country, but also to build knowledge otherwise often isolated in Cambodia.

This network now presents a real platform for Social Science research in Cambodia. It has become a forum of numerous exchanges and collaborations and it provides the mean for all to share information and publications in this field.

So what's next? What changes are we talking about?

1.  The network will be soon take venue at the Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA) linking history of humanities in Cambodia to present, welcoming a fresh start and innovative collaboration.

2.  The HSHH are now integrated in a new project of master of human and social sciences at RUFA (a project lead by IRD, CNRS, INALCO, UNESCO and RUFA.

3.  The HSHH activities are now going to be associated with IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) and will receive some funding from this collaboration.

4.  In order to open the floor to our non-english speaking colleagues, we now invite all researchers willing to present their work in any other language they feel comfortable with.

5.  We get a brand new name to celebrate those changes! The HSHH now become the:


And in case you didn't know it before (but we are quite sure you did already!) you are all welcome to continue to join us! We are always looking for new sharers of thoughts: presentations, research papers, impulsions and new ideas are what we feed on! (That and fresh water and love of course!).

This is a first step for us to ensure that the network can survive and keep its activities and bubbling encounters alive. Soon to come, the expansion of those activities! And now and forever (yes, we do apply a long term perspective!), YOU are to shape this network by your participation!

We welcome (no, we call on to!) all new energies and good spirits willing to join us!

Cheers to all,

Pascale, Emiko, Leo, and Gabriel

Human Sciences Encounters in Phnom Penh


Coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud, Léo Mariani,


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Artist Talk: Nguyen Manh Hung

Who:        Nguyen Manh Hung

What:       Nguyen Manh Hung's works and the first Vietnamese artist-run alternative art space Nha San Studio

When:      Friday January 13th, 6:30pm

Where:     Sa Sa Art Projects at The White Building (see map here)

About Nguyen Manh Hung:
Nguyen Manh Hung has become a major influence in the current art scene in Vietnam since graduating from Hanoi Fine Arts University. He is the former curator and artistic director of the Nha San Studio. Hung is known for bringing a fresh, original perspective to the visual arts in Vietnam. While focusing on paintings, he makes sculptures, installations and performances. Hung started his own style in visual activities as a surrealist.

Hung recently completed his latest work Living Together in Paradise at the Goethe Institute in Hanoi. This ambitious project created a diorama to surround a meticulously hand-built, three-meter tall model of a residential housing block.

Hung has exhibited at the ifa gallery (Stuttgart and Berlin, Germany), San Art (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), the Stenersen Museet (Oslo, Norway), Ethan Cohen Fine Art Gallery (New York, USA), Nha San Studio (Hanoi, Vietnam), the Ke Center (Shanghai, China), and has participated in various other international exhibitions and festivals.  He has received grants from the Ford Foundation, the Dong Son Today Foundation, and the Asian Cultural Council, and has done residencies in Ghent, NY, and New York City, NY.   

For more information about Nguyen Manh Hung, visit http://hung6776.com.

About Nha San Studio:
Founded in 1998, Nha San was the first artist-led, non-profit alternative arts organization in Vietnam. Based in Hanoi, Nha San aims to provide marginalised artists with the material necessities, and the courage to create within the Vietnamese cultural and political environment. The studio acts as a space for experimentation, transmission and exposure. Nha San works beyond the limits of strict academic teaching and the creative constraints of commercial galleries. Nha San cultivates, supports, and challenges artists who are passionate about exploring the here and now. For more information about Nha San Studio, visit www.nhasanstudio.org.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Crime and Criminal Violence in Cambodia: A Historical Perspective


and welcome to our up coming event !


  Friday 6 th January 2012


Baitong Restaurant

                                              7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I

                           Crime and Criminal Violence in Cambodia: A Historical Perspective

                                                                Dr. Thierry Bouhours

Empirical studies and theoretical analyses of long-term trends in criminal violence have been done in western countries but rarely in other parts of the world. The research conducted by Dr Bouhours and Prof Broadhurst attempts to fill this gap through an examination of the evolution of crime and criminal violence in Cambodia from the start of the 20th century to the present. Different sources and methods of criminal data recording were used between 1900 and 2008 and the diversity of these sources and recording methods presents complex and challenging measurement problems. The types of available data are presented, and how one should understand, compare, and interpret them in order to produce a valid estimate of the evolution of criminal violence in Cambodia during its colonial and post-colonial history is discussed. Preliminary results are presented and, drawing from functionalist and conflict macro-social criminological perspectives, patterns of criminal violence during the modern history of Cambodia are analysed.    

Dr Thierry Bouhours holds a PhD in Education and Criminology from Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.  Since January 2007, he has been working with Professor Roderic Broadhurst on the Australian Research Council (ARC) project Building Rule of Law Capacity in a Transitional State: Lessons from the Australian Criminal Justice Assistance Programme in Cambodia.  In 2009, Thierry Bouhours joined the ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security at the Australian National University, Canberra.  As part of the ARC project, Thierry conducted a crime victimisation survey in Kampong Cham and archival research at the Phnom Penh archives and the Archives d'Outre Mer in Aix en Provence.  Thierry also supervised a Cambodian doctoral student, Dr Chenda Keo, who examined human trafficking in Cambodia focusing on offenders. With Professor Broadhurst and Ms Brigitte Bouhours, Thierry is currently completing a monograph on a modern history of crime and criminal violence in Cambodia.

Dr. Thierry Bouhours
Research Officer
ARC Centre for Excellence in Policing and Security
Regulatory Institutions Network
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
Canberra ACT, Australia 0200

Ph: +61 2 6125 1512 w
+61 2 6251 1774 h


Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh

email: hshhpp@gmail.com
web: http://hshhpp.pbworks.com/

Coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud, Léo Mariani, 

Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh

email: hshhpp@gmail.com
web: http://hshhpp.pbworks.com/

Coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud, Léo Mariani, 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.