Thursday, November 30, 2006

F.W.C.P.A - Music Festival

opens saturday !!!
3rd International Music Festival Phnom Penh 2006
Vienna Contrasts

2 - 6 December.

Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center - Blvd. Confederation of Russia

The Concerts

Saturday, 2 December, 7 pm
Beethoven, Schoenberg, Schubert

Sunday, 3 December, 11am
Mozart, Hoffmeister, Albrechtsberger

3. PIANO RECITAL, Lecture concert
Sunday, 3 December, 7 pm
Brahms, Berg, Mozart, Schoenberg

December, 7 pm
Schubert, Brahms, Haydn, Mozart

5 December, 7 pm
Beethoven, Webern, Schubert, Brahms

6. VIENNA CONTRASTS, Lecture concert Wednesday, 6
December, 7 pm
Haydn, Webern, Widmann, Neuwirth, Mozart


F.W.C.P.A. Office No. 84 Street 108

Additional Sales Points

JAVA CAFE & GALLERY No. 56 Sihanouk Blvd.
ARIA D'ITALIA No. 9 Street 254
PHO Fortune No. 11 Street 178
EDELWEISS No. 375 Sisowath Quay
HOTEL CAMBODIANA No. 313 Sisowath Quay

Advance Sales:
Single Ticket US$ 8
Festival Ticket (6 Concerts) US$ 40

Available only at F.W.C.P.A. Office:
Children & Students US$ 2
Introductory Ticket Offer US$ 3 (for Cambodians only, not changeable)
Handicapped Visitors (free admission)
Evening Box:
Single Ticket US$ 10 (Evening Box Office)
The Cambodian-Japan Cooperation Center and Evening Box Office opens one hour
before the concerts begin.

For ticket reservation & further inquiries please send an e-mail message to:
F.W.C.P.A. Office, No. 84, Eo, Street 108, Sangkat Wat Phnom
phone: 023 726 474 & 012 834 517

Nhem Deth

Ce soir au Centre Culturel Français: 6:30: vernissage de l'exposition peinture "metissage" par Nhem Deth.

 “L’Art cambodgien antique était utilisé pour montrer la foi et le travail de l’homme et servait de “langage” au moment où l’écriture était très peu connue de la plupart des Khmers.  Aujourd’hui, la conservation, la protection de l'art et de la culture ancien ne ne font pas encore l'objet de toute l'attention qu'ils méritent. Les per sonnes vivants près des monuments ne comprennent pas toujours la valeur de l'art et de la culture, ce qui peut causer des dommages inestimables, alors que la richesse et la prospérité d'un pays dépendent de sa  culture, de sa civilisation, de sa foi, de ses dessins et de sa sculpture.
 J'ai choisi le dessin ancien car, bien que très peu étudié et pratiqué, il me semble important dans l'histoire de l'art du pays. L'exposition que je vous présente a pour thème le métissage, elle a pour but de faire connaître l'héritage laissé par la culture khmère au public local et international et d'éveiller la conscience des enfants cambodgiens sur cet art, pour que cet héritage soit mieux connu, étudié et préservé.
” - Nhem Deth.

CCF 218 Rue Keo Chea 184
023 213 124

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Cambodian composer Chinary Ung

Southwest Chamber Music of Los Angeles presents music of Mozart and the Cambodian composer Chinary Ung.

For one performance only, this Grammy award winning orchestra from
Los Angeles will perform Mozart's Quartet in D Major for flute and strings, Quintet in A Major for Clarinet and strings and Chinary Ung's "Aura".

Friday December 1 at
6pm, Chenla Theater.

Free admission but limited seating.

Passes available at Amrita Performing arts, No. 51 Street 113 or call
023-220424 or 012-410044.

Amrita Performing Arts
PO Box 1140
No. 51, Street 113
Bang Prolit
Phnom Penh 12000

Tel        (855 23) 220424
Fax       (855 23) 220425
Cell       (855 12) 974271
Skype    ffrumberg

Sala Arts party

"Party at Sala Arts on Friday 1 December Starts at 6pm until late.
Bring your friends! Free food and drinks."


Rubbish Project

Performance at Olympic Stadium December 10

Bella Voce Choir

will perform at the 3rd Annual Phnom Penh International Music Festival at Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center, on the campus of the the Institute of Foriegn Languages on Russian Boulevard Monday December 4 at 7 pm. Tickets available at Java Cafe.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Book Launch at Reyum

Reyum Institute will launch "Selected contemporary Khmer Literature" on Friday, December,1st 2006 at 9:00 AM.

Reyum : #47, st. 178, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (near the National Museum).

December Performances at Sovanna Phum

December Performances at Sovanna Phum

December Program 2006
1st & 2rd
Small Shadow Theatre "Sbek Touch"
“The life of the wild animal” Story

8th& 9th
Shadow puppets, Dance & Cirus

15th & 16th
New mixed media adaptation of an extract
from the Reamker “SOKACHA” story

22nd & 23rd

29th & 30th
Shadow puppets, Dance & Maks Theatre
“POGNAKAY” story

Performance at 7:30pm

Entrance Fee: Adults $5,Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (corner 105), Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564 or 023 221 932
Puppet gallery & gift shop open everyday (except Sunday)

Nuits d angkor 2006 Angkor nights 2006

Ballet Royal du Cambodge / Royal Ballet of Cambodia
> Preah Sothon (le 14/12), (14th of december)
> La danse des Apsaras, Chong spean
et Tepmonorom (les 15 et 17/12)
, (15th and 17th of december)
> Version inédite de Vorvong (le 16/12), (16th of december)
Ballet d'Europe
> Mozart Requiem (les 15 et 16/12) (15th and 16th of december)

Danseurs des Conservatoires de la Ville de Paris :
> L'Arche des Gemmes (les 14 et 17/12)
Conservatoires of Paris: The Gemstones Arch  (14th an 17th of december )

Compagnie balinaise Bona Giam Yan / Bona Giam Yan, Balinese Company : 
> Topeng Keras, Topeng Tua, danse Telek et danse Jauk (le 17/12) (17th of december) 

Pour les 14, 15 et 17 décembre for the 14th, 15th and 17th of december 
Lieux de vente : CCF de Phnom Penh (023 213 124 / 125) et de Siem Reap (063 963 265)
tickets available at the french cultural center of Phnom Penh (023 213 124 / 125) and Siem Reap (063 963 265)

Pour le 16 décembre for the 16th of december :
Informations / achats chez Asian Trails (023 216 555) et Sofitel Phokeethra Royal Angkor Golf & Spa Resort (063 964 600)
tickets available at Asian Trails (023 216 555) and Sofitel Phokeethra Royal Angkor Golf & Spa Resort (063 964 600)

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail : 


Saturday, November 25, 2006

presentation aux danses

Ajourd'hui au Centre Culturel Français:
- a partir de 16h:
presentation aux danses "ginguette" - valse, tango, java, palso doble.
Initiation au madison, charleston et cha cha.
CCF - 218 rue Keo Chea (184
Entrée gratuitite

Friday, November 24, 2006

Khmer Art Gallery


Have a good holiday .

I've been isolating myself a bit to take my art in another place . Now i am
doing a share show in Plila, PA . please check out
and help forward the news around ..............................
Oeur Obonn
oeurobon /via/ netzero /dot/ net

Thursday, November 23, 2006


B E N E F I T S H O W to aid traditional Khmer music teaching at the Royal University and National School of Fine Arts

Arne Sahlen & friends
-ragtime, classical, jazz
-Khmer traditional music
- Mahaori, Pleyn Kaa, solo instruments
-Italian Opera songs
-Sin Sisamuth - and more
at Russian Cultural Centre
103 Norodom Blvd north of Independence Monument
FRIDAY, NOV 24 7:30 to 8:30 pm


Co-sponsored by Canada’s CAMBODIA SUPPORT GROUP


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Khmer Architecture Tours

Dear all, we have set out some tour dates in advance; details below.
For all tours, please reply to this email at with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't process the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!

Sunday 26 November 06:
1960s houses and villas in Phnom Penh (Toul Kork)
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.

Sunday 31 December 06:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
More details on the website.
Morning tour: Start at 9.00am, end around 11.00am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 3.00pm, end around 5.00pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $5. Children over 12 are welcome.

Saturday 27 January 07:
University Buildings in Phnom Penh
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.

Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh
Sundays: 10 Dec 06, 14 Jan 07, 11 Feb 07, 11 Mar 07
8.30am start, and aim to return after around 2.5 - 3hrs. 15 adult places are available.
Cost is $10 per person including the cyclo hire and English speaking guides.
Children under 16 are free if they share a cyclo with a parent/carer.

1 This tour will take place normally on the second Sunday of each month.
2 This tour can be arranged to run at different times to suit groups; please ask.

Hoping to see you.
With thanks and best wishes.

geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh


Popil Snack


Hey there again!
One more reason now to visit Popil PhotoGallery is that, starting this
Tuesday, you can have a snack upstairs, from 11am to 4pm, on opening days of
gallery, from Tuesday to Saturday.
Sandwiches, fresh salads, daily specials, fruits shakes, good tea, chocolate
mousse, soft music and so on. So I hope to see you again soon, to have a
look at Vandy Rattana's current exhibition ("Looking in my Office") and to
snack upstairs with friends with always great photos and books to see.
Photographically Yours,

Hey there again!
Une bonne raison supplémentaire pour visiter Popil PhotoGallery : à partir
de ce mardi, de 11 à 16 heures, vous pouvez déjeuner ou boire un verre à
l'étage en haut, du mardi au samedi.
Sandwiches, salades, menu du jour, fruit shakes, thé, mousse au chocolat,
douce musique et encore plein d'autres choses.
J'espère vous voir bientôt, pour apprécier l'exposition en cours, « Looking
in my Office » de Vandy Rattana et pour casser une graine en haut entre amis
avec toujours de superbes photos autour et des livres à découvrir.

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750


Monday, November 20, 2006

"SOKACHA" story

November 24th & 25th
New mixed media adaptation of an extract from the Reamker: "SOKACHA" story

At 7:30pm

Entrance Fee: Adults $5,Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (corner 105) - Phnom Penh Tel: 023 987 564 or 023 221 932
Puppet gallery & gift shop open everyday (except Sunday)



Betty Ford and GT Falcons

Sunday, November 19, 2006

In Print - The Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Documentation Series No. 10 -- Documentation Center of Cambodia
John D. Ciorciari

Between April 1975 and January 1979, the radical Khmer Rouge regime subjected Cambodians to a wave of atrocities that left over one in four Cambodians dead. For nearly three decades, call for justice went unanswered, and the architects of Khmer Rouge terror enjoyed almost unfettered impunity.
Only recently has a tribunal been established to put surviving Khmer Rouge officials on trial. This edited volume examines the origins, evolution, and feature of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. It provides a concise overview of legal and political issues surrounding the tribunal and answers key questions about the accountability process. It explains why the tribunal took so many years to create and why it became a "hybrid" court with Cambodians and international participation.

It also assesses the laws and procedures governing the proceedings and the likely evidence available against Khmer Rouge defendants. Finally, it discusses how the tribunal can most effectively advance the aims of justice and reconciliation in Cambodia and help to dispel the shadows of the past.

Funding provided by Switzerland, The Netherlands, and United States.

Friday, November 17, 2006

F.W.C.P.A - Music Festival

coming soon !!!
3rd International Music Festival Phnom Penh 2006
Vienna Contrasts

2 – 6 December.

Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center - Blvd. Confederation of Russia

The Concerts

1. OPENING Saturday, 2 December, 7 pm
Beethoven, Schoenberg, Schubert

2. LUNCH CONCERT Sunday, 3 December, 11am
Mozart, Hoffmeister, Albrechtsberger

3. PIANO RECITAL, Lecture concert Sunday, 3 December, 7 pm
Brahms, Berg, Mozart, Schoenberg

4. VOCAL SOLOIST & CHOIR WORKS Monday, 4 December, 7 pm
Schubert, Brahms, Haydn, Mozart

5. GALA-BENEFIT-CONCERT Tuesday, 5 December, 7 pm
Beethoven, Webern, Schubert, Brahms

6. VIENNA CONTRASTS, Lecture concert Wednesday, 6 December, 7 pm
Haydn, Webern, Widmann, Neuwirth, Mozart


F.W.C.P.A. Office No. 84 Street 108

Additional Sales Points

JAVA CAFE & GALLERY No. 56 Sihanouk Blvd.
ARIA D’ITALIA No. 9 Street 254
PHO Fortune No. 11 Street 178
EDELWEISS No. 375 Sisowath Quay
HOTEL CAMBODIANA No. 313 Sisowath Quay

Advance Sales:
Single Ticket US$ 8
Festival Ticket (6 Concerts) US$ 40

Available only at F.W.C.P.A. Office:
Children & Students US$ 2

Introductory Ticket Offer US$ 3 (for Cambodians only, not changeable)

Handicapped Visitors (free admission)

Evening Box:
Single Ticket US$ 10 (Evening Box Office)
The Cambodian-Japan Cooperation Center and Evening Box Office opens one hour before the concerts begin.

For ticket reservation & further inquiries please send an e-mail message to:
F.W.C.P.A. Office, No. 84, Eo, Street 108, Sangkat Wat Phnom
phone: 023 726 474 & 012 834 517

Exhibition at New Art Gallery

Exhibition at New Art Gallery
No. 20, Street 9, Psaa Kap Ko

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Storytelling in Cambodia

Sunday, November 19
>>>Elliott Bay, 2:00pm. Two Northwest women poets: Willa Schneberg reads from Storytelling in Cambodia, a book of poems about Cambodia's history, from myth to present day, and Anita Feng reads from her two recent poetry collections, Sadie & Mendel and Internal Strategies. Free.

[courtesy Seattlest]

'Looking In My Office'

Hey there!
There is a new show coming at Popil PhotoGallery.
"Looking in my Office" is an exhibition by Cambodian young photographer
Vandy Rattana.


You are much welcome to the opening party of that show, Saturday 18th
November, 6.30pm.

Hope to see you soon at Popil PhotoGallery
126, street 19 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.

012 99 27 50

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


a photography exhibition by Vandy Rattana. Please join the Opening party this Saturday 18th November at 6:30 pm. Popil Photogallery, #126, Street 19.

Advanced Study of Khmer

Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK) Program
Royal University of Phnom Penh at IFL

Application Deadline: February 1st, 2007

Duration of Program: June 18 - July 27, 2007

The Advanced Study of Khmer (ASK) Program is an intensive six-week advanced Khmer language-training program held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It aims to fill in a void in the academic community by providing 3rd year level students a "one-of-a-kind" opportunity to acquire the linguistic foundation necessary to engage in academic research, professional discourse, and cultural interaction with all segments of Cambodian society.

This immersion program focuses on advanced-level language acquisition and consists of a structured academic program of four hours of task-based language instruction every morning and to three hours of pre-arranged field trip site visits and related task-based learning activities in the afternoons and weekends as a group or as individual work. This ASK course is equivalent to two semesters of study. Instruction is given in small-individualized groups taught by in-country Khmer linguists in Phnom Penh. They have extensive experience in teaching Khmer as a foreign language.
The six-week program will be capped by a written and oral presentation of each participant's mini research project. Participants are encouraged to select their own topic at the beginning of the program. This experience not only adds immeasurably to their language competence, it develops greater awareness and sensitivity about another culture. In language study, immersion is fluency's best guarantee. The language immersion provided by this program is only possible in an in-country setting.

This program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Fulbright-Hays, and Group Projects. (10 Fellowships offer for qualified applicants - contingent on funding).

For questions about program requirement and program content, please contact Prof. Chhany Sak-Humphry, ASK Project Director at the University of Hawaii, HIPLL, Spalding Hall 255, 2540 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, Phone: (808) 956-8070 Fax: (808) 956-5978.  E-mail: and

ASK is also supported by the Consortium of SEASSI: Arizona State University; the University of California, Berkeley; the University of California, Los Angeles; Cornell University; the University of Hawaii; the University of  Michigan; Northern Illinois University; Ohio University; the University of Washington; the University of Wisconsin, and Yale University

Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry
Assistant Professor and Coordinator
Khmer Language Program
University of Hawai`i at Manoa, HIPLL
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-5978  (office) or  (808) 561-6850 (cell)
Fax: (808) 956-5978

Monday, November 13, 2006

Polish Cinema @ Russian Cultural Centre in Phnom Penh

Polish Cinema @ Russian Cultural Centre in Phnom Penh



Pictorial Pidan

Jeudi 16 novembre 2006 / Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle

You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation 

Pictorial pidan: a group of religious textiles unique to Cambodia

Gillian Green

Honorary Associate, Department of Art History and Theory

University of Sydney


The most spectacular pidan are handwoven silk hangings with pictorial narratives patterned by the hol technique. There are two groups: those that depict scenes relating to Buddhist themes and those that appear to portray a syncretic mix of animist, Buddhist and even Brahmanic themes. Antique examples are very rare now and the tradition of weaving these themes seems to have long passed. This is very unfortunate because the role and cultural context of these particular forms of religious art is still a mystery. This presentation will present the problems and hopes to encourage a dialogue which may shed some light.


Gillian Green has a Master’s degree in Art History from the Australian National University. She wrote the book “Traditional Textiles of Cambodia” which won the RL Shep award for 2004 awarded by the Textile Society of America. She is an Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Art History and Theory, University of Sydney, Australia. Gill Green has been studying and researching the history and cultural and religious contexts of traditional Cambodian textiles for the last 12 years. Her emphasis is on an exploration of the unique qualities of the tradition as it existed in the past and continues to the present in Cambodia as well as situating these in a broader Southeast Asian context.


La présentation se tiendra à 18 h 30, Jeudi 16 novembre 2006, au centre de l'EFEO.

The presentation will take place Thursday, November 16th, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.


Presentation will be in English

La présentation sera en Anglais


Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor  Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge

Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226

Email:  /

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Arne Sahlen and Friends


to aid training and jobs for disabled people

Arne Sahlen & friends
- ragtime, classical, jazz; Khmer traditional music; Sin Sisamuth songs and more
- displays, photos, stories of peoples lives transformed by the KAVTV electric-electronic course for men and women with disabilities

at the RUSSIAN CULTURAL CENTRE, 103 Norodom Blvd, north of Independence Monument
SATURDAY, NOV 11 - 2 shows, 3:30 and 6:00 pm

Co-sponsored by Canada’s CAMBODIA SUPPORT GROUP
016-722021; csg [at]
- - - -

Enjoy exciting, varied music to aid training and jobs for the disabled, with pianist-singer Arne Sahlen & friends, including National School and Royal University musicians headed by the highly esteemed Mr. Soy Sareth.

takes place Saturday November 11 at the Russian Cultural Centre, 103 Norodom (two blocks north of Independence Monument) - two shows, 3:30 & 6 pm; Admission by donation.

The concert format, combining many styles of music, is a big hit here. After a similar July event, listener Naly wrote: “...most of all, the audience greatly appreciated the mixing of classical music, ragtime/ jazz music, Cambodian traditional music, Cambodian/Italian opera and Canadian folk music together.. ? the show will surely be appreciated by Cambodians and foreigners of all ages. Thank you again, this was one of the most enjoyable evenings I've had in many years. Congratulations and many thanks.”

KAVTV’ss electrical-electronic training gives hope, skills and employment aid to people with polio, club foot amputations, and other disabilities. Its 90%+ success rate beats that of many programs worldwide. Graduates work in companies like JVC, Sony and Camintel, or open their own repair shops in many provinces as well as in Phnom Penh.

Three marriages are counted among recent graduates. With new skill and economic clout, they can take full part in Khmer society. KAVTV Director Hem Phang has great vision and heart for his students. Himself an amputee, he keeps track of them all as they make their success in life.

Canada’s Cambodia Support Group (CSG), the concert co-sponsor, is a proud partner of KAVTV. "This is one of the very best projects I have seen in 16 Cambodia visits," says Arne, a CSG Director. "I spend lots of time at the school, and we just forget disabilities in its lively climate of ABILITY carried on waves of laughter and learning."

For more concert or KAVTV details, contact 016-722021 or


Friday, November 03, 2006

Launch of albb reading room - Saigon

Dear Friends,

we would like to let you know about our new program at a little blah
blah - albb reading room, which starts this month with VIVA SINGAPURA.

sue & motoko

a little blah blah

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sovanna Phum November Performances:

3rd & 4th
Shadow puppets, Dance & Mask Theatre
“Pognakay” story
10th & 11th
 A new Cambodian play directed by Dutch director Annemarie Prins.
"3 Years, 8 Months, 20 Days"
A play in Khmer with English subtitles.
17th & 18th
New mixed media adaptation of an extract from the Reamker
”SOKACHA”  story
 24th & 25th
Performance at 7:30pm
Entrance Fee: Adults $5,Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (corner 105) - Phnom Penh Tel: 023 987 564 or 023 221 932
Puppet gallery & gift shop open everyday (except Sunday)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hey there!
You may have heard that Popil PhotoGallery is running a PhotoClass for 20
Cambodian students. It has started in September (two classes in a week) and
will finish next July 2007 with exhibition of student's work at French
Cultural Center in Phnom Penh.

Today I invite you to support the project and help bring my students to
Angkor Photography Festival at the end of November. I would like the
students to be part of that event and see exhibitions, go to workshops, meet
photographers. It would really be an ideal experience in addition to the
class we do here in Phnom Penh every week. But we need to pay for
transportation and guesthouse nights in Siem Reap.

Since class has started, a few friends and sponsors already gave financial
or material support. That's how we have been able to purchase a LCD
projector to teach in "large size".

So please, join the group of Popil PhotoClass supporters. Small support as
well as bigger ones are much welcome, to help my students be in Siem Reap at
the end of the month to increase and enlarge their knowledge and
understanding of photography.

Don't hesitate to call me - 012 99 27 50 - or get to me by email if you want
to meet on a special day at Popil.

I hope to see you soon,
Best Regard,
Stéphane JANIN

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Living Capital: Sustaining Diversity in Southeast Asian Cities

A Centre for Khmer Studies Initiating Urban Studies in Cambodia and Capacity Building in Higher Education Conference, sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Institute for Cultural Enterprise, New School University
Phnom Penh, 10-11 January 2007
How can we identify, isolate and evaluate diversity in city life?  What forms of human, cultural and social capital contribute to the distinct identities of Southeast Asia’s cities, and what strategies are available for sustaining such diversity? What place is there for local livelihoods in the changing life of Southeast Asian cities? How can cities modernize without losing the aesthetic and creative value added by diversity? How can we harness or deploy the diversities of cities to stimulate economic growth, cultural enterprise and livelihood opportunities?
Internal migrations are changing the profile of urban populations across Asia. Globalization and commercialisation can be potent agents for change, but can also homogenize and disguise the local specificities of cities. Economic growth is essential to the vitality of cities, but without coeval investment in educational facilities, is unlikely to generate the diverse skills-base needed to give urban societies viable futures.   Accelerated transnational flows of human resources and investor capital are sponsoring the transformation of some Asian cities in the images of key counterparts. In parts of Asia, the colourful economy of micro-vendors adds a diversity of consumer choice to city streets.  The mixture of old and new buildings, as colonial pasts, consumer malls and the monumental architecture of Independence mingle in city spaces, can also enhance city vistas.
 Creativity is a common twin of diversity: efforts to manage and contain artistic and cultural expressions in designated cultural zones can risk erasing the very randomness that stimulates creativity. Unplanned real estate development can erase past diversity of building uses, while beautification schemes do not always succeed in creating the atmosphere and magnetism associated with longstanding leisure spaces. The zoning of business and leisure districts can push residential areas to city peripheries, thus diluting the potent mix of human diversity central to the dynamism and energy long associated with the pull of cities. 
In addressing such issues, this conference aims to stimulate debate on the strategies for sustaining human and cultural capital in the city. We particularly encourage new reflections on ways to mobilize and deploy the potential creativities inherent in the multiple intersections of city spaces and urban practices.  All papers that engage with these topics with specific regard to contemporary Southeast Asia will be considered. We welcome contributions from a range of disciplines and interests, including sociologists, anthropologists, architects, urban geographers, urban planners, heritage experts, social economists, artists and cultural historians.  
Abstracts of no more than 300 words, should be sent to by 15 November.
confirmed papers and speakers include:
Davisi Boontharm
The University of Tokyo
Commercial Places as part of Urban Culture in Southeast Asian cities
Yeoh Seng Guan
Monash University Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur: “Truly Malaysia, Truly Asia”?
Marco Kusumawijaya
Institute of Economic and Social Rights, Jakarta
Citizen’s Urban Movements in Indonesia: A Preliminary Mapping
Darko Radovic
The University of Tokyo
Western Methods, Eastern Cities—the value of culture shock
in international urban design
AbdouMaliq Simone
Goldsmith College, University of London
Keynote Address
Nurwati Badaruzaman and A Ghafar Ahmad
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Developing a Creative City for the New Economy: Experiences from
Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia,
John Hutnyk
Centre for Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths College, University of London
City Planning—for people, institutions and industry
Céline Pierdet
L’Université de Paris 1, Sorbonne
 Maîitriser l’urbanisation des berges des cités fluviales d’asie du sud-est
Nicolaus Mesterharm
International Academy at the Free University of Berlin
Excerpts from his new documentary and rare footage of 1960s Phnom Penh
also featuring new research presentations by
Sometheareach Din on informal settlements in Phnom Penh; Sok Leang, Heng Chhun Oeurn, Chap Prem et al on the changing face of Tonle Bassac; Sarunya Lormaneenopparat on the impact of urban development on the cultural landscape of Koh Dach Island
Penny Edwards
Abdou-Maliq Simone, Kate Frieson, Chean Rithy Men, Paul Rabé
Sok Leang,

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