Thursday, June 30, 2011

Show 191: Rubber Plantation in Ratanakiri Vs Villagers & Internet for the Poor

Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (around 8h00 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 191:

Topic 1 – Rubber Plantation in Ratanakiri  Vs Villagers (Main Story)

Topic 2 – Internet for the Poor (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program or to watch past program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

If you wish to share your comments on our shows, please go to or message to 012 345 867

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

Friday, June 10, 2011

Show 188: Malaria Resistance & Pawn Shops

Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (around 8h00 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 188:

Topic 1 – Malaria Resistance (Main Story)

Topic 2 – Pawn Shops (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program or to watch past program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

If you wish to share your comments on our shows, please go to or message to 012 345 867

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wednesday 22th, June: Dr Sina Emde: Memory, emotion and violence in the context of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal (work in progress)

Dear all

Welcome to our up coming

Human Sciences Happy Hours

Wednesday 22th of June

-  6pm Baitong Restaurant

(7 Street 360/ Norodom Bd, Beung Keng Kang I)

Memory,  emotion and violence in the context of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal

(work in progress)


Dr. Sina Emde,

Dept. of Anthropology, Research Cluster 'Languages of Emotion",

Free University of Berlin, Germany


This talk discusses the first findings of a research in Cambodia that is part of a larger comparative research project exploring emotion, memory and violence in post-conflict societies. The aim of this research is twofold. Firstly, we ask if and how tribunals and/or truth commissions can initiate new or revive old forms and practices of remembering the violent past and what kind of emotions are articulated in these processes on different societal levels (national, civil society and local, collectively and individually). We also ask if and how these different levels may or may not interact and influence each other. But besides that Sina Emde is also interested in  local forms and practices of remembering ,b e.g. ancestor rituals, storytelling etc. and ask how these are practiced in relation to the memories of the violent past.


This research was multi-sited and focused on the court proceedings of  Case 001 of the ECCC itself, former Khmer Rouge prisons and mass killing sites in the capital and Takeo province. Except for the museum Tuol Sleng, all sites have memorial stupas displaying bones and skulls of victims, who were murdered at the sites. All of these sites are investigation sites of Case 001 and Case 002 of the ECCC.


Sina suggest that these Cambodian memorial sites and spaces are memoryscapes where the collective and the individual, the public and the personal interact, where individual memory and national history can enter the same discursive space thereby creating  polyphonic and polysemic spaces of remembering. Furthermore, these memoryscapes articulate and embody different facets of remembering: agency, politics, materiality and emotion. However, all this takes place within the context of a hegemonic national politics of memory and state historiography that aims at the construction of a nation of victims of a few "senior responsible leaders" and "forgets" the complex shifting ambiguities and subjectivities of victim-perpetrator divisions that have occurred over 30 years of violent conflict in Cambodia.


Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh


Coordinating team:
Pascale Hancart Petitet, Emiko Stock, Gabriel Fauveaud, Léo Mariani, 

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

'Lost Loves' screening @ Meta House Friday June 03


The Meta House would like to invite you to:


LOST LOVES (Film Screening)

Cambodian Genocide Drama

On Friday 3 June 2011, 7 PM

At Meta House

#37, Sothearos Boulevard


Entrance Fee: 5USD (One drink is included)

Khmer students receive a 50% discount with student ID

LOST LOVES is the best-looking Cambodian film in years – almost too beautiful to look at, given its subject matter. The film dwells in pleasant images of sunsets, lush green rice fields and waterfalls that serve as a backdrop to the sinister story of a family whose members are killed off one after the other. The film is directed by Chhay Bora, the first Cambodian independent movie producer. LOST LOVES is based on the true story of Chhay Bora's mother-in-law Nun Sila, whose father was executed by the Khmer Rouge soldiers.

Please be our guest, 

Your Meta House Team

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