Friday, August 26, 2005

REYUM: New Exhibition Opening!


Institute of Arts and Cultures

Exhibition opening



Opening: Tuesday, August 30, 2005

From 5 to 8 pm

(August – October)

At Reyum Institute

#47 Street 178, Phnom Penh

(Next to the National Museum)

Tel: (855) 023 217 149

With the support of:

The Albert Kunstadter Family Foundation

Ingrid’s Bequest Fund for Reyum

The exhibition:

This exhibition displays works of 14 young artists graduated after 4 years of studies at Reyum Art School, as well as samples of works of the younger students still studying at the school. The paintings show, both traditional and contemporary themes with various interpretations from the students.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Training for Khmer Librarians

Courtesy 'SIPAR':
Soutien Initiative Privée de l’aide des pays de Sud-Est Asiatiques
Click for more information. (In Khmer)



Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS) is happy to invite you for the Première of the new theatre circus performance

"Holiday Ban touy ban tom"
Second part of the evening, you will see the theater circus show
"Phum Style"

Those two shows, that will tour in Europa this winter, will carry you in different universes of Cambodia, from the countryside to the slummiest parts of the towns!

Come to enjoy with us on

Sunday 28th, August at 7 PM


Monday 29th, August at 7 PM

Performances will be done in

Phare Ponleu Selpak Cicus Tent
Anch Anh Village
Ocha Commune
Battambang District
(near Wat Tourl Donpok)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Logo Design Contest

Graphic Designer, Graphic Artists, Computer Lovers, and Web Enthusiasts

The Youth and Development project of the Open Forum of Cambodia is
launching a logo design contest to provide a chance to win a small
award. Please read this for further info:

Please help forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues.

Thanks very much indeed!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lakhaon Khaol

Tonight at 7pm, exhibition centre next to the national theatre: Lakhaon Khaol (Male Masked dance) preview performance upcoming Melbourne festival tour in October. All welcome, free admission

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Transit, an art exhibition in PP

Dear friends,
This coming Wednesday, August 17 at 6pm, Michele and Sopheap will have an
art exhibition in Java Cafe and Gallery.
You will find enclosed an invitation which will allow you to have a small
look on their works. There will be installation, sculpture, drawing and
Looking forward to see you there,
Best to you,

Chers amis,
Ce mercredi 10 aout a 18h, Michele et Sopheap vont avoir une exposition
d'art a Java cafe et gallery.
Ci-joint une invitation avec des images de leurs oeuvres. Il y aura des
installations, des sculptures, des dessins et peintures.
Au plaisir de vous voir a l exposition,
Bien a vous,

Linda Saphan

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Les Artistes Du Theatre Brule

Les Artistes Du Theatre Brule

Friday, August 05, 2005

Public Seminar: Professor Jeffrey D Sachs

Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in Cambodia
Public Seminar
Speaker: Professor Jeffrey D Sachs
Direcotr of UN Millennium Project and Special Adivsor to UN Secretary Genearl on the Millennium Development Goals
We would like to invite young people and members of civil society to a public seminar by renowned world economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs who will raise awareness of the Cambodian Millennium Development Goals and discuss support for their achievement and outline the UN Secretary General's new reform agenda 'In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all.'
Date: Monday 8 August 2005
Time: 10:30 - 12:00 (lecture commences at 11.00 hours)
Venue: Royal University of Phnom Penh, Room 002, Ground Floor, Main Campus, Confederation of Russia Boulevard, Phnom Penh
Contact: 023 216 167  or 012 555 605

Tuesday, August 02, 2005



'350' an exhibition in Siem Reap
(Click for larger image)

Douglas Pierre Baulos, Matthew Posey and myself will have an exhibition opening this Friday August 5th in Siem Reap at the Linga at 6:30pm(near to the Red Piano bar).
Here enclosed the invitation, hope to see many of you there.
Best regards,
Linda Saphan

Workshop: "Meeting with Classic Artists"


The Association for Cambodian Artist Friends is conducting a workshop “Meeting with Classic Artists”.


Where:             At the Wat Phnom Permanent Exhibition Center  (at the north of Wat Phnom opposite Sunway Hotel.)


When:               From 7:30am to 11:00am. Free cool drinks and snacks.


Who:                Mr.CHAN SIM, an classic artist and a sculptural professor at University

of Fine Arts will speak in the workshop of:

-          Duty of Khmer sculpture art on protecting Khmer identity in the past to present.

-          Khmer fine art style

Monday, August 01, 2005

A Certain Grace

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.