Sunday, October 30, 2005

"The Return"

Epicarts Presents

"The Return"

An Integrated dance piece starring Cambodia's first professional disabled dancers
Dance, Theatre, Live Music & Art
Sunday 30th October
4pm & 7pm
Free admission
Sovanna Phum Theatre
#111, St 360 (corner 105) Phnom Penh


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

UN at Wat Phnom

To join in the celebration of 60th Anniversary of United Nations, the UN Cambodia is organizing a one-week UN Day exhibition at Wat Phnom Art Gallery, starting from 24 to 30 October 2005,

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

2nd International Music Festival Phnom Penh 2005

4th - 9th November 2005
Chaktomouk Theater
daily at 7 pm

East - West - Dialogue
Ensembles and Soloists from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Germany and USA

Presented by
Foundation for the Advancement of Western Classical Perfoming Arts

ticket reservation 012 834517

Friday, October 21, 2005

Vierge Moderne

Vierge Moderne
Poems by EdithSodergran rendered from Swedish to Khmer.
Book launch party at le Cafe du Centre, French Cultural Centre, #118 Street 284. Friday 21 Oct.
6:30 pm.
Vegeteran buffet and punch.
From the Literature Association Cambodia-Sweden
Sponsored by the Embassy of Finland in Bangkok.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Le Popil

Fw: What's new in Phnom Penh ? Popil PhotoGallery.

What is new in Phnom Penh? Le Popil photography gallery is now open.
Stephane Janin is a photograph who came to Cambodia since 1990. He is
opening a beautiful space dedicated to photography. If you have time to
check it out, it woth it. Look at the attached file for information.

Quoi de neuf a Phnom Penh? La galerie Le Popil est ouvert. Stephane Janin
est un photograph qui est venu au Cambodge depuis 1990. Il ouvre un
magnifique espace dedie a la photographie. Si vous avez le temps, allez
jeter un coup d oeil, cela vaut le detour. Regarder le fichier joint pour
plus d information.

Linda Saphan





Photography by Simon Toffanello



"Simon Toffanello has lived in Cambodia for the past three years and has toured extensively through it's untravelled lands. His ongoing "Roam Cambodia" project reflects that journey and adventure in an innocent developing country, an often humorous land of contradictions and paradoxes.


The photographs presented here are primarily concerned with a sense of place, space and atmosphere, of simply being there in an unfamiliar landscape, modern Cambodia as seen by an outsider. These images positively steer away from social documentary photography, this is travel photography less travelled, revealing the colour of ordinariness in a country as it is reborn from a dark history.


Simon Toffanello studied fine art and filmmaking at St Martins College of Art in London, his still images echo a cinematic feel, fragments of a narrative, life captured in one image that draw you to visualize what came before or might come in the next. His double and triptych photographs are reminiscent of magazine photo stories or split-screen movies, simple pictorial time jumps of varying lengths that encourage the viewer to fill in the time gaps.


After completing his degree Simon went on to make award winning short films that played at film festivals in Europe and the UK before concentrating on still photography. He has also helped to start, managed and taught a tri-weekly photography class to university students in Phnom Penh, culminating in successful end of course exhibits by students not previously interested in photography. Simon currently lives and works in Phnom Penh combining his personal projects with commercial work".



Originally scheduled to open Wenesday, October 12, ROAMCambodia will open Friday, October 21, 6 – 9 pm.


We are very sorry for the inconvenience.  We hope that you will join us next week at the opening where Simon will make a one-time presentation of his complete portfolio in addition to the exhibition display.


Java Café & Gallery

56 E1 Sihanouk Blvd

012-833-512, 023-987-420

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Le Cid


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Conference 6 octobre

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh
00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125

e-mail :


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Lire en fête 2005 au C.C.F

The French Cultural Centre is having its annual Book Festival soon. If you'd like to participate, please apply!

Last year's event was a great mix of local and international publishers of all kinds. See below for application form.
Subject: Lire en fête 2005 au C.C.F

Bonjour à tous,

J’ai l’honneur de vous informer que la Médiathèque du Centre culturel français du Cambodge organisera son opération LIRE EN FETE les 24, 25 et 26 novembre prochains. L’objectif de cette manifestation sera de promouvoir et de valoriser l’écrit, le livre et la lecture au Cambodge sous toutes ses formes.

Comme en 2003 et 2004, elle sera l’occasion d’organiser un « salon du livre et de l’édition cambodgienne » par le biais duquel éditeurs, O.N.G disposant d'une unité de publication, libraires, auteurs, pourraient rencontrer le public, présenter et vendre leurs publications (en khmer ou en français).

Elle sera encore l’occasion de dérouler toute une série d’animations autour du livre et de la lecture : contes, jeux autour du livre, rencontres littéraires, expositions, projections de films, pour tous types de publics (enfants et adultes).

Dans cette perspective, nous serions très heureux de votre participation et vous invitons à une réunion de préparation de l’opération qui se tiendra :

Le jeudi 27 octobre à 9H30

Au Centre culturel français

Salle audiovisuelle

(Rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment principal)

Afin de préparer cette réunion dans les meilleures conditions, nous vous serions reconnaissants de nous retourner la fiche d’inscription jointe dès que possible.

Comptant sur votre participation, je vous prie d’agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments très distingués.

Pierre Andricq

Responsable de la Médiathèque-centre d'information
Centre culturel français du Cambodge
N°218, rue Kéo Chéa (184)
BP 827 - Phnom Penh
Tél.: (855) 012.802.702
Télécopie: (855) 023.721.384


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Em Rien Exposition


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.