Friday, March 31, 2006

Fw: conference / exposition

----- Original Message -----
From: jerome hivert
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 12:00 PM
Subject: conference / exposition

Le Centre Culturel Français vous invite :
> A la conférence Quels métiers pour les Juriste au Cambodge, organisé par
> le Département d'études Francophone
le mercredi 5 avril à 18h30, au cinéma du CCF. (voir descriptif ci-dessous)

> Au vernissage de l'exposition de Traits très mode et de la Collection Lim
> Keopiseth,
le jeudi 6 avril à 18h30, dans le hall du Centre Culturel Français. (voir
descriptif ci-dessous)

The French Cultural Center is honored to invite you:
> To the Conference Quels métiers pour les juristes au Cambodge (Which
> career for jurists in Cambodia?)
Wednesday the 5th of april - 6.30pm - at the movie theatre of french
cultural center (see informations bellow)
> To the opening of the exhibition Traits très mode and Lim Keopiseth
> collection -
thursday the 6th of april - at French Cultural Center. 6.30pm. (see
informations bellow)

Quels métiers pour les juristes au Cambodge ?
Cycle "Les rendez-vous de l'emploi"
Après le succès de la première conférence sur "Les métiers du tourisme au
Cambodge", le deuxième "Rendez-Vous
de l'emploi" aura pour thème : "Quels métiers pour les juristes au Cambodge
Cette conférence réunira de nombreux professionnels cambodgiens et
internationaux venus d'horizons divers
(gouvernement, avocats, BIT, structures de formation, etc.).
Les présentations seront suivies d'un débat libre, puis d'un cocktail au
Café du Centre où les conversations pourront
continuer de façon plus informelle entre professionnels et candidats à
Pour tout renseignement, contactez M. PRACH Minea, responsable du DEF,
> par téléphone : 023 224 552
> ou par courriel :

Traits très mode
Nouvelle illustration de mode française
> DU 7 AU 13 AVRIL
Depuis le début des années 2000, on assiste à une montée en puissance de l'illustration
de mode
française. Celle-ci s'était essouflée tout au long des années 90 faute de
savoir renouveler ses codes
ou de proposer une alternative esthétique originale. Cette exposition,
proposée par l'AFAA, vous
permet de découvrir la première grande exposition collective consacrée à l'illustration
de mode
française. Pas vraiment d'école mais une diversité riche et foisonnante où s'expriment
divers courants
d'illustrateurs qui font le bonheur d'une presse française et
Illustrateurs : Charles ANASTASE, Ludivine BILLAUD, Alexandra
DELHOMME, CARLOTTA, Florence DEYGAS, Iris De MOUY, Félix LARHER, Emmanuelle
Stéphane MANEL, Monsieur Z, Cassandre MONTORIOL, NAWEL, Marie PERRON, Cédric
Collection Lim Keopiseth
À l'occasion de cette exposition, le jeune styliste cambodgien Kéo (lauréat
de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts
de Saint-Etienne en 2004) présente ses modèles, de leur conception à leur
finition. Il met en valeur les
ressources naturelles de son Cambodge natal tout en mariant l'art
vestimentaire et la haute couture
parisienne à un design moderne khmer très épuré, aussi bien dans le subtil
mélange des couleurs que
dans les formes. L'utilisation des matières premières inédites comme les
cocons de soie, les fruits du
angkung, l'orfèvrerie et la broderie vient compléter l'originalité de sa
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124
/ 125
Siem Reap : 366 rue Pram Pi Makara - Siem reap - tel : 00(855) 63 963 265
Battambang : tel 053 952 897
e-mail :

Thursday, March 30, 2006

conference les phnongs du mondolkiri

Les Phnongs du Mondolkiri
Cycle Développement Durable

> jeudi 30 mars - 18h30
> cinéma du CCF

Les minorités ethniques (Phnong, Kraol ou Stieng) constituent la majorité de
la population du Mondolkiri (environ 70%). Relativement isolées du reste du
Cambodge jusqu'au milieu des années 90, elles doivent désormais faire face à
des pressions culturelles, économiques et démographiques nouvelles dont
l'ampleur et la rapidité sont sans précédent dans leur histoire. Entre ces
populations et les différents vecteurs de changements, il existe une ligne
de rencontre où leur avenir identitaire se négocie entre transformations,
adaptations et traditions.

Des ONG françaises travaillent sur cette ligne de rencontre:
- Nomad RSI dans le domaine de la santé et des savoirs médicaux
traditionnels (
- Action Contre la Faim (ACF) sur la gestion de l'eau et la sécurité
alimentaire (

Les changements actuels pour les minorités du Mondolkiri amènent les
questions suivantes : Quels enjeux nationaux et internationaux entourent ces
sociétés en mutation ? Comment peuvent-ils rester acteurs du nouveau paysage
économique et humain du Mondolkiri ?

Pour vous permettre d'en savoir plus, Nomad RSI et ACF organisent une série
d'événements :
le 30 mars :
Soirée thématique "Tradition et développement : ouvrir le dialogue avec les
Phnongs du Mondolkiri" :
- Documentaires : "Village Health Worker in Mondolkiri" (en anglais,
sous-titré français), 12 mn. Documentaire d'ACF (sous réserve)
- Table ronde avec Nomad RSI, ACF, Mane Yun (étudiante Phnong), et un expert
en conservation (sous réserve).

Au Café du Centre :
- Exposition Phnong, du 29 mars au 05 avril : photos, artisanat, pharmacopée
traditionnelle, etc.
- Consultations avec un médecin traditionnel Phnong (le 30 mars, sous

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124
/ 125
Siem Reap : 366 rue Pram Pi Makara - Siem reap - tel : 00(855) 63 963 265
Battambang : tel 053 952 897
e-mail :

Sent via the WebMail system at

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Program Performance at Sovanna Phum in April

Performance at 7:30pm

Shadow Puppets, Dance & Circus
"Roussey Dek"Story
Friday 31th & Saturday 01st April 2006

Shadow Puppets, Dance & Masks
Friday 7th & 8th April 2006

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 21st April 2006

Modern Drum Performance
"Street Life"
Saturday 22nd April 2006
"Krom Skor Sovanna Phum"

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 28th April 2006

Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Saturday 29th April 2006

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

Friday, March 24, 2006

J7 talk @ Reyum


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Phnom Penh Arts Festival

Festival Dates: Thursday 30 March Friday 31 March Saturday 1 April Sunday 2 April 2006
Location: Veal Menh (front of the National Museum), Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mak Remissa Exhibition

Mak Remissa Exhibition


Monday, March 20, 2006


Le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge vous invite à la séance d'ouverture du Festival CinéMekong,
mercredi 22 mars, sur l'esplanade du Vat Bothum - à 19h00
(projections en plein air du documentaire Le monument Sambor Prei Kuk (version khmère sous-titrée anglais) et de Microsmos (muet))
Programme disponible ci-dessous.
The French Cultural Center is honored to invite you to the opening of the Film Festival Cinémékong.
22th march 2006 - movie in the garden at Wat Bothum - 7.00 pm - Free entrance
(screening of the documentary Le monument Sambor Prei Kuk (Khmer language with English subtitles) and Microsmos)


Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh
00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125

e-mail :

Friday, March 17, 2006

Fw: monthly concert

Tomorrow !!!
Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts
Monthly Concert Series
March 2006

Romantic Song Recital
Songs by: Paolo Tosti &Norodom Sihanouk

Sethisak Khuon - Tenor
Sakano Issei - Piano

Saturday, 18 March, 7pm
Raffles Hotel Le Royal

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)

Tickets available at:

Java Café
Pop Café - da Giorgio
Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310

mobile: 012 291 654

Thursday, March 16, 2006

St Patrick's Day Rock & Roll Party @ FCC Rooftop

St Patrick's Day Rock & Roll Party @ FCC Rooftop  
Friday 17th March, 06        
Betty Ford & the GET  Falcons
Loved more with each beer  -cupid- 4 Riel
Play a Live  Double Act  for you from 9.00 pm to rock the night away. 
Happy Hour 5-7 pm  w/  Green Beer !!!.... Guinness Stout available 

Epic Arts Cafe Opening

Official opening of Epic Arts Cafe Wed 22nd March 5pm, Kampot. Blessing by monks, free tea and cakes. Performances by deaf students and Epic Arts Dancers at 6:30 pm at the music school.  Friends family staff - all welcome.

Canadian Culture

The Canadian Embassy in Phnom Penh presents two Canadian comedies in Canada's two official languages.
On March 20, join us for a screening of 'Seducing Dr. Lewis' (French with English subtitles).
On March 21, join us for Mambo Italiano starring Paul Sorvino (English with French subtitles).
Screenings will take place at the Chenla Theatre at 18:30. Admission is free.
(Not suitable for children)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Le Cambodge à travers les livres"

"Le Cambodge à travers les livres"
Le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge vous invite à la rencontre littéraire "Le Cambodge à travers les livres",
 mercredi 15 mars, au cinéma du CCF de Phnom Penh - à 18h30
(entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles)

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
Siem Reap : 366 rue Pram Pi Makara - Siem reap -  tel : 00(855) 63 963 265
Battambang : tel 053 952 897
e-mail :

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Le Cambodge a travers les livres


Flamenco Show at Sovanna Phum

Jam Session, Flamenco Jazz Umbrella

RICARDO GARCIA & Flamenco Flow

Inspiring, moving, masterly

Thursday 16th March 2006 At 7pm

Free Entry!

Performance at Sovanna Phum Theatre

nº111 St360 (corner 105)

Phnom Penh

Tel: 023 987 564


Hommage à Marguerite Duras

Le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge vous invite à la soirée Hommage à
Marguerite Duras - Lectures par Yann Andréa,
le vendredi 17 mars, au cinéma du CCF de Phnom Penh - à 18h30
(entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles)

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Siem Reap : 366 rue Pram Pi Makara - Siem reap - tel : 00(855) 63 963 265
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124
/ 125
Battambang : tel 053 952 897
e-mail :


The PUCLC 2nd Annual Mock Trial

The PUCLC 2nd Annual Mock Trial

The PUC Legal Clinic (PUCLC), with the financial and technical support from Open Society Justice Initiative, Bridges Across Borders and the Cambodian Defenders Project proudly present the PUCLC 2nd Annual Mock Trial.

When: Thursday, 16 March 2006, 5:30pm

Where: PUC South Campus, Conference Hall

No. 144, Norodom Blvd, Phnom Penh.

A criminal mock trial is a simulated trial where two teams of law students compete against each other in front of a judge to achieve the verdict (decision) they want from the judge. In a criminal mock trial there are two teams, (1) the prosecution, which works for the government and tries to show that the criminally accused person is guilty of the crime charged; and (2) the defense, which attempts to show that the prosecution does not have enough evidence to prove that the criminally accused is guilty of the crime. In the PUCLC 2nd Annual Mock Trial, the criminally accused is charged with criminal defamation. All participants: prosecutors, lawyers, the plaintiff, the accused, and witnesses are students from the PUC Legal Clinic. Justice Lim Sokuntha, who currently works as a judge in Phnom Penh, will hear the case and decide the verdict. The judge’s decision is based only on the arguments of the prosecutors and the defense attorneys and the evidence presented. This mock trial will be as exciting as a real trial because the teams are working hard to prepare their cases, as if the trial were real. The teams are not allowed to help each other and must work independently and secretly so that the criminally accused has a fair trial.

All PUC students, staff and faculty members, and the general public are cordially invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served at the end of the evening. You may bring guests, co-workers or friends. Seats are unreserved. Please be seated by 5:10pm. The PUC Annual Mock Trial will be conducted in English; however limited Khmer Translation will be available (there are a limited number of translation headphones, thus persons arriving early will have a good chance at receiving translation headphones).

For further inquiries please contact:

Prof. So Sovichea: Director of PUC Legal Clinic at 012-19-18-000 or

Prof. Bruce A. Lasky: PUCLC Advisor/OSJI Liaison at 012-400-269 or

Ms. Julie M. Sheker: PUCLC PP Legal Advisor at 012-829-371

Hosted by Paññasastra University of Cambodia Legal Clinic (PUCLC)


Monday, March 13, 2006

"Preah Koh Bot"

Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Performance at 7:30pm  Friday 17th & Saturday 18th March 2006
Shadow Puppets, Dance & Masks
"Preah Koh Bot"Story
Performance at 7:30pm  Friday 24th & 25th March 2006
Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3
Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

khmer architecture tours

sunday 19 march 06
tour: national sports complex ('olympic stadium')
The National Sports Complex (known as the Olympic Stadium but not intended to host these games) was designed and built over a period of 18 months in 1963-4. They should have accommodated in 1964 the Games of the Non-aligned Emerging Forces, but these were delayed to 1966 for political reasons, and the complex became the location for the reception of many visiting dignitaries.
Designed by Vann Molyvann with a structural engineer who had worked with Le Corbusier, the complex was renovated and reopened to the public last year.
Though some new buildings have recently been built around the edge of the site, the original buildings remain fairly unchanged. They are a masterful arrangement of bold modern architecture with strong Khmer associations.
We will visit the stadium, which seats 84,000, the sports-hall and swimming/diving pools.

There will be morning and afternoon tours, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tours: Start at 9.00am, finish by around 11.00am
Afternoon tours: Start at 3.00pm, finish by around 5.00pm

The tours are available in English and Khmer.
Cambodians: $1, Others $5.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please email KA Tours with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers for the guides.

Hope to see you soon.
geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia


Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cambodian Architecture: Where is it Going?

A public lecture series on contemporary Cambodian architecture, is being organised by SangSalapak-Building Arts with the support of UNESCO.

All are welcome at the lectures, which are free, in Khmer language and will be on Saturdays 18 Mar, 25 Mar and 2 April. There will be a debate follow-up probably on 6 April at Reyum.

Details of the lectures are below. The lectures are by 2 young architects trained in Cambodia, Hok Sokol and Khuy Py, and two more experienced Cambodian architects with international exposure.

Ros Borath will talk about the one new building in Cambodia featured in an international publication on modern world architecture. Phuoeng Sophean will talk about the sophisticated, recently completed Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please pass on this information to any Cambodians you think may be interested



Click for larger size images and PDF maps.



Le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge vous invite aux concerts de GRABUGE et MAK'79,
le mercredi 15 mars, au Café du CCF de Phnom Penh - à 19h30
(entrée libre dans la limite des places disponibles)
le jeudi 16 mars, dans le cinéma du CCF  - à 18h30
(places à retirer au CCF avant le 14 mars)
n.b : le concert du mercredi 15 mars, initialement prévu à 18h30, aura lieu à 19h30
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Siem Reap : 366 rue Pram Pi Makara - Siem reap -  tel : 00(855) 63 963 265
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
Battambang : tel 053 952 897
e-mail :

Friday, March 10, 2006

Semaine De La Francophonie



Thursday, March 09, 2006

Musique et Chansons

Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts
Monthly Concert Series
March 2006

Romantic Song Recital
Songs by: Paolo Tosti &Norodom Sihanouk
Sethisak Khuon - Tenor
Sakano Issei - Piano
Saturday, 18 March, 7pm
Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)
Tickets available at:
Java Café
Pop Café - da Giorgio
Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310
mobile: 012 291 654


Saturday, March 04, 2006

Full Moon Party


Friday, March 03, 2006

Angkor Photography Festival Workshop


Angkor Photography Festival Workshop


The Angkor Photography Festival is proud to introduce photographs produced in the 2005 photography workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia, by 23 year old photographer, Paolo Picones, from the Philippines. At last year’s event a group of artists and reporters volunteered to organize the free workshop for young photographers from the region and we will be introducing the work on our Flickr page over the next few months:

Paolo’s photographs of Cambodian street children are titled ‘Khmer Yagit’, 'yagit' being Paolo's native Tagalog for 'street children'. To anyone who has ever felt ‘beggar fatigue’, Paolo’s images are a powerful reminder of the humanity of those many chose to ignore. Many of the street children come from families with parents with AIDS or who have lost limbs to land mines, forcing these children to support entire families.

Some of the children photographed also attended the street children photo and dance workshops organized by the Angkor Photography Festival and their work can also be seen on our Flickr page.

Stuart Isett

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.