Thursday, July 29, 2010

'Farmers and Freshies' @ Sa Sa

Dear friends and art lovers,

Sa Sa Art Gallery is pleased to invite you to the opening of painting exhibition 'Farmers & Freshies' by Nov Cheanick and Ouk Sochivy on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 6pm at our Gallery at #7, St 360, Phnom Penh.
Vuth Lyno
Sa Sa Art Gallery


Sunday, July 25, 2010

‘Farmers & Freshies’ - Opening of painting exhibition on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 6pm

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sa Sa Art Gallery <>
Date: Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 12:26 PM
Subject: 'Farmers & Freshies' - Opening of painting exhibition on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 6pm
To: Sa Sa Art Gallery <>

Dear friends and art lovers,

Sa Sa Art Gallery is pleased to invite you to the opening of painting exhibition 'Farmers & Freshies' by Nov Cheanick and Ouk Sochivy on Thursday, 29 July 2010 at 6pm at our Gallery at #7, St 360, Phnom Penh.

Many thanks,

Vuth Lyno
Sa Sa Art Gallery


Friday, July 23, 2010

UNDP/TVK Equity Weekly Show 147: Handling Hazardous Chemicals & High School Cheaters

Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show,
broadcast every Sunday after national news (7h30 + PM) on National
Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 147: Topic 1 – Handling Hazardous Chemicals
(Main Story)
Topic 2 – High School Cheaters (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your
contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find
all our clips on

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

GLOBAL HYBRID opening July 20 2010, Meta-House

Dear Art lovers,

please be invited to the
contemporary art exhibition opening of
GLOBAL HYBRID this evening

Tuesday, July 20, from 6PM,
at Meta House.

This international exhibition project highlights Cambodian based
artists and U.S. based artists, who fuse both eastern and western
notions to maintain a distinct vision within his or her media and
series of work.

Linda Saphan, Phung Huynh, Aragna Ker, Sayon Syprasoeuth, Tom Tor,
Denise A. Scott and Thien Thach reveal a broaden viewpoint of what
truly is Global Hybrid.

Saphan's Incognito series of ink and rice paper drawings
re-contextualize the significance of the krama for women in today's
society, while Ker's collages rekindles our childhood's memories of
superheroes. Syprasoeuth's latest videos juxtaposes traditional
Apsara dancers along with its androgynous troupe members which is set
to classical music and Dengue Fever songs. Thach's video, Mariasia,
is a surreal depiction of a Khmer singer, who falls in love with
Mexican Mariachi music …

Also featured are new works by Cambodian painter Vann Nath and
sculptor Kong Channa.

We hope to see you tonite,
all the best, Nico Mesterharm

Sothearos Boulevard #37
Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon
Tel. 067 867 305 (Info Khmer)
Tel. 012 607 465 (Info English)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cambodian space project @ meta (this friday, from 7PM)

Dear Friends of Meta!

Strap a rocket to a tuk-tuk, light the fuse, seat belts on, hold your breath 3-2-1 Blast Off!! Tomorrow, Friday, we invite you to the first live rock concert at the new Meta House by the renowned CAMBODIAN SPACE PROJECT. Khmer singer Srey Thy and her groovy expat band are performing semi-acoustic Cambodian 60's rock in the gallery downstairs. (2 USD cover charge include a Tiger Beer or a soft drink.)

In our rooftop cinema we are screening from 6.30PM VIDEOS AND NEW SOUNDZ OF PHNOM PENH all night long - the best of contemporary Cambodian pop/rock/hip hop music featuring DJ SDEY, MC CURLY, THOM THOM, MESSENGER BAND, KLAP-YA-HANDZ HIP HOP COLLECTIVE and many more. This night is presented by Tiger Beer.

Please visit us on Friday or come around in the following days.

* SATURDAY, 17/07, 7PM
English rock band "The Beatles" were one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. Artist Sam Taylor-Wood tells the never seen before childhood story of singer/songwriter John Lennon. Liverpool 1955: a smart and troubled fifteen year old is hungry for experience. In a family full of secrets, two incredible women clash over John. He escapes into the new and exciting world of rock n' roll where his fledgling genius finds a kindred spirit in the teenage Paul McCartney. Just as John begins his new life, tragedy strikes. But a resilient young man finds his voice - and an icon explodes into the world. (UK, 98mins, 2009).

When Waris Dirie's book DESERT FLOWER appeared in 1998, the world was shocked. Director Sherry Hormann describes the autobiography of Waris, raised in a Somalian nomadic family, who was circumcised as a child, sold in marriage at 13, and fled from Africa to Europe to later become a supermodel. Now Waris Dirie is UN spokeswoman against circumcision. This is the inspiring story of an extraordinary, proud and brave women. It's easy to forget that Dirie's memoir is a book about someone whose success has come from posing for the camera. Indeed, it is Dirie's remarkable lack of narcissism or entitlement that makes her so captivating a raconteur (Germany, 120mins, 2009).

Sothearos Boulevard #37
Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon
Tel. 067 867 305 (Info Khmer)
Tel. 012 607 465 (Info English)

UNDP/TVK Equity Weekly Show 146: Wages for Civil Servants & Animal Heaven

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (7h30 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 146:

Topic 1 – Wages for Civil Servants (Main Story)
Topic 2 – Animal Heaven (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Anne Guillou - Healing in the clamor of history. Doctors, healers and patients in Cambodia

Anne Y. Guillou


will talk about:


Healing in the clamor of history. Doctors, healers and patients in Cambodia


In this talk, I will present a research on the Cambodian medicine(s) which has been published as a book (in French) in 2009 (''Cambodia: Healing in the clamor of history. Physicians and society'').


The first questions arose when I came in Cambodia in 1990 as a PHd student in medical anthropology. I then began my field research by staying in Cambodian hospitals all around the country and in the refugees's camps. There I observed the many misunderstandings between the Cambodian medical staff and the humanitarian Western (and Japanese) one, regarding the standards of the medical work, both in its technical and ethical aspects.


This resarch aims at understanding how a Western knowledge and practice such as biomedicine has been integrated and given a new meaning in a non western social context such as the Cambodian society.


The first part deals with the doctors' status and identity that the Cambodian society have forged through the different regimes and the successive State ideologies of public health, since the French protectorate.


The second part describes the daily life in hospitals as I have observed it, focusing on interactions and conflicts between Westerners and Cambodians, and doctor-patients relationship (including an analysis of the Cambodian medical ethics vs the Western one).


The third part entitled "healers and patients" analyses the global healing market by portraying healers such as monks, kru khmaer (particularly the successful "neo-traditionnal" ones), and mediums. Instead of focusing on patients' therapeutic recourse as it is done in most studies, I focus on interrelations between healers themselves (including doctors) by showing how the different categories of healers partially share the same social and symbolic universes.


Anne Yvonne Guillou holds a PHd in anthropology from EHESS (Paris, 2001), and a BA in Khmer studies from INALCO (Paris 1988). She is a tenured researcher of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), currently working for the Center of Southeast Asian studies (CASE), Paris. She has been doing research on Cambodian people since 1986, firstly in France among refugees and then in Cambodia since 1990. Her current research interest is in social suffering and post-genocide social recovering ; Khmer popular religious system ; Body, sickness, healing practices, medicines and practionners ; and Health and migrations.


Some of her publications can be found on line:



  Emiko Stock, Pascale Hancart Petitet, Gabriel FauveaudCoordinating team:

Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh


July HSHH - Thursday 15: Eisel Mazard - The Opposite of Buddhism: European Colonialism and Interpretation

Dear HSHH friends,

Our next meeting will be on:

Thursday July 15th – 6pm – Baitong Restaurant

(7 st 360, near Beung Keng Kang market)


Emiko Stock  012 521 093


Eisel Mazard

 will talk about:

The Opposite of Buddhism:

European Colonialism and Interpretation


The legacy of European scholarship is burdened with distorting biases; conversely, the "canon" of this scholarship is increasingly available in digital formats, instantly accessible, and used throughout Asia (even within Buddhist monasteries) and incorporated into (seemingly) indigenous versions of Buddhist texts. The formative influence of Imperialism, Christianity, Theosophy and Aryan race theory in early European (mis-)interpretations of Theravada Buddhism continues to have implications for the current generation of scholars --both in Asia and in Europe.  This lecture broaches some of the outstanding problems of interpretation in the European tradition, tracing out a few patterns over a period of centuries, with some distortions originating in European colonialism but continuing to have salience to debates about the content of Buddhist philosophy that are ongoing (in Asia and Europe) today.


Eisel Mazard is a scholar of Pali, the most ancient language and literature of Theravada Buddhism, and of the history, languages and politics of Theravada Asia. His research has primarily concerned mainland Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Laos, Yunnan and Thailand.

Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh


Coordinating team:
Emiko Stock, Pascale Hancart Petitet, Gabriel Fauveaud

Human Sciences Happy Hours in Phnom Penh


Coordinating team:
Emiko Stock, Pascale Hancart Petitet, Gabriel Fauveaud

Friday, July 09, 2010

Bob Passion: What? July?

You sure? already July, whaow... we had been so buisy, it was a lot to follow...
 and by luck, do you know who said? " only sweat is macking you growing, only sweat will be responsible for you succes, if your talented you  will have to sweat even more because you will  doubt  about it ...
my translator Nhiemg said it's Confucius (in his infinie sagesse...)
me, i bet more that's from Pr Shodoresfky ( in: "Fame"cult tv serie...)
Anyway, who ever said that... if he is right...   we surely gonna have, here, soon, a lot of talented success..... because sweat we do give... and by backet....
chat with you soon, i go first dry myself....

vous etes sur? déjà juillet... whaow... on a ete tellement occupés, il y a tant de choses à suivre....
par chance vous ne sauriez pas qui à dit: " seulement la sueur vous fera grandir, seule la sueur sera responsable de votre succés, et si vous avez du talent il vous faudra suer encore plus parce que vous aurez des doutes..."
mon traducteur Nhiemg dit que c'est Confucius (dans son infinie sagesse...)
moi, je penche plutôt pour le Pr Shodoresfky (dans Fame serie culte à la tv)
 de toute façon qui que se soit qui l'ai dit... si il a raison... nous aurons, ici, bientôt, un moulon de talentueux succés... parce que de la sueur nous en donnons.... et par seaux....
on discute tout à l'heure, je vais en premier me sêcher....


Thursday, July 08, 2010

Digital Natives Workshop in Taipei


Dear all,

ART was in touch with you regarding the Mekong ICT Camp 2010, Chiang Mai. We got this database from them.

The Centre for Internet and Society in collaboration with the Frontier Foundation is holding a three day Digital Natives workshop in Taipei from 15 to 17 August, 2010. The three day workshop will serve as an ideal platform for the young users of technology to share their knowledge and experience of the digital and Internet world and help them learn from each other's individual experiences.

Everybody has a story to tell, and with the Internet, it is possible to tell the story and be heard. Young people around the world use digital technologies to find a voice, an expression, a creative output and a space for dialogue. Gone are the days when the young were only to be seen and not heard. In the Web 2.0 world, the young are seen, heard and are making a dramatic change in the world that we live in.

As Internet and digital technologies become more widespread, the world is shrinking, time is replaced by Internet time, we are constantly connected and intricately linked to our contexts, our people, our cultures and our networks. And you, yes YOU are a part of this change. In fact, as Digital Natives– people who have found technologies as central to their lives – you are directly affecting the lives of many, sometimes even without knowing about it.

An Open Call for Participation

The Centre for Internet and Society (Bangalore, India) in collaboration with the Frontier Foundation (Taipei, Taiwan) are calling out to young technology users to share stories about how they have tried to change things around them with the use of digital and Internet technologies. Conversely, if you feel that the presence of these technologies has significantly changed you in some way, we want to hear about that too! These can be stories where you have made a significant impact by initiating campaigns or movements for a particular cause, stories where you have used technologies to cope with problems in your personal and social life through your online persona in the virtual World Wide Web or stories where a small blog you started, or a facebook group you created, or a plurk network that you started, or a discussion group that you participated in, led to a change that has a story to tell. 

The three day workshop will select 20 participants from all around Asia and in the Middle East to come and share these stories, to interact with facilitators and scholars who have worked in different countries and areas, and to form a network of collaboration and support. We will give your stories a face, a voice and a platform where they can be heard in your own voice, in your own style and in your own formats. Participants can fill in an application form (as given below) and forward it to by 15th July 2010.

Simultaneously a website will also be hosted online where the Digital Natives will contribute to the content. Selected participants will be encouraged to document in it. Expenses relevant to the project will be granted to the selected participants.

Application Form

  • Name:
  • Gender:
  • Age:
  • Primary language of communication:
  • Other languages you can read and write:
  • Email:
  • Postal address:
  • Describe your Internet related experience / initiative(s) in 300 words. Furnish with URLs where necessary. Optionally, if images and videos are part of the description, then upload them in a high resolution version to a secure website and provide the URL.
  • Write in a few sentences about your expectation from the workshop.
  • I declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.
  • I agree that Digital Natives will use the material I have provided for public use.

Please note that the information you provide will be kept for purposes of the Digital Natives project. Materials which you submit will be used for reporting to sponsors and for public use relevant to the project.

Dates: 15, 16 and 17 August, 2010
Venue: Taipei (Taiwan)

Thanks and Regards'
Hasina Hasan
Digital Natives Co-ordinator
The Centre for Internet and Society
Phone: +91-80-40926283

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.