Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dance: Children of the Bassac- THURSDAY 30TH @ 7PM


Dear Arts Lovers:


A brilliant dance performance of the Children of Bassac is coming up again this Thursday, December 30, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm at the National Museum in Phnom Penh. Contact 017 998 570 or for the tickets and information.


With best wishes,


ANG Chiva

PR & Marketing



128G9, Sothearos Street
Tonle Bassac, Chamkar Morn
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Skype: angchiva
Cell: 012-959-005, Tel: 023-986-032


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Same Same But Different: Cambodia's New Wave @ Meta

From: Nicolaus Mesterharm <> 

Meta House Phnom Penh
#37, Sothearos Blvd.
Tel. 010 - 312 333

Dear Friends of Meta House!

Please be our guest this Friday (17th), 7PM, for a live concert of Cambodia's newest rock and pop stars Yani, Boy and Enna - presented by Chameleon Music. Enjoy a FREE Christmas concert as well as a groovy dance performance by "Da Fly Group", followed by the romantic German/Cambodian feature film SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT on our rooftop (8PM).

This Saturday (18th) we are hosting a Western Classical Music Concert in our gallery (7PM) as well as the exciting FUTURE SHORTS ONE Film Festival (8PM) with a selection of the best short films from all around the world. Admission Fee: 5USD; Free for Filmmakers!

More infos below,
your Meta House Team


THURS, 16/12
7PM: Jakarta, Indonesia. Five young Indonesian documentary filmmakers tell stories from the streets of a megacity, where so-called "illegal members of society" occupy public spaces to make a living. PORK OR CHICKEN, RHYTHM OF A DAY, WANDERERS, FRIDAY LUNCH and BOT… PARABOT (2008/2009) introduce you to the daily lifes of city dwellers, their struggles, dreams and deceptions. Screening is followed by FOUR SHORTS FROM THE FACTORIES. Young Cambodian filmmakers focus on garment factory workers in Phnom Penh. Migrating from rural areas they find themselves displaced from their origins and family. Through their remittances these women often crucially contribute to the education of their siblings.

FRI, 17/12
7PM: In our gallery we welcome the new generation of Cambodian Rock/Pop performers. The music production company "Chameleon Music" proudly introduces you to their talented new singers Yani, Boy and Enna, who have just released their first CD with original songs. Enjoy their free Christmas concert as well as a groovy dance performance by "Da Fly Group". 8PM: The feature film "SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT" (2009, 107mins) is based on a true story. A young German journalist falls in love with a Khmer bar girl, who is HIV-positive. The film is screened in Khmer version with English subtitles. Moreover we show the trailer, which documents the Cambodian premiere screening as well as the "making-of".

SAT, 18/12
7PM: The ensemble "TRIOthlon" consists of Anton Isselhardt (travers flute), Steven Retallick (violoncello) and Miwako Fujiwara (piano). In our gallery the international musicians will perform Joseph Haydn's "Piano Trios" (Hob. XV: 15-17). Tickets sell for USD 5 including one drink. 8PM: FUTURE SHORTS ONE is a monthly global film festival, featuring international short films. December's official programme showcases Future Shorts' most exciting flicks from this year. It includes music videos from Michel Gondry and OK GO, quirky stop motion animation 'The Lost Tribes Of New York', French gem 'Voyage D'Affires' and many more. DJ after screening. Tickets: USD 5 incl. one drink.

SUN, 19/12
7PM: When Waris Dirie's book DESERT FLOWER appeared in 1998, the world was shocked. The former supermodel tells her breathtaking life story, describing her incredible journey from a nomadic life in the deserts of Somalia to the world's most famous catwalks. At the peak of her career, she tells in an interview of the practice of female genital mutilation that she had to suffer when she was five. Waris Dirie decides to end her life as a model and dedicate her life to fighting this archaic ritual. Now Waris Dirie is UN spokeswoman against circumcision. Sherry Hormann tells the inspiring story of an extraordinary, proud and brave women (120mins, 2009).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Bob Passion: the cat was not there

Do not believe that when the cat is not there the mice are only dancing... Let see what they did....
Ne croyez pas que quand le chat n'est pas là les souris ne font que danser... Voyons ce qu'elles firent...
And, by the way, At robiep would like to thanks those who give opportunity for the 2010ambodia tour to be....
Et, en passant, At robiep aimerait remercier ceux qui ont donné l'opportunité au Cambodia tour 2010 d'exister...


UNDP/TVK Equity Weekly Show 166: Food Quality Control & Anti-corruption Law

Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (around 8h00 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 166:

Topic 1 – Food Quality Control (Main Story)
Topic 2 – Anti-corruption Law (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

John Weeks

Friday, December 10, 2010



SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts

#128 G9, Sothearos Blvd.

Sangkat Tonlé Bassac, Khan Chamcarmorn
PO Box 1140, Phnom Penh 12000, Cambodia


Tel. 023-220424

Fax. 023-220425

Cell. 077-666579

Skype. rithsb






Thursday, December 09, 2010

Java 10th Anniversary Celebration

Java is celebrating is tenth anniversary party this Friday, December 10


Special edition of On The Spot and with DJs Nam and Radioactive Anne from 7pm!

We are warming up for the tenth anniversary party at Java! For the special edition of On The Spot, Berkavitch has lined up some great acts: theatrical storytelling (also known as "accordianic illustration"), live production by Peanut (from Tiny Toons) and artist Peap Tarr, two bands: Holiday in Cambodia and Les Bannis (they started out by meeting at the first On The Spot!) and there's a rumor that Alan will give us another poem, specially written for the evening! All that and more!! Plus you can get on stage too!!

DJ Nam will be spinning tunes from 7pm then DJ Radioactive Anne will take the wheel at 9pm and keep the groove going! First ten people to walk through the door at 7pm get a free drink! Plus 10% off all drinks from 7pm until late!


Promotions from 10am to 10pm:

1.      Spend $10, get 10% discount

2.      Every 10th call for delivery is FREE

3.      Buy 10 cookies, get ten more FREE

4.      10% discount on all Lavazza coffees

5.      10% discount on Karem ice cream

6.      10% discount on all bakery items

7.      Spend $10 on lunch and get a free coffee (any kind!)

8.      Spend $10 on dinner (after 6pm), free glass of wine

9.      Groups of 10 will get a 10% discount off of total bill

10.  100th customer gets a $10 voucher







56 Sihanouk Blvd

Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Java is 10 yrs old!

Java Café & Gallery's 10th Anniversary

• Friday, December 10, 2010

• From 10am – 10pm: Ten promotions

• From 7pm until late: "On The Spot" open mic with Berkavitch
and DJ Nam spinning live tunes. From 9pm onwards, DJ Radioactive Anne
will bring on the night vibe.

• And all day and night: three exhibitions.

Celebrating 10 years of café, art and community. Java, your café.

Ever since opening in 2000, our goal at Java Café& Gallery has been
to innovate, aiming to offer quality food and show contemporary art in
a relaxed and friendly context. The biggest compliments you could pay
us have always been that you had lingered over a good meal because you
felt right at home or that you had found an artwork on display amazing
or challenging.

For Java Café& Gallery, quality and comfort go hand in hand, which
has meant providing customers with seating areas in which they would
feel welcome to spend hours, and serving food and drinks made from
scratch with the freshest ingredients.

With a program ranging from exhibitions and artist talks to fashion
shows and live poetry, Java enjoys linking art and entertainment in
provocative and exciting events that promote the arts and offer
opportunities for expression.

Over the last 10 years, Java has held nearly 100 shows featuring both
Cambodian and international artists, and has accumulated in the
process a vast documentation that include artists' biographies and
photos of their artworks. Those archives will soon be donated to the
Bophana Audivisual Resource Centre in Phnom Penh to give students and
anyone interested in specific artists or the evolution of visual arts
in the country access to this detailed record.

To celebrate those 10 years of creative efforts, we are offering ten
special promotions, a night of live music and poetry and the chance to
view three special exhibitions:

-- From 10am to 10pm on December 10, 2010, we invite everyone to take
advantage of our ten promotions.

-- On the same evening starting at 7pm, we will have a special "On
The Spot" open mic with Berkavitch featuring international and local
acts and DJ Nam spinning live tunes.

-- And from 9 pm onwards, DJ Radioactive Anne will bring on the night

--On display will be two photo exhibitions held as part of Photo Phnom
Penh festival organized by the French Cultural Center, and artworks
from Phare Ponleu Selpak's students and artists featuring in an
auction supported by JavaArts.

During those events, the café's upstairs and downstairs areas as
well as jGALLERY will be open, and anyone will be welcome to drop by,
be it for a quick look or for the duration.

It has been an exciting 10 years: Come and celebrate with us!!!

Monday, December 06, 2010

Music, Dance, Architecture @ Meta House (Tuesday/Wednesday)

 Dear Friends of Meta House!

This Tuesday (7th) and Wednesday (8th) you can enjoy double bills at Meta House: Great films plus special presentations with a special focus on Cambodia.

We welcome Phnom Penh's KHMER ARTS ENSEMBLE - presenting the dance documentary THE TENTH DANCER on Tuesday, 8PM - as well as the architecture working group KOMITU from Helsinki (Wednesday, 6PM), which is building a Phnom Penh youth center.

More infos below:

* TUE, 07/12
6.30PM: Austrian Herbert von Karajan (1908 –1989) was described as "the world's best-known conductor and one of the most powerful figures in classical music". In the mid-1960's Karajan collaborated with French film director, Henri-Georges Clouzot. The documentary ART OF CONDUCTING (1965, 90min) follows the rehearsal and the performance of Robert Schumann's "Symphony No.4".

8PM: Khmer Arts Ensemble presents the film "The 10th Dancer" with an introduction by Toni Phim-Shapiro. The riveting documentary is an intimate portrait of the relationship between a teacher and her pupil set against the backdrop of war torn Cambodia. The film weaves between the past and the present, memory and dream, to reveal a story of human dignity and survival.

* WED, 08/12
6PM: "Komitu" is an architectural workgroup from Helsinki, Finland. Its members are currently designing a youth center in Phnom Penh in collaboration with  a local NGO, Cambodian Volunteers for Society
(CVS). They will hold a presentation for local students and architects, as well as the expat community.

7PM: The first documentary film (1979, 90min) after the Khmer Rouge was shot by famous GDR filmmakers Walter Heynowski and Gerhard Scheumann. The scenes filmed during spring 1979 are part of history: Phnom Penh left to rampant nature, heaps of skulls and destroyed faces. The reports from the survivors are moving and harrowing.

Pls visit our center,
best - your Meta House team

Meta House Phnom Penh
#37, Sothearos Blvd.
Tel. 010 - 312 333

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Mozart, Doors & Global Art @ Meta (this weekend)

Dear Friends of Meta House!

This weekend we invite you to


More details below,
all the best, your Meta House Team


Tonight, 7PM, we invite you to a live concert of western classical music.
In the gallery Uy Thach, El Leang and Anton Isselhardt perform the "Vienna Serenade" by legendary Geman composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 –1791). His music is considered as the archetype of Western Classical Music. The admission fee of 5USD includes a drink.

At 8PM we are hosting a free screening of the riveting documentary WHEN YOU ARE STRANGE by award-winning writer-director Tom DiCillo. Narrated by Johnny Depp, the film uncovers historic, previously unseen footage of cult rock band "The Doors". It focuses on lead singer Jim Morrison (1943-1971), from the formation of the band in 1965 to Morrison's death, after years of alcohol and drug use.


5PM: To celebrate its 1st anniversary, Phnom Penh school GLOBAL ART is holding an exhibition of its students art work focusing on their understanding of our world problem – endangered species. Cambodian & foreign children learn about global warming, deforestation, illegal trade during the process and with their innocence and imagination, they create a colorful and honest interpretation of this serious problem. You are invited to the opening night at ART CAFÉ and are welcome to participate in selecting the "People's Choice" award for best art work.

7PM: Screening of "HAENSEL AND GRETEL": A "Fairy Tale Opera" for children by Engelbert Humperdinck (English subtitles).

Meta House Phnom Penh
#37, Sothearos Blvd.
Tel. 010 - 312 333


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Gig Guide of Cambodia - Thursday the 2nd of December, 2010

From: Leng Pleng Administrator <>

Subject: Gig Guide of Cambodia - Thursday the 2nd of December, 2010

This Weeks Blurb
The gig guide has a slightly new look now - I have split the gigs into sections that are entitled by the day of the week and the date - I hope it is an improvement.
The live music scene is not only expanding in terms of the number of bands but also in area. This week sees gigs in Siem Reap, Kep, and Kampot.
The Kampot gig is the outdoor concert put on by the Cambodian Space Project. The concert will occur at the village of Seyma (just over the river from the main town not far from the Boddhi Villa) and will involve the band plus an array of other singers and performers spanning the afternoon and deep into Saturday night and Sunday morning. If you are needing transport down there then a bus has been arranged which will leave from the riverfront (in front of La Croisette) at 9:00AM on Saturday morning and return by 6:00PM the following day.
In Siem Reap this weekend you can catch not only the half-marathon but also Phil Manning who will be at the FCC Angkor and Los Poporks who will be playing on pub street in front of the Banana Leaf. They should be two totally great gigs and I urge you to catch them if you are a local live music  enthusiast or if up there for Sunday's run.
At Robiep continue their tour of Cambodia in Kep at the Kukuluku Bar and hopefully might make an appearance at the outdoor concert in Kampot - since it is only just down the road ;o).
Other great gigs this weekend include the Bluesberry Jam who will make their return gig at MetaHouse. Also, if you are in Phnom Penh over the weekend then you can catch the Stiff Little Punks at The Cavern as their expanded line-up is being filmed by a German TV crew for a documentary. 
The FCC Phnom Penh and Chow continue their support of the live music scene with a series of 7 gigs for December. Cool!
If it is a great DJ party you are looking for then Rubies Masked Mischief party with Dr. Wah Wah will be totally worth catching on Saturday night.
Here's this weeks' gig guide.
This Weeks Gig Guide
Live Music Gigs
Thursday 2-Dec-2010
  1. 8:00PM ~ At Robiep at CCF [MORE INFO]
  2. 8:00PM ~ The Electric Eclectic Limelight Jukebox Jam at Paddy Rice [MORE INFO]
Friday 3-Dec-2010
  1. 7:00PM ~ Luke Chow at the FCC Phnom Penh [MORE INFO 
  2. 8:00PM to 8:45PM ~ The Stiff Little Punks at Sharky Bar  
  3. 8:30PM ~ The Bluesberry Jam at the MetaHouse [MORE INFO]  
  4. 9:00PM ~ Lazy Drunks at Equinox [MORE INFO]   
  5. 9:30PM ~ Los Poporks on Pub street in front of the Banana Leaf in Siem Reap [MORE INFO
  6. 10:00PM ~ The Fumes at Memphis Bar  [MORE INFO
Saturday 4-Dec-2010
  1. 10:00AM ~ The Cambodian Space Project at the Cosmic Cambodian Village Party in Kampot   [MORE INFO]  
  2. 7:00PM ~ Uy Thach, El Leang and Anton Isselhardt at the MetaHouse [MORE INFO]
  3. 8:30PM ~ Phil Manning at the FCC Siem Reap [MORE INFO]   
  4. 8:30PM ~ The Stiff Little Punks at The Cavern [MORE INFO
  5. 8:30PM ~ At Robiep at the Kukuluku Bar in Kep  [MORE INFO  
  6. 8:30PM ~ Luke Chow at the FCC Phnom Penh [MORE INFO 
  7. 9:00PM ~ Lost Highway at Sharky Bar [MORE INFO
Wednesday 8-Dec-2010  
  1. 8:00PM ~ The Acoustic Sessions at Setsara [MORE INFO 
 DJ Gigs
Friday 3-Dec-2010  
  1. 6:00PM ~ Jetlag DJ Party at CCF [MORE INFO 
  2. 8:30PM ~ Dr. Wah Wah at Rubies [MORE INFO
  3. 8:30PM ~ Dr. House at Le Liban [MORE INFO
Saturday 4-Dec-2010  
  1. 6:00PM ~ Jetlag and DJ Illest at CCF [MORE INFO]
  2. 8:30PM ~MC "Tubbs" Hydo Phonics and DJ "Crockett" Tech 12 at the Riverhouse Lounge [MORE INFO
Coming Up
  • The Phnom Penh Hippie Orchestra at the MetaHouse  
  • At Robieb in Kampot, Kep and Sihanoukville  [MORE INFO]  
  • Mr. Svay Saw and Haim Sovan at the Leng Pleng concert at the Chinese House [MORE INFO]  
  • The Stiff Little Punks at Gasolina [MORE INFO]
  • The Cambodian Space Project at the Alley Cat Café [MORE INFO]
  • The Stone Daddies at Sharky Bar [MORE INFO
  • The Stiff Little Punks at the Banana Leaf in Siem Reap [MORE INFO
  • The Lazy Drunks at Sharky Bar [MORE INFO] and Bar 99 [MORE INFO
  • Paul Janovskis at the FCC Phnom Penh  [MORE INFO
  • DJ Jimmy at the FCC Phnom Penh [MORE INFO 
  • Cambojam at the FCC Phnom Penh  [MORE INFO
  • DJ Illest and DJ Marco at Chow [MORE INFO
  • Warapo at the FCC Phnom Penh [MORE INFO
  • DJ Illest at the FCC Phnom Penh [MORE INFO
  • Bayon Blues at Equinox 
Cheers and see you around the traps !
Our Sponsors
The Musical Collective, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


UNDP/TVK Equity Weekly Show 165: Volunteer Work and Violent Crime


Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (around 8h00 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 165:

Topic 1 – Volunteer Work (Main Story)
Topic 2 – Violent Crime (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

The Traveling Medicine Show: Concert/Exhibit at Meta (Fri, from 6PM)

Tonite (Thursday, 7Pm) we like to invite you to the screening of "CAMBODIA: THE VIRGINITY TRADE" (2009, 60mins) and "THE GIRLS OF PHNOM PENH" (2009, 52 mins) by UK filmmaker Matthew Watson. They are the compelling and utterly alarming account of the lives of girls and women affected by the virginity trade that exists in Cambodia today.


Attention, music lovers! This Friday (3rd) at 8PM we are hosting an exclusive live concert by the American band BLUESBERRY JAM in cooperation with Kingdom Breweries. Their "TRAVELING MEDICINE SHOW" features upbeat songs from the tradition of Folk, Blues, Jazz, and other "Roots" music.

Medicine Shows were a popular form of entertainment all throughout America during the 1800's and the precursor to later traveling circuses, carnivals and vaudeville shows. "Patented" herbal potions were pedalled by unscrupulous salesmen, which gave rise to the infamous "Snake Oil Sellers" who flourished during this era. A collection of laminated vintage "Medicine Show" posters is on display in our "Art Café" from 6PM.

We hope to see you there,
best, Nico Mesterharm

Meta House Phnom Penh
#37, Sothearos Blvd
Tel. 010 - 312 333

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.